< Isaiah 36 >
1 When King Hezekiah had been [ruling Judah] for almost 14 years, King Sennacherib of Assyria came [with his army] to attack the cities in Judah that had walls around them. [They did not conquer Jerusalem, but] they conquered all the other cities.
Pripetilo se je torej v štirinajstem letu kralja Ezekíja, da je asirski kralj Senaherib prišel gor zoper vsa obrambna Judova mesta in jih zavzel.
2 Then the king of Assyria sent a large army with some of his important officials from Lachish [city] to [persuade] King Hezekiah [to surrender]. When they arrived at Jerusalem, they stood in their positions alongside the aqueduct/channel in which water flows into the upper pool [into Jerusalem], near the road to the field where the women wash clothes.
Asirski kralj je poslal Rabšakéja iz Lahíša v Jeruzalem h kralju Ezekíju z veliko vojsko. In ta se je ustavil pri kanalu gornjega ribnika, na glavni cesti pralčevega polja.
3 The Israeli officials who went out of the city to talk with them were Hilkiah’s son Eliakim, the (palace administrator/man who supervised the workers in the palace), Shebna the king’s secretary, and Asaph’s son Joah, who wrote down the government decisions.
Potem so prišli k njemu Hilkijájev sin Eljakím, ki je bil nad hišo, pisar Šebná in Asáfov sin Joáh, letopisec.
4 Then one of Sennacherib’s important officials told them to take this message to Hezekiah: This is what the King of Assyria, the great king, says: “What are you trusting in to rescue you?
Rabšaké jim je rekel: »Povejte torej Ezekíju: ›Tako govori veliki kralj, kralj Asirije: ›Kakšno zaupanje je to, v katero zaupaš?‹
5 You say that you have weapons to fight us and some country’s promises [to help you], [and that will enable you to defeat us], but that is only talk [RHQ]. Who do you think will help you to rebel against my [soldiers from Assyria]?
Jaz pravim, ti govoriš (toda to so samo prazne besede) imam nasvet in moč za vojno. Torej komu zaupaš, da si se uprl zoper mene?
6 Listen to me! You are relying on [the army of] Egypt. But [that will be like] [MET] using a broken reed for a walking stick on which you could lean. [But] it would pierce the hand of anyone who would lean on it! That is what the King of Egypt would be like for anyone who relied on him [for help].
Glej, zanašaš se na palico tega zlomljenega trsta, na Egipt, na katerega, če se človek naslanja, se bo zadrl v njegovo roko in jo prebodel. Tako je faraon, egiptovski kralj, vsem, ki zaupajo vanj.
7 But perhaps you will say to me, ‘[No], we are relying on Yahweh our God [to help us].’ [I would reply], ‘Is he not the one whom [you insulted by] tearing down his shrines and altars and forcing everyone in Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah to worship [only] in front of the altar [in Jerusalem]?’
Toda če mi rečeš: ›Mi zaupamo v Gospoda, svojega Boga.‹ Mar ni to tisti, katerega visoke kraje in katerega oltarje je Ezekíja odvzel ter Judu in Jeruzalemu rekel: ›Oboževali boste pred tem oltarjem?‹
8 So I suggest that you make a deal with my master/boss, the king of Assyria. I will give you 2,000 horses, but [I do not think that] you can find 2,000 of your men who can ride on them!
Zdaj torej daj jamstva, prosim te, mojemu gospodarju, asirskemu kralju, jaz pa ti bom dal dva tisoč konjev, če boš na svoji strani nanje zmožen postaviti jezdece.
9 You are expecting the king of Egypt to send chariots and men riding horses [to assist you]. But they certainly would not [RHQ] be able to resist/defeat even the most insignificant/unimportant official in the army of Assyria!
Kako boš potem odvrnil obličje enega poveljnika, izmed najmanjših služabnikov mojega gospodarja in svoje upanje položil v Egipt zaradi bojnih vozov in konjenikov?
10 Furthermore, [do not think that] [RHQ] we have come here to attack and destroy this land without Yahweh’s orders! It is Yahweh himself who told us to come here and destroy this land!”
Sem mar sedaj brez Gospoda prišel gor zoper to deželo, da jo uničim? Gospod mi je rekel: ›Pojdi gor zoper to deželo in jo uniči.‹«
11 Then Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah said to the official from Assyria, “Please speak to us in [your] Aramaic language, because we understand it. Do not speak to us in [our] Hebrew language, because the people who are standing on the wall will understand it [and become frightened].”
