< Isaiah 4 >

1 When that happens, [there will be very few unmarried men still alive]. [As a result], seven [unmarried] women will grab one man, and say, “Allow us [all] to marry you [IDM]! We will provide our own food and clothing. All that we want is to no longer be disgraced [because of not being married].”
И имутся седмь жен за мужа единаго, глаголющя: хлебы наш ясти будем и в ризы нашя одеватися, точию имя твое да наречется на нас, отими укоризну нашу.
2 [But] some day, Israel [MTY] will be [very] beautiful and great/glorious. The people of Israel who will still be there will be very proud of the wonderful fruit that grows in their land.
В день оный возсияет Бог в совете со славою на земли, еже вознести и прославити останок Израиля.
3 All the people who will remain in Jerusalem, who were not killed when Jerusalem was destroyed, whose names are listed among those who live there, will be [called] holy.
И будет останок в Сионе и останок во Иерусалиме, святи нарекутся вси написаннии в жизнь во Иерусалиме:
4 [That will happen when] Yahweh washes away the guilt of the women of Jerusalem, and when he stops the violence [MET] [on the streets of Jerusalem] by punishing [the people of Jerusalem]. When he does that, it will be like a fire to burn up all the impure things.
яко отмыет Господь скверну сынов и дщерей Сионских и кровь Иерусалимску очистит от среды их духом суда и духом зноя.
5 Then Yahweh will send a cloud of smoke every day and a flaming fire every night to cover Jerusalem and [all] those who gather there; it will be [like] a glorious canopy over the city
И приидет Господь, и будет все место горы Сиони, и вся яже окрест ея осенит облак во дни, и яко дыма и света огненна горяща в нощи, всею славою покрыется:
6 that will shelter the people from the sun during the daytime and protect them when there are windstorms and rain.
и будет в сень от зноя и в покров и в сокровение от жестости и дождя.

< Isaiah 4 >