< Isaiah 3 >

1 The Commander of the armies of angels is about to take away from Jerusalem and [other places in] Judea everything that you depend on— all your food and water.
ecce enim Dominator Deus exercituum auferet ab Hierusalem et ab Iuda validum et fortem omne robur panis et omne robur aquae
2 He will take away your heroes and your [other] soldiers, your judges and your prophets, people who do rituals to find out what will happen in the future and the elders,
fortem et virum bellatorem iudicem et prophetam et ariolum et senem
3 army officers and [other] officials, advisors and skilled craftsmen and those who perform rituals to predict the future.
principem super quinquaginta et honorabilem vultu et consiliarium sapientem de architectis et prudentem eloquii mystici
4 He will appoint boys to be your leaders; your children will rule you.
et dabo pueros principes eorum et effeminati dominabuntur eis
5 People will treat each other cruelly: people will fight against their neighbors. Young people will insult older people, and vulgar/dishonorable people will sneer at people who should be honored.
et inruet populus vir ad virum unusquisque ad proximum suum tumultuabitur puer contra senem et ignobilis contra nobilem
6 At that time, someone will grab one of his brothers in his father’s house and say to him, “You have a coat, [which shows that you are respected]. [So] you be our leader! You rule this [city, which is now] a pile of ruins!”
adprehendet enim vir fratrem suum domesticum patris sui vestimentum tibi est princeps esto noster ruina autem haec sub manu tua
7 [But] his brother will reply, “[No], I cannot help you, [because] I do not have [any extra] food or clothes in this house. [So] do not appoint me to be your leader!”
respondebit in die illa dicens non sum medicus et in domo mea non est panis neque vestimentum nolite constituere me principem populi
8 Jerusalem and [the other towns in] Judah will be destroyed, because [everything] that the people do and say there opposes Yahweh, who is powerful and glorious, and they refuse to obey him. They rebel against him.
ruit enim Hierusalem et Iudas concidit quia lingua eorum et adinventiones eorum contra Dominum ut provocarent oculos maiestatis eius
9 They even show on their faces that [they oppose Yahweh]. They are proud of their sins, like [the people of] Sodom were [long ago]; they do not try to hide their sins. [Because of their sins], terrible things will happen to them, [but] they will bring those disasters on themselves.
agnitio vultus eorum respondit eis et peccatum suum quasi Sodomae praedicaverunt nec absconderunt vae animae eorum quoniam reddita sunt eis mala
10 [Yahweh told me to] tell the righteous people that good things will happen to them; they will enjoy the blessings that they will receive for their good deeds.
dicite iusto quoniam bene quoniam fructum adinventionum suarum comedet
11 [But] terrible things will happen to wicked people; they will be (paid back/punished) for [the evil things that] [MTY] they have done.
vae impio in malum retributio enim manuum eius fiet ei
12 [Now], youths [who have become leaders] treat my people cruelly, and women rule over my people. My people, your leaders are misleading you; they are causing you to go down the wrong road [MET].
populum meum exactores sui spoliaverunt et mulieres dominatae sunt eius popule meus qui beatum te dicunt ipsi te decipiunt et viam gressuum tuorum dissipant
13 [It is as though] Yahweh has sat in his place in a courtroom and is ready to judge his people.
stat ad iudicandum Dominus et stat ad iudicandos populos
14 He will stand up to declare why the elders and rulers of his people should be punished: [he says], “The people of Israel are [like] [MET] a vineyard that I planted, but you have ruined it! Your houses are full of things that you have stolen from poor people.
Dominus ad iudicium veniet cum senibus populi sui et principibus eius vos enim depasti estis vineam meam et rapina pauperis in domo vestra
15 You should stop [RHQ] crushing my people! [It is as though] you are pushing the faces of poor people into the dirt!” [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says.
quare adteritis populum meum et facies pauperum commolitis dicit Dominus Deus exercituum
16 Yahweh says this: “The women of Jerusalem are haughty/proud; they walk around sticking their chins out, and flirting [with men] with their eyes. They walk with tiny steps with bracelets on their ankles that jingle.
et dixit Dominus pro eo quod elevatae sunt filiae Sion et ambulaverunt extento collo et nutibus oculorum ibant et plaudebant ambulabant et in pedibus suis conposito gradu incedebant
17 So I, Yahweh, will cause sores to be on their heads, and I will cause those beautiful women in Jerusalem to become bald.”
decalvabit Dominus verticem filiarum Sion et Dominus crinem earum nudabit
18 At the time [that Yahweh does that], he will strip away everything that the women of Jerusalem wear to make themselves beautiful—the ornaments on their ankles and their headbands, their crescent necklaces,
in die illa auferet Dominus ornatum calciamentorum et lunulas
19 their earrings and bracelets and veils,
et torques et monilia et armillas et mitras
20 their scarves and ankle bracelets and sashes, their perfumes and (charms/little things that they wear thinking that those things will protect them from evil),
discriminalia et periscelidas et murenulas et olfactoriola et inaures
21 their signet rings and nose rings,
et anulos et gemmas in fronte pendentes
22 their nice robes and capes and cloaks and purses,
et mutatoria et pallia et linteamina et acus
23 their mirrors and nice linen clothes and shawls.
et specula et sindones et vittas et theristra
24 Instead of their having a nice smell from perfume, they will stink; instead of nice sashes, they will have ropes [around their waists because they will be captives]. Instead of having fancy hairdos, they will be bald. Instead of fancy/beautiful robes, they will wear rough sackcloth, and instead of being beautiful, they will be branded.
et erit pro suavi odore fetor et pro zona funiculus et pro crispanti crine calvitium et pro fascia pectorali cilicium
25 Their husbands will be killed by [their enemies’] swords, and their soldiers [will also die] in battles.
pulcherrimi quoque viri tui gladio cadent et fortes tui in proelio
26 People [PRS] will mourn and cry at the gates [of the city]. The city will [be like] [MET] a woman who sits on the ground because everything that she owned is gone.
et maerebunt atque lugebunt portae eius et desolata in terra sedebit

< Isaiah 3 >