< Isaiah 25 >

1 Yahweh, you are my God; I will honor you and praise you [MTY]. You do wonderful things; you said long ago that you would do those things, and now you have done them like you said that you would.
Domine Deus meus es tu exaltabo te confitebor nomini tuo quoniam fecisti mirabilia cogitationes antiquas fideles amen
2 [Sometimes] you have caused cities to become heaps of rubble, cities that had strong walls around them. You have caused palaces in foreign countries to disappear; they will never be rebuilt.
quia posuisti civitatem in tumulum urbem fortem in ruinam domum alienorum ut non sit civitas et in sempiternum non aedificetur
3 Therefore, people in powerful nations will declare that you are very great, and people in nations [whose leaders are] ruthless/cruel will revere you.
super hoc laudabit te populus fortis civitas gentium robustarum timebit te
4 Yahweh, you are [like] [SIM] a strong tower where poor people can (find refuge/be safe), a place where needy people can go when they are distressed. [You are like] [MET] a place where people can find refuge in a storm and where they can be shaded from the hot sun. Ruthless/Cruel [people] oppress us; they are like [SIM] a storm beating against a wall,
quia factus es fortitudo pauperi fortitudo egeno in tribulatione sua spes a turbine umbraculum ab aestu spiritus enim robustorum quasi turbo inpellens parietem
5 and like [SIM] [the intense] heat in the desert. [But] you cause the roaring of people in foreign nations to cease. Like the air cools when a cloud comes overhead, you stop ruthless/cruel [people] from singing songs boasting about their being very great.
sicut aestum in siti tumultum alienorum humiliabis et quasi calore sub nube torrente propaginem fortium marcescere facies
6 Here in Jerusalem, the Commander of the armies of angels will prepare a wonderful feast for all the people [of the world]. It will be a banquet with plenty of good meat and fine well-aged [DOU] wine.
et faciet Dominus exercituum omnibus populis in monte hoc convivium pinguium convivium vindemiae pinguium medullatorum vindemiae defecatae
7 [People here are] sad; their being sad is [like] a dark cloud that hangs over them, like they experience when someone dies. But Yahweh will enable them to quit being sad.
et praecipitabit in monte isto faciem vinculi conligati super omnes populos et telam quam orditus est super universas nationes
8 He will get rid of death forever! Yahweh our God will cause people to no longer mourn because someone has died. And he will stop other people insulting and making fun of his land and [us] his people. [That will surely happen because] Yahweh has said it!
praecipitabit mortem in sempiternum et auferet Dominus Deus lacrimam ab omni facie et obprobrium populi sui auferet de universa terra quia Dominus locutus est
9 At that time, [people] will proclaim, “Yahweh is our God! We trusted in him, and he rescued us! Yahweh, in whom we trusted, has done it; we should rejoice because of his saving/rescuing [us]!”
et dicet in die illa ecce Deus noster iste expectavimus eum et salvabit nos iste Dominus sustinuimus eum exultabimus et laetabimur in salutari eius
10 Yahweh [MTY] will protect and bless Jerusalem. [But] he will crush [the people in the land of] Moab; they will be like [SIM] straw that is trampled in the manure [and left to rot].
quia requiescet manus Domini in monte isto et triturabitur Moab sub eo sicuti teruntur paleae in plaustro
11 Yahweh will push down the people of Moab like [SIM] a swimmer pushes [the water] with his hands. He will cause them to cease being proud, and he will show that all the things that they have done are worthless.
et extendet manus suas sub eo sicut extendit natans ad natandum et humiliabit gloriam eius cum adlisione manuum eius
12 The high walls [around the cities] in Moab will be torn down; they will be demolished and fall into the dust/dirt.
et munimenta sublimium murorum tuorum concident et humiliabuntur et detrahentur in terram usque ad pulverem

< Isaiah 25 >