< Isaiah 56 >

1 Yahweh says [to all the people of Judah], “Do the things that are fair and just, because I will soon come to rescue [DOU] you.
耶和华如此说: 你们当守公平,行公义; 因我的救恩临近, 我的公义将要显现。
2 I will bless those who faithfully obey my laws about the Sabbath/rest days. I will bless those who (keep sacred/honor) my Sabbath/rest days, and who do not do any work on those days, and who refrain from [MTY] doing anything that is evil.
谨守安息日而不干犯, 禁止己手而不作恶; 如此行、如此持守的人便为有福。
3 And foreigners who have believed in me should not say, ‘Yahweh will surely not allow me to belong to his people.’ And eunuchs should not say, ‘[Because I am unable to have children, I cannot belong to Yahweh]; I am like [MET] a tree that has completely withered.’
与耶和华联合的外邦人不要说: 耶和华必定将我从他民中分别出来。 太监也不要说:我是枯树。
4 They should not say that, because [I], Yahweh, say this to the eunuchs who obey my laws about the Sabbath, and who choose to do the things that please me, and who obey all [the other laws of] the agreement that I [made with the Israeli people]:
因为耶和华如此说: 那些谨守我的安息日, 拣选我所喜悦的事, 持守我约的太监,
5 I will cause to be put inside the walls of my temple a monument [DOU] to them; because of that monument, they will be honored more than they would have if they had children; they will be honored forever.
我必使他们在我殿中, 在我墙内,有记念,有名号, 比有儿女的更美。 我必赐他们永远的名,不能剪除。
6 I will also bless those who are not Israelis, who (join themselves to/believe in) me, and who serve me and worship and love me, and who obey my laws about the Sabbath, and who faithfully obey [all the other laws of] the agreement that I [made with the Israeli people].
还有那些与耶和华联合的外邦人, 要事奉他,要爱耶和华的名, 要作他的仆人— 就是凡守安息日不干犯, 又持守他约的人。
7 I will bring them to my sacred hill [in Jerusalem], I will cause them to be [very] joyful in my temple where people pray to me, and I will accept the sacrifices that they completely burn [on my altar] and other sacrifices that they offer. I will do those things for them because I want my temple to be a building where people of all nations pray to me.
我必领他们到我的圣山, 使他们在祷告我的殿中喜乐。 他们的燔祭和平安祭, 在我坛上必蒙悦纳, 因我的殿必称为万民祷告的殿。
8 [I], Yahweh, the Lord, the one who will bring back the people of Israel who have been (forced to go/exiled) to other countries, say this: 'I will bring [from other countries] many more people to join those Israelis whom I have brought back.'”
主耶和华, 就是招聚以色列被赶散的,说: 在这被招聚的人以外, 我还要招聚别人归并他们。
9 “You [surrounding nations have armies that are like] [MET] animals in the forest; come and attack/destroy [Israel]!
田野的诸兽都来吞吃吧! 林中的诸兽也要如此。
10 The Israeli leaders [should be like] watchdogs to protect the people, but [it is as though] they are blind. They are stupid. They are all [like] [MET] dogs that cannot bark. [Good watchdogs bark when strangers approach], [but the Israeli leaders do not warn the people that their enemies are coming]. Instead, they just want to lie down and sleep and dream.
他看守的人是瞎眼的, 都没有知识, 都是哑巴狗,不能叫唤; 但知做梦,躺卧,贪睡,
11 [And they are like] greedy dogs; they never get all that they want. They are [supposed to lead the people, like good] shepherds [lead their flocks], but they are ignorant, and they each do whatever they want to do.
这些狗贪食,不知饱足。 这些牧人不能明白— 各人偏行己路, 各从各方求自己的利益。
12 They say to each other, ‘Come, let’s go and get some wine and [other] alcoholic/strong drinks, and let’s become drunk! And tomorrow we will enjoy drinking even more!’”
他们说:来吧!我去拿酒, 我们饱饮浓酒; 明日必和今日一样, 就是宴乐无量极大之日。

< Isaiah 56 >