< Isaiah 21 >

1 [I received] this message [from Yahweh about Babylonia], [a land that is] near the [Persian] Gulf [but which will soon be] a desert. [An army] will soon come from the desert to invade that land; it is an army that causes its enemies to be terrified, an army that will come like a whirlwind from the south.
Un mensaje sobre el desierto junto al mar. Como los vientos de tormenta que atraviesan el Néguev, algo viene del desierto, de una tierra de terror-
2 Yahweh showed me a terrifying vision. [In the vision I saw an army] that will betray/deceive people and steal their possessions [after they conquer them]. [Yahweh said], “You armies from Elam and Media, surround [Babylon] and prepare to attack it! I will cause the groaning [and suffering] that Babylon caused to cease!”
una visión horripilante que me ha sido explicada. El traidor sigue traicionando; el destructor sigue destruyendo. Elamitas y medos, adelante, atacad y sitiad Babilonia, porque estoy poniendo fin a todo el dolor que ha causado.
3 Because of that, my body is full of pain; my pain is like the pain that women who are giving birth experience. When I hear about and see [what God is planning to do], I am shocked.
Por ello, mi cuerpo está lleno de agonía. Me abruma el dolor, como el de una mujer que da a luz. Me confunde lo que oigo; me angustia lo que veo.
4 I cannot think straight/correctly, and I tremble. I was eager for it to be nighttime, but now it is night, and I am horrified.
Mi mente vacila; tiemblo de pánico. La noche que esperaba se ha convertido en algo aterrador.
5 [In the vision I saw that the leaders of Babylonia] were preparing a great feast. They had spread rugs [for people to sit on]; everyone was eating and drinking. [But] they should get up and prepare their shields, [because they are about to be attacked]!
Ponen la mesa, extienden las alfombras, comen y beben... “¡Levántense, oficiales! Preparen sus escudos para la batalla!”
6 Then Yahweh said to me, “Put a watchman [on the wall of Jerusalem], and tell him to shout/proclaim what he sees.
Esto es lo que me dijo el Señor: “¡Ve! Haz que un vigía vigile, y asegúrate de que informe de lo que ve.
7 Tell him to watch for chariots pulled by pairs of horses, and [men riding] camels and donkeys, [coming from Babylon]. Tell the watchman to watch and listen carefully!”
Cuando vea que se acercan carros tirados por parejas de caballos, jinetes en asnos y en camellos, que vigile con mucho cuidado, prestando mucha atención”.
8 [So I did that], and one day the watchman called out, “Day after day I have stood on this watchtower, and I have continued to watch during the day and during the night.
Entonces el vigía gritó: “Señor, he estado aquí en la atalaya día tras día; noche tras noche he permanecido en mi puesto.
9 Now, I saw a man riding in a chariot pulled by two horses. [I called out to him], and he answered/shouted, ‘Babylon has been destroyed! All the idols in Babylon lie in pieces on the ground!’”
¡Ahora mira! Viene un hombre en un carro con un par de caballos”. Y dijo: “¡Babilonia ha caído, ha caído! Todos los ídolos de sus dioses yacen destrozados en el suelo”.
10 My people [in Judah], [the army of Babylon has caused] you to suffer greatly [as though] [MET] you were grain that was threshed and (winnowed/thrown up into the air for the wind to blow away the chaff). [But now] I have told you what the Commander of the armies of angels the God whom we Israelis [worship], told me [about Babylon].
Mi pobre pueblo oprimido y tan maltratado, les he contado lo que he oído del Señor Todopoderoso, el Dios de Israel.
11 [I received] this message [from Yahweh] about Edom: Someone from Edom has been calling/shouting to me saying, “Watchman, how long will it be before the night is ended? [DOU]”
Un mensaje sobre Edom. Una voz me llama desde Seir, preguntando: “Vigilante, ¿qué hora es? Vigilante, ¿qué hora de la noche es?”
12 [I], the watchman, replied, “It will [soon] be morning, but after that, it will [soon] be night again. If you want to inquire [again about what will happen in our country], come back and inquire again.”
El vigilante responde: “La mañana está llegando, pero pronto volverá la noche. Si quieres volver a preguntar, vuelve y pregunta”.
13 [I received] this message about Arabia: Give this message to people traveling in caravans from Dedan [town in northwest Arabia], who camp in the scrub there. Tell them to bring water for those who are thirsty.
Un mensaje sobre Arabia. Caravanas de Dedán, pasen la noche en los arbustos.
14 And you people who live in Tema [city in northwest Arabia], must bring food for the (refugees/people who are fleeing from their enemies).
Pueblo de Tema, lleven agua a los sedientos, salid al encuentro de los refugiados con comida.
15 They are fleeing in order not to be killed by [their enemies’] swords and not to be shot in battles by arrows.
Huyen de una batalla feroz, de espadas, de espadas desenvainadas, de arcos y flechas.
16 Yahweh said to me, “Exactly one year from now, all the greatness of the Kedar [area in Arabia] will end.
Esto es lo que me dijo el Señor: “Dentro de un año, igual que un trabajador contratado cuenta exactamente los años, toda la gloria de Cedar desaparecerá.
17 Only a few of their soldiers who know well how to shoot arrows will remain alive. [That will surely happen] because [I], Yahweh, have said it.”
Sólo quedarán unos pocos de los arqueros, los guerreros de Cedar”. El Señor, el Dios de Israel, ha hablado.

< Isaiah 21 >