< Isaiah 51 >

1 [Yahweh says], “You people who desire to act righteously/justly, who want to do what I want you to do, listen to me! Think about Abraham! [It is as though] [MET] he was a huge rock cliff; and when you [people of Israel became a nation], [it was as though] [MET] you were cut from that rock [DOU].
Nditeererei, imi munotevera kururama uye munotsvaka Jehovha: Tarirai kudombo ramakabviswa pariri naparuware pamakacherwa;
2 Think about your ancestor Abraham and [his wife] Sarah, of whom [all of] you are descendants. When I first spoke to Abraham, he had no children. But after I blessed him, he had a huge number of descendants.
tarirai kuna Abhurahama, baba venyu, nokuna Sara, akakuberekai. Pandakamudana akanga achingova mumwe chete, ndikamuropafadza ndikamuita vazhinji.
3 [Some day I], Yahweh, will encourage his descendants [again], and I will comfort all [the people who live in] the ruins [of Jerusalem]. The desert in that area will become like Eden, like the garden that I, Yahweh, [made/planted]. All the people there will be joyful and happy; they will thank me and sing.
Zvirokwazvo Jehovha achanyaradza Zioni, uye achatarira netsitsi pamusoro pamatongo aro ose; achaita magwenga aro kuti afanane neEdheni, marenje aro achafanana nebindu raJehovha. Kupembera nomufaro zvichawanikwa mariri, kuvonga nenzwi rokuimba.
4 My people of Judah, listen carefully [DOU] to me, because [I want you to] proclaim my laws; the just/right things that I do will be [like] [MET] a light for the people of the nations.
“Nditeererei, imi vanhu vangu; ndinzwei imi rudzi rwangu: Ndichakupai murayiro; kururamisira kwangu kuchava chiedza kundudzi.
5 I will soon/quickly rescue you [DOU]; by my power [MTY] I will bring you back [from being exiled in Babylonia] [DOU]. The people who live on islands in the ocean will wait for me [to help them], confidently expecting for me to use my power [MTY].
Kururama kwangu kwoswedera pedyo nokukurumidza, ruponeso rwangu rwuri munzira, uye ruoko rwangu ruchauyisa kururamisira kundudzi. Zviwi zvichatarira kwandiri uye zvichamirira ruoko rwangu netariro.
6 Look up at the sky, and look at the earth, [and see what they are like now], because [some day] the sky will disappear like [SIM] smoke, and the earth will wear out like [SIM] old clothes wear out, and people on the earth will die like gnats/flies. But I will rescue/save you, and you will remain free forever, and I will rule you righteously/fairly forever.
Simudzirai meso enyu kumatenga, tarirai pasi panyika; matenga achanyangarika soutsi, nyika ichasakara senguo, uye vanogaramo vachafa senhunzi. Asi ruponeso rwangu ruchagara nokusingaperi, kururama kwangu hakuzombogumi.
7 You people who know what things are right to do, and who know in your inner beings [what is written in] my laws, listen to me! Do not be afraid of people who taunt/insult you; do not be disturbed/upset when people revile you,
“Ndinzwei, imi munoziva zvakarurama, imi vanhu vane murayiro wangu mumwoyo yenyu: Musatya kuzvidza kwavanhu, uye musavhundutswa nokutuka kwavo.
8 because [some day they will be destroyed] like [MET] clothing that is eaten by ([larvae of] moths/cockroaches), like wool garments that have been eaten by worms. I will save you people, and you will be saved forever.”
Nokuti chipfuno chichavadya senguo; honye ichavadya sewuru. Asi kururama kwangu kuchagara nokusingaperi, ruponeso rwangu kuzvizvarwa zvose.”
9 Yahweh, wake up [and do something for us]! Show your power! Do mighty things like you did long ago, when you stabbed [RHQ] that sea monster/dragon Rahab and cut it into pieces.
Muka, muka! Zvishongedze nesimba, iwe ruoko rwaJehovha; muka, sepamazuva akare, sepazvizvarwa zvakare. Ko, hausiwe wakagura-gura Rahabhi, ukabaya chikara chiya here?
10 Surely you are [RHQ] the one who caused the [Red] Sea to become dry and made a path through that deep water in order that your people could cross it!
Hausiwe wakaomesa gungwa here, iyo mvura yokwakadzika zvikuru, ukaita mugwagwa makadzika megungwa kuitira kuti vakadzikinurwa vayambuke?
11 And those whom Yahweh will rescue [from being exiled in Babylonia] will [similarly] return to Jerusalem, singing. Their being joyful forever will be [like] [MET] a crown on their heads. They will not be sad or mourn any more; they will be [completely] joyful and happy.
Vakasunungurwa vaJehovha vachadzoka. Vachapinda muZioni vachiimba; mufaro usingaperi uchava korona pamisoro yavo. Mufaro nokupembera zvichafashukira, uye kusuwa nokukahadzika zvichatiza.
