< Isaiah 35 >

1 [Some day, it will be as though] the desert [and other very] dry areas are glad [DOU]; the desert will rejoice and flowers will blossom. Like crocuses/daffodils,
[Lætabitur deserta et invia, et exsultabit solitudo, et florebit quasi lilium.
2 the desert will produce flowers abundantly; [it will be as though] everything is rejoicing and singing! The deserts will become as beautiful as [SIM] [the trees in] Lebanon, as fertile [SIM] as the plains of the Sharon and Carmel [areas]. [There] people will see the glory of Yahweh; they will see that he is magnificent.
Germinans germinabit, et exsultabit lætabunda et laudans: gloria Libani data est ei, decor Carmeli et Saron; ipsi videbunt gloriam Domini, et decorem Dei nostri.
3 [So], encourage those who are tired and weak.
Confortate manus dissolutas, et genua debilia roborate.
4 Say to those who are afraid, “Be strong and do not be afraid, because our God is going to come to get revenge [on his enemies]; he will (pay them back/punish them) for what they have done, and he will rescue you.”
Dicite pusillanimis: Confortamini, et nolite timere: ecce Deus vester ultionem adducet retributionis; Deus ipse veniet, et salvabit vos.
5 When he does that, [he will enable] blind people to see and [enable] deaf people to hear.
Tunc aperientur oculi cæcorum, et aures surdorum patebunt;
6 Lame people will leap like deer, and those who have been unable to speak will sing joyfully. Water will gush out [from springs] in the desert; streams will flow in the desert.
tunc saliet sicut cervus claudus, et aperta erit lingua mutorum: quia scissæ sunt in deserto aquæ, et torrentes in solitudine;
7 The very dry ground will become a pool of water, and springs will provide water for the dry land. Grass and reeds and papyrus will grow in places where the jackals/wolves lived previously.
et quæ erat arida, erit in stagnum, et sitiens in fontes aquarum. In cubilibus, in quibus prius dracones habitabant, orietur viror calami et junci.
8 And there will be a highway through that land; it will be called ‘the Holy Highway’. People who are not acceptable to God will not walk on that road; it will be only for those who conduct their lives as God wants them to; foolish people will become lost while walking on that road.
Et erit ibi semita et via, et via sancta vocabitur: non transibit per eam pollutus, et hæc erit vobis directa via, ita ut stulti non errent per eam.
9 There will not be any lions there or any other dangerous animals along that road. Only those who have been freed [from being slaves in Babylonia] will walk on it.
Non erit ibi leo, et mala bestia non ascendet per eam, nec invenietur ibi; et ambulabunt qui liberati fuerint.
10 Those whom Yahweh has freed will return to Jerusalem; they will sing as they enter the city; they will be extremely joyful [MET, PRS] forever. No longer will they be sad or mourn; they will be [completely] joyful [DOU].
Et redempti a Domino convertentur, et venient in Sion cum laude, et lætitia sempiterna super caput eorum: gaudium et lætitiam obtinebunt, et fugiet dolor et gemitus.]

< Isaiah 35 >