< Isaiah 42 >

1 [Yahweh says, “I want you people to know about] my servant, whom I encourage. I have chosen him, and I am pleased with him. I have given him my Spirit, and he will make certain that all the people-groups do what is right/just.
Katso, minun palvelijani, jota minä tuen, minun valittuni, johon minun sieluni mielistyi. Minä olen pannut Henkeni häneen, hän levittää kansakuntiin oikeuden.
2 He will not [show his power by] shouting [DOU] or by talking very loudly.
Ei hän huuda eikä korota ääntään, ei anna sen kuulua kaduilla.
3 He will not get rid of [anyone who is weak like] [MET] a smashed reed, and he will not [end the life of anyone who is helpless like] [MET] someone would extinguish a dimly burning wick [of an oil lamp]. He will faithfully/continually make sure that judges decide cases justly.
Särjettyä ruokoa hän ei muserra, ja suitsevaista kynttilänsydäntä hän ei sammuta. Hän levittää oikeutta uskollisesti.
4 He will not become exhausted or discouraged all during the time that he is causing things to be done justly throughout the earth. Even [people living on the islands in] [MTY] the oceans will confidently wait for [him to teach them] his laws.”
Hän itse ei sammu eikä murru, kunnes on saattanut oikeuden maan päälle, ja merensaaret odottavat hänen opetustansa.
5 Yahweh our God created the sky and spread it out. He also created the earth and everything on it. He gives breath to all the people on the earth; he causes them to live [DOU]. [And he is the one who says to his special servant],
Näin sanoo Jumala, Herra, joka on luonut taivaan ja levittänyt sen, joka on tehnyt maan laveuden ja mitä siinä kasvaa, antanut henkäyksensä kansalle, joka siinä on, ja hengen niille, jotka siellä vaeltavat:
6 “I, Yahweh, have chosen you to show people that I always act righteously/fairly. I will grasp your hand and protect you, and I will present you to [my Israeli] people to be the one who will put into effect my agreement with them. [You will be like] a light to the [other] nations.
Minä, Herra, olen vanhurskaudessa kutsunut sinut, olen tarttunut sinun käteesi, varjellut sinut ja pannut sinut kansoille liitoksi, pakanoille valkeudeksi,
7 You will enable blind [IDM] people to see, you will free those who are in prison (OR, who are bound [by the guilt of their sins]) [MET] and release those who are in dark dungeons.
avaamaan sokeat silmät, päästämään sidotut vankeudesta, pimeydessä istuvat vankihuoneesta.
8 I am Yahweh; that is my name. I will not allow anyone else to receive the honor that only I deserve. And I will not allow idols to be praised like only I should be praised.
Minä, Herra, se on minun nimeni, minä en anna kunniaani toiselle enkä ylistystäni epäjumalille.
9 Everything that I have prophesied has happened, and now I will tell about other things that will happen. I will tell you things that will happen before they happen.”
Katso, entiset ovat toteen käyneet, ja uusia minä ilmoitan; ennenkuin ne puhkeavat taimelle, annan minä teidän ne kuulla.
10 Sing a new song to Yahweh! Sing to praise him throughout the world! All you people who sail across the oceans, and all you creatures that live in the oceans, and all you people who live on islands far away, sing!
Veisatkaa Herralle uusi virsi, veisatkaa hänen ylistystänsä hamasta maan äärestä, te merenkulkijat ja meri täysinensä, te merensaaret ja niissä asuvaiset.
11 You people who live in towns in the desert, sing loudly! You people who live in the Kedar [area in the north of Arabia], you rejoice also! You people in Sela [city in Edom], you also should sing joyfully; shout [to praise him] from the tops of your mountains!
Korottakoot äänensä erämaa ja sen kaupungit, kylät, joissa Keedar asuu. Riemuitkoot kallioilla asuvaiset, vuorten huipuilta huutakoot ilosta.
12 Even people who live on distant islands should honor Yahweh and sing to praise him.
Antakoot Herralle kunnian ja julistakoot hänen ylistystään merensaarissa.
13 [It will be as though] Yahweh will march out like [SIM] a mighty soldier; he will show that he is very angry. He will shout a battle-cry, and [then] he will defeat all his enemies.
Herra lähtee sotaan niinkuin sankari, niinkuin soturi hän kiihoittaa kiivautensa; hän nostaa sotahuudon ja karjuu, uhittelee vihollisiansa.
