< Isaiah 54 >
1 Yahweh says, “You [people of Jerusalem] [MET], start to sing! You [who are like] [MET] women who have never given birth to children, sing loudly and shout joyfully, because you, [who are like] [MET] childless women who have been abandoned [by their husbands], will [soon] have more children than women who have never had any children.
Fröjda dig, du ofruktsamma, du som intet föder; gläd dig med fröjd och berömmelse, du som intet hafvandes är; ty den ensamma hafver flera barn än den som man hafver, säger Herren.
2 Make your tents larger; make them wider, and fasten them firmly with tent pegs.
Förvidga din pauluns rum, och utsträck tapeten åt din tjäll; spar icke, förläng din tåg, och befäst dina pålar.
3 [You will need to make your city much larger] because [soon] you and your descendants will spread all over the land. They will force the people of [other] nations [who now live in your cities] to leave, and you will live [again] in those cities [that were previously abandoned].
Ty du skall brista ut på högra sidon och den venstra, och din säd skall ärfa Hedningarna, och bo uti de förödda städer.
4 Do not be afraid; you will no [longer] be ashamed. Previously you were ashamed [because your enemies conquered you] and caused many of your women to become widows, but [soon] you will not even remember that.
Frukta dig intet; ty du skall icke till skam varda. Var icke blödig; ty du skall icke varda till blygd, utan du skall förgäta dins jungfrudoms blygd, och din enkodoms neso icke mer ihågkomma.
5 [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, the Holy one of Israel, who rules over the whole earth, the one who created you, will be [like] [MET] a husband to you.
Ty den dig gjort hafver, han är din man; Herren Zebaoth är hans Namn; och din förlossare, den Helige i Israel, den alla verldenes Gud kallad varder.
6 You were like a woman whose husband left her, and caused you to be very sad; you were like a young woman who got married when she was [very] young, and then her husband abandoned her.
Ty Herren hafver låtit dig vara uti det ryktet, att du äst såsom en öfvergifven och af hjertat bedröfvad qvinna, och såsom en ung hustru, den bortdrifven är, säger din Gud.
7 I abandoned you [people of Jerusalem] for a while, but [now] I am saying, ‘I will take you back.’
Jag hafver uti ett litet ögnablick öfvergifvit dig; men med stor barmhertighet vill jag församla dig.
8 I was very angry with you for a while, and I turned away from you. But I will act mercifully toward you and I will faithfully love you forever. That is what [I], Yahweh, your protector, say to you.
Jag hafver, uti vredenes ögnablick, som snarast gömt bort mitt ansigte för dig; men med eviga nåd vill jag förbarma mig öfver dig, säger Herren, din förlossare.
9 During the time that Noah lived, I solemnly promised that I would never again allow a flood to cover the earth. So [now] I solemnly promise that I will not be angry with you again and (rebuke you/threaten to punish you).
Ty detta skall vara mig såsom Noahs flod; då jag svor, att Noahs flod icke mer skulle gå öfver jordena; alltså hafver jag svorit, att jag icke skall vredgas öfver dig, eller näpsa dig.
10 Even if the mountains and hills shake and collapse, I will not stop faithfully loving you, and I will not cancel my agreement to cause things to go well for you. That is what [I], Yahweh, who act mercifully, say.
Ty bergen skola väl vika, och högarna falla; men min nåd skall icke vika ifrå dig, och mins frids förbund skall icke förfalla, säger Herren, din förbarmare.
11 You [people of Jerusalem] [APO], [your enemies acted very violently toward you]; [it was as though] your city was battered by a severe storm, and no one helped you. But [now] I will cause your city to be rebuilt with stones made of (turquoise/valuable stones), and I will cause the foundations of the city to be made of (sapphires/valuable blue stones).
Du elända, öfver hvilka alle väder gå, och du tröstlösa, si, jag vill lägga dina stenar såsom en prydning, och lägga din grundval med saphirer;
12 I will cause the towers on the city wall to be made of (rubies/valuable red stones), and all the gates of the city will be made of [other] very valuable stones.
Och din fenster göra af christall, och dina portar af rubiner, och alla dina gränsor af utkorada stenar;
13 I will be the one who will teach you people and cause things to go well with you.
Och all din barn lärd af Herranom, och stor frid dinom barnom.
14 Your [government] will be strong because of acting justly/fairly; no one will (oppress you/cause you to suffer); you will not be afraid, because there will be nothing [PRS] that will (terrorize you/cause you to become extremely afraid).
Du skall genom rättfärdighet beredd varda; du skall vara långt ifrån öfvervåld och orätt, så att du icke skall torfva frukta dig derföre; och ifrå förskräckelse, ty det skall icke nalkas dig.
15 If any army attacks you, it will not be because I have incited them to do that, and you will defeat any group that attacks you.
Si, ho vill församla sig emot dig, och öfverfalla dig, då de församla sig utan mig?
16 Think about this: (Blacksmiths/Men who make things from metal) fan the coals to make a very hot flame in order to produce weapons that can be used [in battles], but I am the one who has produced blacksmiths! And I am also the one who created people who destroy [other people and cities].
Si, jag gör det, att smeden, som uppblås kolen i elden, han gör der ett tyg af, till sitt verk; ty jag gör ock, att förderfvaren förgås.
17 [But I am promising you that I will] not allow you to be defeated/injured by soldiers using weapons that have been made to attack you, and when others try to accuse you, you will (refute them/show that they are wrong). That is the reward that I will give to the people who serve me; I will defend them; that is what [I], Yahweh, promise.”
Ty hvart och ett tyg, som emot dig tillredt varder, thy skall icke väl gå; och hvar och en tunga, som sig uppsätter emot dig, den skall du fördöma i dome. Detta är Herrans tjenares arf, och deras rättfärdighet af mig, säger Herren.