< Isaiah 57 >

1 Righteous people [sometimes] die [when they are still young], and no one is concerned about it. Godly people [sometimes] die because of disasters, and no one understands why. They are taken away in order that they will not endure more calamities,
Le juste périt, et il n’est personne qui y pense en son cœur; les hommes de miséricorde sont enlevés du monde, parce qu’il n’est personne qui ait de l’intelligence; car c’est à cause de la malice qu’a été enlevé le juste.
2 and now they have peace. They [continually] lived righteously, and [now] they rest [peacefully] in their graves.
Vienne la paix; qu’il repose sur sa couche, celui qui a marché dans sa ligne droite.
3 [Yahweh says, ] “But you who practice sorcery, come here! You who worship idols [MET], [listen to me]!
Mais vous, approchez ici, fils d’une devineresse, race d’un adultère et d’une prostituée.
4 Do you realize [RHQ] whom you are ridiculing, and whom you are insulting? Do you realize [RHQ] to whom you are sticking out your tongues? [You are insulting me, Yahweh]! You are [RHQ] always rebelling against me and always lying.
De qui vous êtes-vous joués? contre qui avez-vous ouvert la bouche et tiré la langue? Est-ce que vous n’êtes pas, vous, des fils criminels, une race mensongère?
5 You are eager to have sex under every [big] green tree where you worship your gods. You kill your children as sacrifices [to your idols] in the dry riverbeds, and [also] offer them [as sacrifices to your idols] in the rocky caves.
Vous qui vous consolez dans vos dieux, sous tout arbre feuillu; immolant vos enfants dans les torrents, sous les pierres avancées?
6 [You take big] smooth stones from the riverbeds and worship them as your gods. You pour out [wine] to be an offering to them, and you bring grain [to burn for] an offering to them. Do you think that I should not punish you for doing all those things?
Dans les parties d’un torrent est ta part; c’est là ton sort; et tu y as répandu une libation, tu as offert un sacrifice. Est-ce que de cela je ne serai pas indigné?
7 You have sex [EUP] [with cult prostitutes] on every hill and mountain, and you go there to offer sacrifices [to your gods].
Sur une montagne haute et élevée, tu as posé ton lit; tu y es montée afin d’immoler des hosties.
8 You have put (fetishes/pagan symbols) behind your doors and doorposts, and you have deserted me. You have taken off your clothes [EUP] and climbed into your bed and invited more [of your lovers] to come to bed with you. You have paid them to have sex with you, and you have fondled their sexual organs.
Et derrière la porte, et en arrière du poteau tu as placé ton souvenir; parce que près de moi tu as découvert ta couche, et tu as reçu des adultères; tu as agrandi ton lit et tu as fait avec eux une alliance; tu as aimé leur couche à main ouverte.
9 You have given [fragrant] oil and lots of perfume to your god Molech, and you sent messengers to distant countries [to find other gods to worship]; you [even tried to] send [messengers] to the place of the dead [to search for new gods]. (Sheol h7585)
Et tu t’es parée d’un parfum royal, et tu as multiplié tes essences. Tu as envoyé des messagers au loin, et tu as été abaissée jusqu’aux enfers. (Sheol h7585)
10 You became weary because of doing all those things, but you never said, ‘It is useless [for us to do that].’ You found new strength for worshiping idols, so you continued to do that [LIT].
Dans la multitude de les voies, tu t’es fatiguée, tu n’as pas dit: Je me reposerai. Tu as trouvé la vie de ta main, à cause de cela tu ne m’as pas prié.
11 Was it because you were afraid [of those idols more than you were afraid of me] that you lied [about what you were doing], and you do not even think about [DOU, RHQ] me? Was it because I did not punish you for a long time that you are not afraid of me [RHQ]?
Qui t’a rendue inquiète, qui as-tu craint, après que tu as menti, que tu ne t’es pas souvenue de moi, tu n’as pas pensé en ton cœur? C’est parce que je me tais, et que je suis comme ne voyant pas, que tu m’as oublié.
12 You [think that] [IRO] the things that you have done are right, but I will tell the truth. It will not help you to do any of those things.
Pour moi j’annoncerai ta justice, et tes œuvres ne te serviront pas.
13 When you cry out [for help] to your collection of idols, they will not rescue you. The wind will blow them away [DOU]. But those who trust in me will live in the land [of Israel], and [they will worship me on Zion], my sacred hill.”
Lorsque tu crieras, qu’ils te délivrent ceux que tu as rassemblés, et un vent les emportera, une brise les enlèvera. Mais celui qui a confiance en moi héritera de la terre, et il possédera ma montagne sainte.
14 Yahweh will say, “Prepare [yourselves to receive] me, [like] [MET] people build and prepare a road [for a king to come on]. Get rid of [the things that are causing you to sin] [like] [MET] people remove from a road (obstacles/things that cause people to stumble).
Et je dirai: Faites une voie, préparez un chemin, détournez-vous du sentier, ôtez les pierres d’achoppement de la voie de mon peuple.
15 Because this is what [I], Yahweh, who am holy and greatly honored and who live forever, say: I live in the highest heaven, where [everything] is holy, but I also am with those who are humble and who are sorry for the sinful things that they have done. I will greatly encourage [DOU] those who have repented.
Parce que voici ce que dit le Très-Haut, le sublime, qui habite l’éternité, et dont le nom est saint, et qui habite dans un lieu très élevé, et dans un lieu saint, et avec un coeur contrit et un esprit humble, afin de vivifier l’esprit des humbles et le cœur des contrits.
16 I will not accuse [people] forever; I will not always be angry [with them], because [if I did that], people would become weak/discouraged; all the people whom I created and caused to live would die.
Car je ne disputerai pas éternellement, et je ne me mettrai pas en colère pour toujours: parce qu’un esprit sortira de ma face, et que je créerai des souffles de vie.
17 I was angry [with my people] because they sinned by wanting the things that others had. So because I was angry, I punished them and turned away from them, but they continued sinning.
À cause de l’iniquité de son avarice, j’ai été irrité, et je l’ai frappé; je t’ai caché ma face, et j’ai été indigné; et il est allé, vagabond, dans la voie de son cœur.
18 I have seen the evil things that they continually do, but I will restore them and lead them. I will encourage/comfort them. And to those who are mourning,
Ses voies, je les ai vues, et je l’ai guéri, et je l’ai ramené, et je lui ai rendu des consolations, à lui et à ceux qui le pleuraient.
19 I will enable them to sing songs to praise me. I will restore [all my people], those who live near [Jerusalem] and those who live far away, and I will cause things to go well for them.
J’ai créé un fruit de lèvres, paix, paix pour celui qui est loin, et pour celui qui est proche, dit le Seigneur, et je les ai guéris.
20 Wicked [people do not have peace in their inner beings]; they are like [SIM] a sea [whose waves are] always churning up mud,
Mais les impies sont comme une mer impétueuse qui ne peut s’apaiser, et dont les îlots rejettent de l’écume et du limon.
21 and [I], Yahweh, say that things will never (go well/be peaceful) for those who are evil.”
Il n’est pas de paix pour les impies, dit le Seigneur Dieu.

< Isaiah 57 >