< Isaiah 38 >

1 About that time, Hezekiah became [very] ill and was close to dying. [So] I went to see him. And I gave him this message: “This is what Yahweh says: ‘You should tell the people in your palace what you want them to do after you die, because you will not recover from this illness. You are going to die’”
in diebus illis aegrotavit Ezechias usque ad mortem et introivit ad eum Isaias filius Amos propheta et dixit ei haec dicit Dominus dispone domui tuae quia morieris tu et non vives
2 Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed this:
et convertit Ezechias faciem suam ad parietem et oravit ad Dominum
3 “Yahweh, do not forget that I have always served you very faithfully, and I have done things that pleased you!” Then Hezekiah [started to] cry loudly.
et dixit obsecro Domine memento quaeso quomodo ambulaverim coram te in veritate et in corde perfecto et quod bonum est in oculis tuis fecerim et flevit Ezechias fletu magno
4 [I left his room, but] Yahweh gave me this message:
et factum est verbum Domini ad Isaiam dicens
5 “Go [back] to Hezekiah and tell him that this is what I, the God to whom your ancestor King David belonged, say: ‘I have heard what you prayed, and I have seen you crying. So listen: I will enable you to live 15 years more.
vade et dic Ezechiae haec dicit Dominus Deus David patris tui audivi orationem tuam vidi lacrimam tuam ecce ego adiciam super dies tuos quindecim annos
6 And, I will rescue you and this city from the power [MTY] of the King of Assyria. I will defend this city.
et de manu regis Assyriorum eruam te et civitatem istam et protegam eam
7 And this is what I will do to prove that I will do what I have just now promised. I will cause the shadow of the sun to move ten steps backward on the sundial that was built by King Ahaz.’”
hoc autem tibi erit signum a Domino quia faciet Dominus verbum hoc quod locutus est
8 So the shadow of the sun on the sundial moved backward ten steps.
ecce ego reverti faciam umbram linearum per quas descenderat in horologio Ahaz in sole retrorsum decem lineis et reversus est sol decem lineis per gradus quos descenderat
9 When King Hezekiah was almost well again, he wrote this:
scriptura Ezechiae regis Iuda cum aegrotasset et convaluisset de infirmitate sua
10 I thought to myself, “Is it necessary for me to die and go to the place where the dead people are during this time of my life when I am still strong? Is Yahweh going to rob me of the remaining years that I [should live]?” (Sheol h7585)
ego dixi in dimidio dierum meorum vadam ad portas inferi quaesivi residuum annorum meorum (Sheol h7585)
11 I said, “I will not see Yahweh [again] in this world where people are alive. I will not see my friends again, or be with others who [now] are alive in this world.
dixi non videbo Dominum Dominum in terra viventium non aspiciam hominem ultra et habitatorem quievit
12 [It is as if] my life has been taken away like [SIM] a tent [whose pegs] have been pulled up by a shepherd and taken away. My time to live has been cut short, like a piece of cloth that a weaver [cuts and] rolls up [after he has finished weaving a cloth].” Suddenly, [it seemed that] my life was ending.
generatio mea ablata est et convoluta est a me quasi tabernaculum pastorum praecisa est velut a texente vita mea dum adhuc ordirer succidit me de mane usque ad vesperam finies me
13 I waited patiently all during the night, but [my pain was as though] [MET] I was being torn apart by lions. [It seemed that] my life was finished.
sperabam usque ad mane quasi leo sic contrivit omnia ossa mea de mane usque ad vesperam finies me
14 [I was delirious, and] I chirped like a swift or a swallow, and moaned like a dove. My eyes became tired looking up [toward heaven] for help. I cried out, Lord, help me, [because] I am distressed!’
sicut pullus hirundinis sic clamabo meditabor ut columba adtenuati sunt oculi mei suspicientes in excelsum Domine vim patior sponde pro me
15 But there was really nothing [RHQ] that I could say and ask him to reply to me, because it was Yahweh who sent this illness. [So now] I will live humbly during my [remaining] years because I am very anguished.
quid dicam aut quid respondebit mihi cum ipse fecerit recogitabo omnes annos meos in amaritudine animae meae
16 Yahweh, the sufferings (OR, the promises) that you give are good, [because] what you do and what you say bring [new] life and health to us. And you restore/heal me and allow me [to continue] to live!
Domine sic vivitur et in talibus vita spiritus mei corripies me et vivificabis me
17 Truly, my suffering was good for me; you loved me, and as a result you have rescued me from dying and have also forgiven all my sins.
ecce in pace amaritudo mea amarissima tu autem eruisti animam meam ut non periret proiecisti post tergum tuum omnia peccata mea
18 Dead people [MTY] cannot praise you; they cannot sing to praise you. Those who have descended to their graves cannot confidently expect you to faithfully [do things for them]. (Sheol h7585)
quia non infernus confitebitur tibi neque mors laudabit te non expectabunt qui descendunt in lacum veritatem tuam (Sheol h7585)
19 Only people who are still alive, like I am, can praise you. Fathers tell their children how you are faithful, [and if I remain alive, I will do the same thing].
vivens vivens ipse confitebitur tibi sicut et ego hodie pater filiis notam faciet veritatem tuam
20 [I know that] Yahweh will fully heal me, [so] I will sing to praise him while others praise him playing musical instruments; I will do that every day of my life, in the temple of Yahweh.”
Domine salvum me fac et psalmos nostros cantabimus cunctis diebus vitae nostrae in domo Domini
21 I had [previously] said to Hezekiah’s servants, “Prepare an ointment from [mashed] figs, and spread it on his boil, and then he will recover.” [So they did that, and Hezekiah recovered].
et iussit Isaias ut tollerent massam de ficis et cataplasmarent super vulnus et sanaretur
22 And Hezekiah had [previously] asked, “What will Yahweh do to prove that I will [recover and be able to] go to his temple?”
et dixit Ezechias quod erit signum quia ascendam in domo Domini

< Isaiah 38 >