< Isaiah 48 >
1 [Yahweh says], “You descendants [MTY] of Jacob, who are [also] descendants of Judah and are now called [the people of] Israel, Listen to me! You make solemn promises using my name, Yahweh, and you request that I, the God to whom you Israeli people belong, [will hear you], but you do not do it sincerely.
Klausāties šo, Jēkaba nams, ko sauc pēc Israēla vārda un kas iztecējuši no Jūda avota, kas zvērējāt pie Tā Kunga vārda un pieminat Israēla Dievu, bet nevis patiesībā nedz taisnībā!
2 You say that you live in the holy city [of Jerusalem], and [you insincerely say] that you are relying on me, the God to whom you [people of] Israel belong, the one who is the Commander of the armies of angels.
Jo tie nosaucās pēc tās svētās pilsētas un paļaujas uz Israēla Dievu; Kungs Cebaot ir viņa vārds.
3 Long ago I [MTY] predicted what would happen [DOU]. And then suddenly, I caused those things to happen.
“Tās priekšējās lietas Es sen jau esmu pasludinājis, un no Manas mutes tās nākušas, un Es tās esmu darījis zināmas. Piepeši tās esmu izdarījis, un tās notikušas.
4 I knew that you people are very stubborn; I knew that your heads are [MET] [as hard as] iron or brass [DOU].
Es zināju tevi esam stūrgalvīgu, un ka tavs pakausis ir dzelzs gabals un tava piere varš.
5 That is why I told you those things long ago. Long before they occurred, I announced that they would occur, in order that [when they happened] you could not say ‘Our idols did it; our statue made of wood and our idol made of metal caused them to happen.’
Tādēļ tev to sen esmu pasludinājis, pirms tas notika, Es tev to esmu devis dzirdēt, ka tu nesacītu: mans elkadievs to darījis un mans tēls un mana bilde to pavēlējuši.
6 You have heard those things [that I predicted] and now you have seen that they have all occurred, so why do you not admit it [RHQ]? Now I will tell you new things, things that you have not known previously.
Tu to esi dzirdējis, redzi nu visu to! Vai tad jums to nebūs pasludināt? No šā brīža Es tev daru zināmas jaunas lietas un apslēptas lietas, ko tu nezini.
7 I am causing them to happen now; they are not things I did long ago. So you cannot say, ‘We already knew about those things.’
Tagad tās radītas un nevis sen, un ne dienu iepriekš tu no tām neesi dzirdējis, lai nevari sacīt: redzi, es to esmu zinājis.
8 [I will tell you about] things that you have never heard about or understood before. Even long ago you did not pay attention to me [IDM]. I know that you act very deceitfully/treacherously; you have rebelled against me since you first became a nation [MTY].
To tu neesi ne dzirdējis ne zinājis nedz tava auss senāk bijusi atdarīta. Jo Es zināju, ka tu esi pavisam neuzticams, un ka no mātes miesām tevi sauc (par) pārkāpēju.
9 But, for my own sake, in order that I will be honored, I will not punish [MTY] you immediately and I will not completely get rid of you.
Sava vārda dēļ Es Savu dusmību pavilcināju, un Savas slavas dēļ Es savaldos tev par labu, ka tevi neizdeldu.
10 I have purified you, but not the way [people refine] silver. Instead, I have caused you to suffer very much [to get rid of your impure behavior], like [MET] [people put metal in a very hot] furnace [to get rid of the impurities].
Redzi, Es tevi esmu šķīstījis, tomēr nekā sudrabu, Es tevi esmu pārbaudījis bēdu ceplī.
11 But for my [MTY] own sake I will delay punishing you more; I will do it for my own sake in order that my reputation will not be damaged [RHQ]. I will not allow any [person or any idol] to be honored as I [deserve to be] honored.”
Manis dēļ, Manis dēļ Es to daru, lai(Mans vārds) netop zaimots. Un Savu godu Es nedošu citam.