14 [He will say], “I have remained silent [DOU] for a long time; I have restrained myself [from doing what I need to do]. But now, like [SIM] a woman who is giving birth to a baby, I will cry out and gasp and pant.
Minä olen ollut vaiti ikiajoista asti, olen ollut hiljaa ja pidättänyt itseni. Mutta nyt minä huudan kuin lapsensynnyttäjä, puhallan ja puuskun.
15 I will level off the hills and mountains, and I will cause all the plants and trees to dry up. I will cause the rivers to become small streams, and little islands will appear in them, and I will cause all the pools to become dry.
Minä teen autioiksi vuoret ja kukkulat, ja kuihdutan niiltä kaiken ruohon; minä muutan virrat saariksi ja kuivaan vesilammikot.
16 [My people who have been taken to Babylonia are like] [MET] blind people, [but] I will lead them along a road on which they have not walked before, on a road that they have not seen before. They have felt [very helpless, as though] they were walking in the darkness, but I will take away that darkness and I will make smooth the road that is in front of them. Those are the things that I will do for them; I will not abandon them.
Minä johdatan sokeat tietä, jota he eivät tunne; polkuja, joita he eivät tunne, minä kuljetan heidät. Minä muutan pimeyden heidän edellään valkeudeksi ja koleikot tasangoksi. Nämä minä teen enkä niitä tekemättä jätä.
17 But those who trust in carved idols, and say to images, ‘You are our gods,’ will be completely humiliated/disgraced.”
Mutta ne peräytyvät ja joutuvat häpeään, jotka turvaavat veistettyyn kuvaan, jotka sanovat valetuille kuville: "Te olette meidän jumalamme".
18 You [Israeli people who have acted toward God like] deaf [people], listen [to what Yahweh says]! “You [who have been like] [MET] blind [people], look!
Te kuurot, kuulkaa, ja te sokeat, katsokaa ja nähkää.
19 No people are [RHQ] as blind as my people, who [should have been] serving me. No people are [RHQ] as much like [MET] deaf people as [the Israelis, who should have been] my messengers. No people are [RHQ] as much like [MET] blind people as those whom I chose to serve me.
Kuka on sokea, ellei minun palvelijani, ja kuka niin kuuro kuin minun sanansaattajani, jonka minä lähetän? Kuka on niin sokea kuin minun palkkalaiseni, niin sokea kuin Herran palvelija?
20 You see and know what are the right things to do, but you do not do them. You hear [what I say to you], but you do not pay attention.”
Paljon sinä olet nähnyt, mutta et ole ottanut varteen; korvat avattiin, mutta ei kuulla.
21 Because Yahweh is righteous, he has honored his glorious laws.
Herra on nähnyt hyväksi vanhurskautensa tähden tehdä lain suureksi ja ihanaksi.
22 But [the armies of Babylon have destroyed Jerusalem] and have completely (plundered/taken away) [DOU] all the valuable things, and they have captured Yahweh’s people and taken them away and put them in prison. They have been captured easily, because there was no one to protect them; there was no one to say that they should be allowed to return home.
Mutta tämä on raastettu ja ryöstetty kansa kaikki nuoret miehet ovat sidotut ja vankihuoneisiin kätketyt; he ovat joutuneet saaliiksi, eikä ole auttajaa, ryöstetyiksi, eikä ole, kuka sanoisi: "Anna takaisin!"
23 Who among you will listen carefully to these things? Who will pay attention from now on?
Kuka teistä ottaa tämän korviinsa, tarkkaa ja kuulee vastaisen varalta?
24 Who allowed the valuable possessions of the people of Israel to be stolen [RHQ, DOU]? It was Yahweh, because he is he one against whom we had sinned; we did not conduct our lives like he wanted us to, and we did not obey his laws.
Kuka on antanut Jaakobin ryöstettäväksi ja Israelin raastajain valtaan? Eikö Herra, jota vastaan me olemme syntiä tehneet, jonka teitä he eivät tahtoneet vaeltaa ja jonka lakia he eivät totelleet?
25 Therefore, he was extremely angry with us, and he caused our soldiers to be destroyed in battles. [It was as though] [MET] he lit a fire around us, but we did not understand [what he was trying to tell us]. [His being angry with us was like] a fire that would burn us up, but we did not pay attention [IDM].
Niin hän vuodatti Israelin päälle vihansa hehkun ja sodan tuimuuden. Se liekehti hänen ympärillään, mutta hän ei ollut tietääksensä; se poltti häntä, mutta hän ei siitä huolinut.

< Isaiah 42 >