< Isaiah 22 >
1 [I received] this message [from Yahweh] about Jerusalem, about the valley where [Yahweh showed me] this vision. Why is everyone foolishly running up to their [flat] rooftops?
Et Udsagn: »Synernes Dal«. Hvad tænker du paa, siden alle stiger op paa Tagene,
2 Everyone in the city [seems to] be shouting. [There are a lot of] corpses [in the city], [but they] were not killed by [their enemies’] swords. They did not die in battles; [instead, they died from diseases and hunger].
du larmende, støjende By, du jublende Stad? Dine slagne er vel ikke sværdslagne, døde i Krig!
3 All the leaders of the city fled. [But then] they were captured because they did not have bows [and arrows to defend themselves]. Your [soldiers tried to] flee while the enemy [army] was still far away, but they also were captured.
Alle dine Høvdinger flygted, flyed langt bort, alle dine Helte, væbnet med Buer, blev fanget.
4 That is why I said, “Allow me to cry alone; do not try to comfort me [about my people being slaughtered].”
Derfor siger jeg: Gaa fra mig, lad mig græde bittert, træng ej paa for at trøste mig over, at mit Folk er lagt øde!
5 The Commander of the armies of angels has [chosen] a time when there will be a great uproar, [soldiers] marching, and people being terrified in the valley [where I received this] vision. [It will be a time when our city] walls will be battered down and [the people’s] cries [for help] will be heard in the mountains.
Thi en Dag, da man ræddes, trædes og trænges, har Herren, Hærskarers HERRE, til Rede! I Synernes Dal brødes Mure ned, mod Bjerget hørtes Skrig;
6 The armies from Elam and Kir [in Media] will attack, driving chariots and carrying shields.
Elam løftede Koggeret, Aram satte sig til Hest, Kir tog Skjoldene ud;
7 Our beautiful valleys will be filled with [our enemies’] chariots and the men who drive the chariots will stand outside [our city] gates.
og de bedste iblandt dine Dale fyldtes med Vogne og Heste, lige til Porten stod de.
8 The walls that protect [the cities in] Judah will fall down. You [people of Jerusalem] will run to get the weapons [that are stored in the building called] “the Hall of the Forest”.
Han borttog Judas Værn. Paa den Dag saa I hen til Skovhusets Rustkammer,
9 You will see that there are many breaks/holes in the walls of Jerusalem. You will store water in the lower pool [in the city].
og I saa, hvor mange Revner der var i Davidsbyen. I samlede Nedredammens Vand,
10 You will inspect the houses in Jerusalem, and [some of] them you will tear down to use the stones to repair the [city] wall.
gik Jerusalems Huse igennem og rev Husene ned for at gøre Muren stærk.
11 Between the walls [of the city] you will build a reservoir to [store] water from the old pool. But you will never request help from the one who made the city; you have never depended on Yahweh, who planned this city long ago.
I gravede mellem de to Mure en Fordybning til den gamle Dams Vand. Men til ham, der virked det, skued I ikke, saa ej hen til ham, som beredte det for længst.
12 The Commander of the armies of angels told you to weep and mourn; he told you to shave your heads and to wear rough sackcloth to show that you were sorry for the sins that you had committed.
Paa hin Dag kaldte Herren, Hærskarers HERRE, til Graad og Sorg, til Hovedragning og Sæk.
13 But instead of doing that, you were happy and celebrating; you slaughtered cattle and sheep, [in order to cook their] meat and eat it and drink wine. You said, “Let’s eat and drink [all that we want to], because [it is possible that] we will die tomorrow!”
Men se, der er Fryd og Glæde, man slaar Okser ned, slagter Faar, æder Kød og faar Vin at drikke: »Lad os æde og drikke, thi i Morgen dør vi!«
14 [So] the Commander of the armies of angels revealed this to me: “I will never forgive my people for sinning like this!”
Men Hærskarers HERRE aabenbared for mit Øre: »Den Synd, « siger Herren, Hærskarers HERRE, »faar I ikke sonet, førend I dør!«
15 The Commander of the armies of angels said this [to me]: “Go to Shebna, the official who supervises the workers in the palace, and give this message to him:
Saa siger Herren, Hærskarers HERRE: Gaa hen og sig til denne Foged, Slotshøvedsmanden Sjebna:
16 '[Who do you think you are?] Who gave you the authority to build a beautiful tomb where you will be buried, chiseling it out of the rocky cliff high above this valley?
Hvad har du her, og hvem har du her, at du her udhugger din Grav, udhugger dig en Grav højt oppe, huler dig en Bolig i Klippen!
17 You [think that you are] [IRO] a great man, but Yahweh is about to hurl you away. [It will be as though] he will seize you,
Se, HERREN slynger dig bort og bøjer dig sammen, du stolte,
18 and roll/crumple you into a ball and throw you away into a large distant land. You will die [and be buried] there, and your beautiful chariots will stay there [in the hands of your enemies]. And [because of what happens to you], your master, [the king], will be [very] ashamed/disgraced.
han knytter dig sammen til et Knytte og kaster dig ud i et vidtstrakt Land! Der skal du dø, der din Æresvogn komme, du Skændsel for din Herres Hus!
19 Yahweh will force you to quit working in the palace; you will be demoted from your important position.
Jeg støder dig bort fra din Stilling og styrter dig fra din Post.
20 Then I will summon Hilkiah’s son Eliakim, who has served serve me [well], to replace you.
Men paa hin Dag kalder jeg min Tjener Eljakim, Hilkijas Søn,
21 I will allow him to wear your robe, and to fasten your sash around him, and I will give to him the authority that you had. He will be like [MET] a father to the people of Jerusalem and [all the other] towns in Judah.
og iklæder ham din Kjortel, omgjorder ham med dit Bælte og lægger din Myndighed i hans Haand. Han skal blive en Fader for Jerusalems Indbyggere og Judas Hus.
22 I will give to him authority [MTY] over [what happens in] the palace where King David [lived]; when he decides something [MET], no one will be able to oppose it; when he refuses to do something, no one will be able to force him to do it.
Jeg lægger Nøglen til Davids Hus paa hans Skulder; naar han lukker op, skal ingen lukke i, og naar han lukker i, skal ingen lukke op,
23 I will cause his family to be greatly respected, because I will put him firmly in his position [as supervisor of the workers in the palace], like [SIM] a nail that is firmly hammered into a wall.
Jeg fæster ham som en Nagle paa et sikkert Sted, og han skal blive til Hæder for sit Fædrenehus.
24 Others will enable him to have much responsibility, with the result that all the members of his family, even the most insignificant ones, will be honored.'”
Men hænger hans Fædrenehus's hele Vægt sig paa ham, Skud og Vildskud, alle Smaakar, fra Fadene til alle Krukkerne,
25 [But] the Commander of the armies of angels also says, “[Shebna is like] [MET] a peg that is firmly fastened to the wall. But there will be a time when I will [remove him from his position]; he will lose his power/influence, and everything that he promoted [MET] will fail. [That will surely happen] because [I], Yahweh, have said it.”
saa skal det ske paa den Dag, lyder det fra Hærskarers HERRE, at Naglen, der var fæstet paa et sikkert Sted, giver efter, rives ud og falder ned, og hele Vægten, som hænger derpaa, skal slaas sønder. Thi HERREN har talet!