12 “You descendants [MTY] of Jacob, you people of Israel whom I have chosen, listen to me! [Only] I am God; I am the one who begins everything and who causes everything to end.
Klausies uz Mani, Jēkab, un Israēl, Manis aicināts, Es tas esmu, Es tas pirmais un Es tas pēdīgais.
13 I [SYN] am the one who laid the foundation of the earth. I stretched out the sky with my hand. And when I tell [the stars] to appear, they all do what I tell them.
Tiešām, Mana roka zemi ir likusi, un Mana labā roka izplātījusi debesis; kad Es uz tām saucu, tad tās visnotaļ stāv.
14 All of you, gather together and listen to me. None of your idols has [RHQ] told this to you: I, Yahweh, have chosen [Cyrus] to assist me, and he will do to Babylon what I want him to do, and his army will get rid of [the army of] Babylonia.
Sapulcējaties visi un klausāties, kurš no šiem šīs lietas pasludinājis? Tas, ko Tas Kungs mīl, tas izdarīs Viņa prātu pret Bābeli, un Viņa elkonis būs pret Kaldejiem.
15 I have said it; I have summoned [Cyrus]. I have appointed him, and he will accomplish everything that he attempts to do.
Es, Es to esmu runājis, un Es viņu esmu aicinājis, Es viņam likšu nākt, un viņa ceļš labi izdosies.
16 Come close to me and listen to what I say. Long ago [MTY] I told you plainly/clearly [LIT] [what would happen], and when those things occurred, I was [causing them to happen].” And now Yahweh the Lord and his Spirit have sent me [to give you a message].
Nākat klāt pie Manis, klausāties šo: no iesākuma Es nekā neesmu runājis slepenībā, (bet) no tā laika, kad tas sācies, es še esmu.” Un nu Tas Kungs Dievs mani sūtījis un Viņa Garu.
17 This is what Yahweh, the one who saves you, the Holy God of [us] Israelis, says: “I am Yahweh, your God; I teach you what is important for you [to know]; I direct you and lead you to the roads that you should walk on [MET].
Tā saka Tas Kungs, tavs Pestītājs, tas Svētais iekš Israēla: Es Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, Es tevi mācu, kas piederas, Es tevi vadu pa to ceļu, kur jāiet.
18 I wish that you had paid attention to my commands! If you had done that, things would have gone well for you like [SIM] a river that flows gently; you would have been successful again and again, like [SIM] waves that come without ceasing.
Kaut tu Manus baušļus liktu vērā, tad tavs miers būtu kā upe, un tava taisnība kā jūras viļņi.
19 Your descendants would have been [as many as] [MET] the grains of sand [on the seashore] [which no one can count]. I would not have needed to get rid of you; the country of [MTY] [Israel] would not have been destroyed.”
Un tavs dzimums būtu kā smiltis, un tavas miesas augļi kā viņu zvirgzdes, un viņa vārds neizzustu nedz taptu izdeldēts Manā priekšā.
20 [However, now I tell you], leave Babylon! Flee from [being slaves of the people of] Babylonia! Proclaim this message joyfully; send it to the most remote/distant places on the earth: Yahweh freed the people of Israel [from being slaves in Egypt].
Ejat ārā no Bābeles, bēdziet no Kaldejiem, ar prieka balsīm sludinājiet, dariet to zināmu, izpaudiet to līdz zemes galiem, sakāt: Tas Kungs Savu kalpu Jēkabu atpestījis.
21 They were not thirsty when he led them through the desert, because he split open the rock and caused water to gush/flow out for them [to drink].
Un tie neizslāpa, kad Viņš tos vadīja pa tuksnesi, Viņš tiem ūdeni iztecināja no klints un šķēla klinti, ka ūdens iztecēja.
22 “But things will not go well [like that] for wicked people,” says Yahweh.
Bet bezdievīgiem nav miera, saka Tas Kungs.