< Isaiah 27 >

1 At that time, Yahweh will punish Leviathan, the swift-moving monster/dragon, that coiling serpent that lives in the sea. Yahweh will kill it with his sharp, huge, and powerful sword.
Na tisti dan bo Gospod s svojim bridkim, velikim in močnim mečem kaznoval leviatána in ostro kačo, celó leviatána, to sprijeno kačo in pokončal bo zmaja, ki je v morju.
2 At that time, [Yahweh will say], “You [Israeli people, who are like] [MET] a fruitful vineyard, must sing!
Na tisti dan ji pojte: »Vinograd rdečega vina.«
3 I will [protect you] [like a farmer] [MET] waters his crops carefully [in order that they will grow well]. I will guard you day and night, in order that no one harms you.
Jaz, Gospod, ga varujem; vsak trenutek ga bom zalival. Da ga ne bi kdorkoli poškodoval, ga bom varoval noč in dan.
4 I am no [longer] angry [with my people]; [if any of your enemies try to injure you like briers and thorns injure people] [MET], I will attack them [in battles]; I will get rid of them completely,
Razjarjenosti ni v meni. Kdo bi zoper mene v bitki postavil osat in trnje? Šel bi skoznje, skupaj bi jih požgal.
5 unless they request me to protect them; I strongly invite them to make peace with me [DOU]!”
Ali pa naj se oprime moje moči, da lahko sklene mir z menoj in sklenil bo mir z menoj.
6 There will be a time when the (descendants of Jacob/Israeli people) will [prosper like] a plant that has good roots; they will be like [MET] trees that bud and blossom and bear a lot of fruit; [what they do will bless] all the people in the world.
Tistim, ki pridejo iz Jakoba, bo povzročil, da se ukoreninijo. Izrael bo cvetel, brstel in obličje zemeljskega [kroga] bo napolnil s sadom.
7 [But now I ask], has Yahweh punished us Israelis like he punished our enemies? Has he punished us as much as he punished them?
Mar ga je udaril, kakor je on udaril tiste, ki so ga udarili? Mar je umorjen glede na pokol tistih, ki so umorjeni po njem?
8 [No, he has not done that], [but] he punished us Israeli people and (exiled us/forced us to leave our country); we were taken away from our land as though [SIM] we were struck by a windstorm from the east.
Po meri, ko ta poganja naprej, boš razpravljal z njim. On ustavlja njegov oster veter na dan vzhodnika.
9 Yahweh did that in order to punish us for our sins, and remove our guilt. As a result [of our being exiled], all the altars to other gods [in Israel] will be demolished, and we will be forgiven for the sins that we have committed. There will be no more poles for worshiping the goddess Asherah, or altars for burning incense to other gods; they will all be torn down.
Torej s tem bo Jakobova krivičnost očiščena in to je ves sad, da odvzame njegov greh, ko vse oltarne kamne naredi kakor apnenčaste kamne, ki so raztreščeni narazen; ašere in podobe ne bodo obstale.
10 The cities that have strong walls around them will be empty; like the desert, they will have no one living in them. The houses will be abandoned, and the streets will be full of weeds. Calves will eat grass there and lie down there; they will chew up all the leaves on the trees.
Vendar bo obrambno mesto opustelo in prebivališče zapuščeno in opuščeno kakor divjina. Tam se bo paslo tele in tam se bo uleglo in použilo njegove mladike.
11 [The Israeli people are like] [MET] dry branches on a tree; women break them off and use them to make fires [under their cooking pots]. Our Israeli people do not have any sense; so Yahweh, who created them, will not act mercifully toward them or be kind to them.
Ko njegove veje ovenijo, bodo odlomljene. Prišle bodo ženske in jih zažgale. Kajti to je ljudstvo brez razumevanja, zato tisti, ki jih je naredil, ne bo imel usmiljenja do njih in kdor jih je oblikoval, jim ne bo izkazal nobene naklonjenosti.
12 [However], there will be a time when Yahweh will gather them together [again; he will separate them from the people who have conquered them, like people] separate wheat from chaff. He will bring them [back to Israel], one by one, from [the land between] the Euphrates River [in the northeast] and the brook at the border of Egypt [in the southwest].
Na tisti dan se bo zgodilo, da bo Gospod otepal od rečnega kanala do egiptovskega vodotoka in zbrani boste drug za drugim, oh vi, Izraelovi otroci.
13 At that time, a trumpet will be blown very loudly. And those who were exiled to Assyria and Egypt and who almost died there will return to Jerusalem, to worship Yahweh on [Zion], his holy hill.
Na tisti dan se bo zgodilo, da bo zatrobljeno na velik šofar in prišli bodo, ki so bili pripravljeni, da se pogubijo v asirski deželi in [ki so bili] pregnanci v egiptovski deželi in oboževali bodo Gospoda na sveti gori pri Jeruzalemu.

< Isaiah 27 >