Nato so Eljakím, Šebná in Joáh rekli Rabšakéju: »Govori, prosimo te, svojim služabnikom v sirskem jeziku, kajti razumemo ga in ne govori nam v judovskem jeziku v ušesa ljudstva, ki je na obzidju.«
12 But the official replied, “Do you think that my master sent me to say these things [only] to you, and not to the people standing on the wall [RHQ]? [If you reject this message], the [people in this city] will soon need to eat their own dung and drink their own urine, just like you will, [because there will be nothing more for you to eat or drink].”
Toda Rabšaké je rekel: »Me je mar moj gospodar poslal k tvojemu gospodarju in k tebi, da ti govorim te besede? Mar me ni poslal k možem, ki sedijo na obzidju, da bodo lahko jedli svoj lastni iztrebek in z vami pili svoj lastni seč?«
13 Then the official stood up and shouted in the Hebrew language [to the people sitting on the wall]. He said, “Listen to this message from the great king, the King of Assyria!
Potem se je Rabšaké ustopil in z močnim glasom zaklical v judovskem jeziku in rekel: »Poslušajte besede velikega kralja, asirskega kralja.
14 He says, ‘Do not allow Hezekiah to deceive you! He will not be able to rescue you!
Tako govori kralj: ›Ne dopustite, da vas Ezekíja zavede, kajti ne bo vas mogel osvoboditi.
15 Do not allow him to persuade you to trust in Yahweh, saying that Yahweh will rescue you, and that [the army of] the King of Assyria will never capture this city!’
Niti naj vas Ezekíja ne primora zaupati v Gospoda, rekoč: › Gospod nas bo zagotovo osvobodil, to mesto ne bo izročeno v roko asirskega kralja.‹
16 Do not pay attention to what Hezekiah says! This is what the king [of Assyria] says: ‘Come out of the city and surrender to me. [If you do that, I will arrange for] each of you to drink the juice from your own grapevines and to eat figs from your own trees, and to drink water from your own well.
Ne prisluhnite Ezekíju, kajti tako govori kralj Asirije: › Z darilom sklenite dogovor z menoj in pridite ven k meni in jejte vsak od svoje trte in vsak od svojega figovega drevesa in pijte vode, vsak iz svojega lastnega vodnega zbiralnika,
17 [You will be able to do that] until we come and take you to a land that is like your land—a land where there is grain to make bread and [vineyards to produce grapes for making] new wine and, and where we make lots of bread.’
dokler ne pridem in vas ne vzamem proč v deželo, podobno vaši lastni deželi, deželo žita in vina, deželo kruha in vinogradov.
18 Do not allow Hezekiah to mislead you by saying, “Yahweh will rescue us.” The gods that people of other nations worship have never [RHQ] rescued any of them from the power [MTY] of the King of Assyria!
Pazite, da vas Ezekíja ne prepriča, rekoč: › Gospod nas bo osvobodil.‹ Mar je katerikoli izmed bogov narodov svojo deželo osvobodil iz roke asirskega kralja?
19 Why were the gods of Hamath and Arpad [cities], and the gods of Sepharvaim unable to rescue Samaria from my power [MTY]?
Kje so bogovi Hamáta in Arpáda? Kje so bogovi Sefarvájima? Mar so le-ti Samarijo osvobodili iz moje roke?
20 No, no god [RHQ] of any nation has been able to rescue their people from me. So why do you think that Yahweh will rescue you people of Jerusalem from my power [MTY]?’”
Kdo so tisti izmed vseh bogov teh dežel, ki so svojo deželo osvobodili iz moje roke, da bi Gospod Jeruzalem osvobodil iz moje roke?«
21 But the people [who were listening] were silent. No one said anything, because King [Hezekiah] had commanded, “[When the official from Assyria talks to you], do not answer him.”
Toda molčali so in mu niso odgovorili niti besede, kajti kraljeva zapoved je bila, rekoč: »Ne odgovarjajte mu.«
22 Then Eliakim and Shebna and Joah returned to Hezekiah with their clothes torn [because they were extremely distressed]. They told him what the official from Assyria had said.
Potem so prišli Hilkijájev sin Eljakím, ki je bil nad družino, pisar Šebná in Asáfov sin Joáh, letopisec, k Ezekíju s svojimi pretrganimi oblačili in mu povedali Rabšakéjeve besede.