< Isaiah 46 >

1 [It is as though] Bel and Nebo, the statues of the gods [of Babylonia], are bowing down as those statues are put on animals and carried away! The statues are heavy burdens and will cause the animals to become tired [SAR]!
Confractus est Bel, contritus est Nabo; facta sunt simulacra eorum bestiis et jumentis, onera vestra gravi pondere usque ad lassitudinem.
2 [It seems like] both gods are bowing down; not only can they not save themselves, but they themselves are being (exiled/taken to another country)!
Contabuerunt, et contrita sunt simul; non potuerunt salvare portantem, et anima eorum in captivitatem ibit.
3 [Yahweh says], “You descendants of Jacob who were exiled, [I am not like the gods of Babylonia that must be carried]; [instead, it is as though] I have carried you since you first became a nation [MET]. I carried you [even] before you became a nation.
Audite me, domus Jacob, et omne residuum domus Israël; qui portamini a meo utero, qui gestamini a mea vulva.
4 I will be your God, and I will carry you for many years, until [it is as though] [MET] your nation is an old man with gray hair. I caused [you to become a nation], and I will sustain you and rescue you.
Usque ad senectam ego ipse, et usque ad canos ego portabo; ego feci, et ego feram; ego portabo, et salvabo.
5 There is certainly [RHQ] no one to whom I can be compared. There is [RHQ] no one who is equal to me [DOU].
Cui assimilastis me, et adæquastis, et comparastis me, et fecistis similem?
6 [So it is stupid/ridiculous that] some people pour out gold and silver from their bags and weigh it on a scale. [Then] they hire a man who makes things from gold to make an idol from it. [After he makes an idol], they bow down and worship it!
Qui confertis aurum de sacculo, et argentum statera ponderatis, conducentes aurificem ut faciat deum, et procidunt, et adorant.
7 They lift it up and carry it on their shoulders. They put it in a [special] place, and it stays there. It cannot move! And when someone prays to it, it does not answer. So [obviously] it cannot rescue anyone from his troubles!
Portant illum in humeris gestantes, et ponentes in loco suo, et stabit, ac de loco suo non movebitur: sed et cum clamaverint ad eum, non audiet; de tribulatione non salvabit eos.
8 [You people of Judah], do not forget this; keep thinking about it, you sinful people!
Mementote istud, et confundamini; redite, prævaricatores, ad cor.
9 Think about the things [that I did] long ago. Only I am God; I am God, and there is no one like me.
Recordamini prioris sæculi, quoniam ego sum Deus, et non est ultra deus, nec est similis mei.
10 Only I can tell what will happen in the future before it occurs; I tell it long before it happens. I will accomplish everything that I plan to accomplish, and I will do everything that I want to do.
Annuntians ab exordio novissimum, et ab initio quæ necdum facta sunt, dicens: Consilium meum stabit, et omnis voluntas mea fiet.
11 So I will summon [someone to come] from the east [like a swift and powerful] eagle; he will come from a distant country. He will accomplish what I want him to. [He is the one who] will do what I have said that I want him to do, what I have planned.
Vocans ab oriente avem, et de terra longinqua virum voluntatis meæ: et locutus sum, et adducam illud; creavi et faciam illud.
12 You stubborn people [of Israel], [you think that] it will be a long time before you are allowed to return to your own country.
Audite me, duro corde, qui longe estis a justitia.
13 But I will rescue you, and it will not be a long time [before that happens]. I will do it soon. I will rescue Jerusalem and show to you Israeli [people] that I am glorious.”
Prope feci justitiam meam, non elongabitur, et salus mea non morabitur. Dabo in Sion salutem, et in Israël gloriam meam.

< Isaiah 46 >