12 [Yahweh says], “I am the one who encourages you. So (why are you/you should not be) [RHQ] afraid of humans who will [wither and disappear like] [MET] grass.
“Ini, iyeni, ndini iye anokunyaradzai. Ndiwe aniko unotya vanhu vanofa, vanakomana vavanhu, ivo uswa zvahwo,
13 (Why have you/You should not have) [RHQ] forgotten [me], Yahweh, the one who created your nation, the one who stretched out the sky and laid the foundations of the earth. (Why are you/You should not be) [RHQ] continually afraid of those who are angry with you and (oppress you/treat you cruelly) and want to get rid of you. [You should not be afraid of them now], because those angry people have now disappeared!
kuti ukanganwe Jehovha Muiti wako, akatatamura matenga, akateya nheyo dzenyika, kuti ugare uchitya mazuva ose nokuda kwehasha dzomumanikidzi, uyo akarerekera kukuparadza? Ko, hasha dzomumanikidzi dziripi?
14 Soon you people who have been caused to be slaves [in Babylonia] will be freed! You will not remain in prison, and you will not die of hunger,
Vasungwa vakatapwa vachakurumidza kusunungurwa; havazofiri mumakomba avo, kana kuzoshayiwa chingwa.
15 because I am Yahweh, your God, the one who stirs up the sea and causes the waves to roar; I am the Commander of the armies of angels!
Nokuti ndini Jehovha Mwari wako, anomutsa gungwa kuti mafungu aro atinhire, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose ndiro zita rake.
16 I have given you my message [MTY] to proclaim, and I have protected you with my hand [MTY]. I stretched out the sky and laid the foundation of the earth. And I am the one who says to you Israeli people, ‘You are my people!’”
Ndakaisa mashoko angu mumuromo mako, ndikakufukidza nomumvuri woruoko rwangu, iyeni ndakagadzika matenga panzvimbo yawo, iyeni ndakateya nheyo dzenyika, uye ndinoti kuZioni, ‘Muri vanhu vangu.’”
17 [You people of] [APO] Jerusalem, wake up [DOU]! You have experienced Yahweh severely punishing [MTY] you. Yahweh has caused you to suffer much, all that he wanted you to suffer, like [MET] someone who causes another person to suffer by forcing him to drink every drop of [MTY] a cupful of bitter liquid.
Muka, muka! Simuka, iwe Jerusarema, iwe wakanwa kubva muruoko rwaJehovha, mukombe wehasha dzake, iwe wakasveta kusvikira wapera kuti tsvai, iwo mukombe unoita kuti vanhu vadzedzereke.
18 [Now] you do not have any children who are alive [DOU] and able to take your hand and guide you.
Pavanakomana vose vaakabereka pakanga pasina anomutungamirira; pavanakomana vose vaakarera pakanga pasina aimusesedza noruoko rwake.
19 You have experienced several disasters: Your country has become desolate/deserted; [your cities have been] destroyed; [many people have] died from hunger; [many people have been] killed by your enemies’ swords. Now, there is no one [RHQ] left to console/comfort you and sympathize with you.
Njodzi mbiri idzi dzauya pamusoro pako, ndianiko angakunyaradza? Dzinoti: kuva dongo nokuparadzwa, nzara nomunondo; ndianiko anogona kukunyaradza?
20 Your children have fainted and lie in the streets; they are [as helpless as] [SIM] an antelope [that has been caught] in a net. What has happened to them is because Yahweh has been very angry with them; he has rebuked them severely.
Vanakomana vako vaziya; vanovata panotangira migwagwa, kufanana nemhara yabatwa mumumbure. Vakazadzwa nehasha dzaJehovha nokutuka kwaMwari wako.
21 So now, you people who have suffered much, [you act as though] you are drunk, but it is not because you have drunk a lot of wine.
Naizvozvo inzwa izvi, iwe munhu wokutambudzika, wakadhakiswa asi kwete newaini.
22 Yahweh, your Lord and your God, the one who argues/pleads your case, says this: “Note this: [It is as though] [MET] I have taken that cup of bitter liquid from your hands; I will not be angry with you and cause you to suffer any more.
Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha Mwari wako, anodzivirira vanhu vake, “Tarira, ndabvisa muruoko rwako mukombe wakakuita kuti udzedzereke; kubva pamukombe uyo, iwo mukombe wehasha dzangu, hauchazounwizve.
23 Instead, I will cause those who have tormented you to suffer; [I will severely punish] those who said to you, ‘Prostrate yourselves in order that we may walk on you; [lie down on your stomachs] in order that your backs will be like [SIM] streets that we can walk on.’”
Ndichauisa mumaoko avatambudzi vako, ivo vanoti kwauri, ‘Zvambarara pasi kuti tifambe napamusoro pako.’ Iwe wakaita kuti musana wako uve sapasi, kufanana nomugwagwa unofambwa nawo.”

< Isaiah 51 >