< Isaiah 31 >
1 Terrible things will happen to those who reply on Egypt to help them, trusting in their soldiers’ horses and their many chariots and their strong chariot-drivers, instead of trusting that Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel, will help them.
Malheur à ceux qui descendent en Égypte pour [avoir] du secours, [et] qui s’appuient sur des chevaux et se fient à des chars, parce qu’ils sont nombreux, et à des cavaliers, parce qu’ils sont très forts, et qui ne regardent pas au Saint d’Israël et ne recherchent pas l’Éternel!
2 Yahweh is [very] wise, [but] he also causes people to experience disaster! And [when he decides to do that], he does not change his mind! He will strike/punish the wicked people and [all] those who help them.
Cependant lui aussi est sage, et il fait venir le malheur, et ne retire pas ses paroles; et il se lève contre la maison de ceux qui font le mal et contre le secours de ceux qui pratiquent l’iniquité.
3 The soldiers of Egypt [that you people of Judah are relying on] are humans, not God! And their horses are only horses; they are not [powerful] spirits! So when Yahweh raises his fist to strike/punish the [soldiers of Egypt whom you thought would help you], he will also strike [you who thought that you would be helped], and you and they will stumble and fall down; all of you will die together.
Et les Égyptiens sont des hommes et non pas Dieu, et leurs chevaux sont chair et non pas esprit; et l’Éternel étendra sa main, et celui qui aide trébuchera, et celui qui est aidé tombera, et tous ensemble ils périssent.
4 But this is what Yahweh said to me: “When a huge lion stands over the body of a sheep that he has killed and growls, even if a large group of shepherds comes [to chase/shoo away the lion], even if they shout loudly, the lion will not be afraid and will not leave. Similarly, I, the Commander of the armies of angels, will come down to fight [my enemies] on Zion Hill, [and nothing will hinder me].
Car ainsi m’a dit l’Éternel: Comme le lion, le jeune lion, contre lequel une troupe de bergers est convoquée, rugit sur sa proie, ne s’effraie pas à leur voix, et ne cède pas devant leur multitude, ainsi l’Éternel des armées descendra pour combattre sur la montagne de Sion et sur sa colline.
5 [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, will protect Jerusalem like [SIM] a [mother] bird protects [the baby birds in] her nest: I will defend the city and rescue it from its enemies.”
Comme des oiseaux qui déploient leurs ailes, ainsi l’Éternel des armées couvrira Jérusalem: la protégeant, il la délivrera, et l’épargnant, il la sauvera.
6 My people, [even though] you have greatly rebelled against Yahweh, return to him.
Fils d’Israël, revenez à celui de qui vous vous êtes si profondément détournés!
7 When you do that, each of you will throw away the idols that you [SYN] have sinned by making, idols that are [covered with] silver and gold.
Car en ce jour-là ils rejetteront chacun ses idoles d’argent et ses idoles d’or, que vos mains iniques ont faites pour vous-mêmes.
8 [Many of the] Assyrian [soldiers] will be killed, but not by swords that men use. They will be destroyed by the sword of God; and [those who are not killed] will (panic/be very afraid) and flee. And some of them will [be captured] and forced to become slaves.
Et Assur tombera par l’épée, non d’un homme d’importance; et l’épée, non d’un homme du commun, le dévorera: et il fuira devant l’épée, et ses jeunes hommes seront soumis au tribut;
9 [Even] their very strong soldiers [MTY] will be terrified; they will abandon their battle flags and run away! Yahweh will cause his enemies who attack Jerusalem to be destroyed. Yahweh’s presence on Zion Hill is [like] a fire, [like] a furnace that blazes in Jerusalem; and that is what Yahweh says [about what will happen to the Assyrian army]!
et, de frayeur, il passera vers son rocher, et ses princes seront terrifiés à cause de l’étendard, dit l’Éternel qui a son feu dans Sion et son four dans Jérusalem.