< Isaiah 50 >

1 This is [also] what Yahweh says: “You [Israeli children], do not think [RHQ] that I [forced your parents to be exiled/taken to Babylonia] [MET] like some men send away their wives after giving them a paper on which they state that they were divorcing them! I certainly did not [RHQ] get rid of you like a man who sells his children to get money to pay what he owes. No, the reason that I forced you to be exiled [was to punish you] because of the sins that you have committed [DOU].
Esta es la palabra del Señor: ¿Dónde está la carta de divorcio que le di a tu madre cuando la repudie? ¿O a cuál de mis acreedores le he dado por dinero? Fue por tus pecados que te entregaron en manos de otros, y por tu maldad fue tu madre repudiada.
2 When I came to you [to rescue you], why did no one answer when I called out to you [RHQ]? Was there no one there [RHQ]? Or, did you think that I do not have the power [MTY] to rescue you [DOU]? Think about this: I can speak to a sea and cause it to become dry! I can cause rivers to become deserts, with the result that the fish in the rivers die from thirst and they rot.
¿Por qué, entonces, cuando vine, no había nadie? ¿Y nadie para dar respuesta a mi voz? ¿Mi mano se ha vuelto débil, de modo que es incapaz de rescatarlos? ¿O no tengo poder para hacerte libre? Mira, en mi palabra el mar se seca, hago de los ríos una tierra baldía; sus peces están muertos por la necesidad de agua, y hacen un mal olor.
3 I cause the sky to become dark, [as though] [MET] it was wearing black clothes [because it was mourning because someone had died].”
Por mí, los cielos se visten de negro, y yo les pongo la túnica de tristeza.
4 Yahweh our God has given me his wise message [MTY] in order that I may encourage those who are weary. Each morning he awakens me, in order that I [SYN] may listen to what he teaches [SIM] me.
El Señor Dios me ha dado la lengua de sabios, para que yo pueda dar a la palabra de aliento a los débiles; todas las mañanas mi oído está abierto a su enseñanza, como un sabio.
5 Yahweh our God has spoken to me [IDM], and I have not rejected what he told me; I have accepted [LIT] it.
Y no me he puesto contra él, ni he dejado que mi corazón se aparte de él.
6 I allowed people to beat me on my back and to pull out the whiskers in my beard [because they hated me]. I did not turn away [MTY] from them when they made fun of me and spat on me.
Estaba ofreciendo mi espalda a quienes me daban golpes, y mi rostro a quienes me arrancaban la barba; no mantenía mi rostro cubierto de los que me escupían e insultaban.
7 But, because the Lord our God helps me, I will never be humiliated. Therefore, I am strongly determined [IDM] to face/endure difficulties, and I know that nothing will cause me to be ashamed.
Porque el Señor Dios me ayudará; No seré avergonzado; así que he puesto mi rostro como un pedernal.
8 God, the one who vindicates me, is near to me; so if anyone [RHQ] stands in front of me and accuses me in a court, he will not be able [to show that I have done anything that is wrong].
Mi defensor está cerca. ¿Quién irá a la ley conmigo? Unámonos ante el juez ¿quién está contra mí causa? que se acerque a mí.
9 The Lord our God defends me [in court], so no one [RHQ] will be able to (condemn me/declare that I am guilty). All those who accuse me will disappear like [SIM] old clothes that have been eaten by ([larvae of] moths/cockroaches).
Mira, el Señor Dios es mi ayudante; ¿Quién tomará una decisión en mi contra? En verdad, todos ellos envejecerán como una túnica; Serán alimento para el gusano.
10 If you revere Yahweh and do what his servant tells you to do, even if you are (walking in darkness/enduring suffering), and it seems that [MET] there is no light, trust in Yahweh your God [DOU] [to help you].
¿Quién de ustedes tiene el temor del Señor que escucha la voz de su siervo; que ha estado caminando en la oscuridad y no tiene luz? Deje que ponga su fe en el nombre del Señor, buscando apoyo en su Dios.
11 But you people who [oppose me], [who would like to throw] me into a blazing fire, walk in your own fires and burn yourselves with your own torches! This is what Yahweh will cause to happen to you: You will be enduring great torment when you die [EUP]!
Vean, todos ustedes que hacen un fuego, armándose con ramas ardientes; vayan a la llama de su fuego, y entre las ramas que han encendido. Esto tendrás de mi mano, harás tu cama en tormento.

< Isaiah 50 >