< Isaiah 24 >
1 Some day, Yahweh is going to destroy everything on the earth. He will devastate it and cause it to become a desert and scatter its people.
HE aquí que Jehová vacía la tierra, y la desnuda, y trastorna su haz, y hace esparcir sus moradores.
2 He will scatter everyone— priests and common people, servants and their masters, maids and their mistresses, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, people who owe money and people who are owed money.
Y será como el pueblo, tal el sacerdote; como el siervo, tal su señor; como la criada, tal su señora; tal el que compra, como el que vende; tal el que da emprestado, como el que toma prestado; tal el que da á logro, como el que lo recibe.
3 Nothing that is worth anything will be left on earth; everything valuable will be destroyed. [That will surely happen because] Yahweh has said it.
Del todo será vaciada la tierra, y enteramente saqueada; porque Jehová ha pronunciado esta palabra.
4 [Everything on] the earth will dry up and die [DOU]; its important people will become weak and unimportant.
Destruyóse, cayó la tierra; enfermó, cayó el mundo; enfermaron los altos pueblos de la tierra.
5 The earth has become unacceptable to Yahweh because the people who live on it have disobeyed his laws; they have rejected the agreement that he intended to last forever.
Y la tierra se inficionó bajo sus moradores; porque traspasaron las leyes, falsearon el derecho, rompieron el pacto sempiterno.
6 Therefore, [Yahweh] will curse the earth; the people who live on it must be punished because of the sins that they have committed. They will be destroyed by fire, and [only a] few people will remain [alive].
Por esta causa la maldición consumió la tierra, y sus moradores fueron asolados; por esta causa fueron consumidos los habitantes de la tierra, y se disminuyeron los hombres.
7 The grapevines will wither, and there will be no [grapes to make] wine. All [the people] who were previously happy will then groan and mourn.
Perdióse el vino, enfermó la vid, gimieron todos los que eran alegres de corazón.
8 People will no longer play cheerful songs with tambourines, people will no longer play joyfully on their harps, and people will no longer shout noisily [during their celebrations].
Cesó el regocijo de los panderos, acabóse el estruendo de los que se huelgan, paró la alegría del arpa.
9 People will no longer sing while they drink wine, and [all] their alcoholic drinks will taste bitter.
No beberán vino con cantar: la bebida será amarga á los que la bebieren.
10 [Towns and] cities will be desolate; every house will be locked to prevent thieves from entering.
Quebrantada está la ciudad de la vanidad; toda casa se ha cerrado, porque no entre nadie.
11 [Mobs] will gather in the streets, wanting wine; no one on the earth will be happy [DOU] any more.
Voces sobre el vino en las plazas; todo gozo se oscureció, desterróse la alegría de la tierra.
12 Cities will be ruined and [all] their gates will be battered/broken into pieces.
En la ciudad quedó soledad, y con asolamiento fué herida la puerta.
13 It will be like that all over the earth: [there will only be a few people still alive], like what happens when [workers] beat all the olives off a tree [and there are only a few left], [or] when they harvest the grapes and there are only a few left [on the vines].
Porque así será en medio de la tierra, en medio de los pueblos, como aceituno sacudido, como rebuscos acabada la vendimia.
14 But [those who are left alive] will sing joyfully; people [in nations] to the west [of Israel] will declare that Yahweh is very great;
Estos alzarán su voz, cantarán gozosos en la grandeza de Jehová, desde la mar darán voces.
15 people in nations to the east [of Israel will also] praise Yahweh [MTY]; in countries across the sea, people will praise Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship].
Glorificad por esto á Jehová en los valles: en islas de la mar sea nombrado Jehová Dios de Israel.
16 We will hear [people] in the most distant places on the earth singing praise to [Yahweh], the [truly] righteous one. But [now], I am [SYN] very sad. Weep for me, [because] I have become thin and weak. Terrible things are happening! Treacherous [people still] betray/deceive others everywhere [DOU].
De lo postrero de la tierra oímos salmos: Gloria al justo. Y yo dije: ¡Mi flaqueza, mi flaqueza, ay de mí! Prevaricadores han prevaricado; y han prevaricado con prevaricación de desleales.
17 You people all over the earth, you will be terrified, and you will fall into deep pits and traps/snares.
Terror y sima y lazo sobre ti, oh morador de la tierra.
18 Those who [try to] flee because they are terrified will fall into [deep] pits, and those who climb out of the pits will be caught by traps/snares. The sky will split open and torrents [SIM] [of rain will fall]; the foundations of the earth will shake.
Y acontecerá que el que huirá de la voz del terror, caerá en la sima; y el que saliere de en medio de la sima, será preso del lazo: porque de lo alto se abrieron ventanas, y temblarán los fundamentos de la tierra.
19 The earth will split apart and be shattered; it will shake violently.
Quebrantaráse del todo la tierra, enteramente desmenuzada será la tierra, en gran manera será la tierra conmovida.
20 [It will be as though] the earth will stagger like [SIM] a drunk; it will shake like [SIM] a hut [shakes in a windstorm]. It will collapse and not [be able to] rise again, [because] the guilt of the people who rebel [against Yahweh] is very great.
Temblará la tierra vacilando como un borracho, y será removida como una choza; y agravaráse sobre ella su pecado, y caerá, y nunca más se levantará.
21 At that time, Yahweh will punish the [wicked] powerful beings in the skies and the wicked kings on the earth.
Y acontecerá en aquel día, que Jehová visitará sobre el ejército sublime en lo alto, y sobre los reyes de la tierra [que hay] sobre la tierra.
22 They will [all] be gathered together and thrown into a dungeon/pit. They will be shut/locked in that dungeon/pit, and later they will be punished.
Y serán amontonados como se amontonan encarcelados en mazmorra, y en prisión quedarán encerrados, y serán visitados después de muchos días.
23 At that time the light of the moon and the sun will be lessened; [it will be as though] they are ashamed [in the presence of] Yahweh, because he, the Commander of the armies of angels, will rule gloriously (on Zion Hill/in Jerusalem), in the presence of the leaders [of his people].
La luna se avergonzará, y el sol se confundirá, cuando Jehová de los ejércitos reinare en el monte de Sión, y en Jerusalem, y delante de sus ancianos [fuere] glorioso.