< Isaiah 32 >

1 Listen to this! Some day there will be a righteous king, and his officials will help him to rule justly/fairly.
Ciertamente un rey gobierna con justicia y los magistrados actúan justamente.
2 Each [of them] will be like [MET] a shelter from the wind and a (refuge/place to be protected) from the storm. They will be like [SIM] streams of water in the desert, like the shade under a huge rock in a very hot and dry land.
Aquel Varón es como un escondedero contra el viento, como un refugio contra el fuerte aguacero, como arroyos de agua en un campo seco y como la sombra de una gran roca en una tierra árida.
3 When that happens, [those leaders will enable] people who have not understood [MET] [God’s truth] to understand it, and [they will enable] those who have not paid attention to [MET] [God’s truth] to pay attention to it.
Entonces los ojos de los que ven no estarán cegados, y los oídos de los que oyen escucharán.
4 [Even] those who act very hastily will have good sense, and those who cannot speak well will speak fluently and clearly.
El corazón de los necios aprenderá para saber, y la lengua de los tartamudos se apresurará a hablar claramente.
5 [At that time], people who are foolish/unwise will no longer be (admired/looked up to), and scoundrels will no longer be respected.
El ruin nunca más será llamado generoso, ni tratarán de excelencia al tramposo.
6 Foolish people say things that are foolish, and they plan to do evil things. Their behavior is disgraceful, and they say things about Yahweh that are false. They do not give food to those who are hungry, and they do not give water to those who are thirsty.
Pues el necio habla necedad. Su corazón se inclina hacia las perversidades para cometer impiedades, blasfemar contra Yavé, dejar insatisfecho al hambriento y privar de agua al sediento.
7 Scoundrels do things that are evil and that deceive people; they plan to do evil things; by telling lies [in court] they cause poor people to (have trouble/be convicted), even when what the poor [people] are requesting is fair/just.
Las armas del canalla son perversas. Trama intrigas perversas para enredar al afligido con calumnia, aunque el pobre defienda lo que es recto.
8 But honorable people plan to do honorable/good things, and they do the honorable/good things that they plan to do.
Pero el noble inventa planes nobles y está firme en ellos.
9 You women [of Jerusalem] who think that you are very secure/safe and think that everything is going well, listen to [IDM] what I say!
¡Oh mujeres indolentes, levántense! Escuchen mi voz, hijas confiadas:
10 One year from now, you who now (are not worried about anything/think that everything is going well) will tremble, because there will be no grapes for you to harvest and no [other] crops to harvest.
Dentro de algo más de un año ustedes tendrán espanto, oh confiadas, porque no habrá recolección de uvas ni habrá cosecha.
11 [So] tremble [now], you women who are not worried about anything! Take off your [fancy] clothes and put rough sackcloth around your waists.
¡Tiemblen, oh indolentes! Tiemblen las que viven confiadas. Desnúdense por completo y aten tela áspera a su cintura.
12 Beat/Hit your breasts to show that you are grieving about [what will happen in] your fertile fields and to your fruitful grapevines,
Golpéense el pecho en duelo por los campos deleitosos, por la viña fructífera.
13 because [only] thorns and thistles will grow in your soil. Your houses where you had joyful parties and your city where you have been happy will be gone.
En las tierras de mi pueblo crecerán espinos y cardos aun en las casas alegres y en la ciudad jubilosa,
14 The [king’s] palace will be empty; there will be no people in the city that [now] is very noisy. Wild donkeys will walk around and flocks of sheep will eat grass in the empty forts and watchtowers.
porque el palacio queda abandonado. Cesa el bullicio de la ciudad. La colina y el atalaya se convierten en cavernas para siempre, en delicia de asnos salvajes y pastizal de rebaños,
15 [It will be like that] until God pours his Spirit out on us from heaven. [When that happens], the deserts will become fertile fields, and abundant crops will grow in those fertile fields.
hasta cuando el Espíritu de lo alto sea derramado sobre nosotros, el desierto se convierta en campo fértil y el campo fértil sea considerado como bosque.
16 People [PRS] will act/rule justly/fairly in those desert areas, and people will act/rule righteously in those fertile fields.
Entonces la justicia vivirá en el desierto y la equidad residirá en el campo fértil.
17 And the result of their acting righteously will be that there will be peace, the land will be tranquil/quiet, and people will be secure/safe forever.
El efecto de la justicia será paz. El resultado de la equidad será reposo y seguridad perpetuos.
18 My people will live in their homes peacefully, and safely, and calmly, in places of rest.
Mi pueblo habitará en un lugar pacífico, en viviendas seguras, en lugares de reposo apacible.
19 [Even if a severe] hailstorm knocks down [the trees in] the forest, and [all the buildings in] the city are blown down,
Pero caerá granizo cuando el bosque sea talado. La ciudad será completamente abatida.
20 Yahweh [will greatly] bless you; you will plant [seeds in fields] alongside the streams [and there will be abundant crops]. Your donkeys and cattle will easily find grass to eat.
¡Cuán dichosos son ustedes, los que siembran junto a todas las aguas, los que dejan libres al buey y al asno!

< Isaiah 32 >