< Isaiah 21 >

1 [I received] this message [from Yahweh about Babylonia], [a land that is] near the [Persian] Gulf [but which will soon be] a desert. [An army] will soon come from the desert to invade that land; it is an army that causes its enemies to be terrified, an army that will come like a whirlwind from the south.
Бреме пустињи на мору. Као вихори који пролазе на југ, тако ће доћи из пустиње, из земље страшне.
2 Yahweh showed me a terrifying vision. [In the vision I saw an army] that will betray/deceive people and steal their possessions [after they conquer them]. [Yahweh said], “You armies from Elam and Media, surround [Babylon] and prepare to attack it! I will cause the groaning [and suffering] that Babylon caused to cease!”
Љута утвара јави ми се. Неверник неверу чини, пустошник пустоши; ходи, Еламе; опколи, Мидијо! Свему уздисању учинићу крај.
3 Because of that, my body is full of pain; my pain is like the pain that women who are giving birth experience. When I hear about and see [what God is planning to do], I am shocked.
Зато су бедра моја пуна бола; муке ме обузеше као кад се мучи породиља; згурих се чујући, препадох се видећи.
4 I cannot think straight/correctly, and I tremble. I was eager for it to be nighttime, but now it is night, and I am horrified.
Срце ми се смете, гроза ме подузе; ноћ милина мојих претвори ми се у страх.
5 [In the vision I saw that the leaders of Babylonia] were preparing a great feast. They had spread rugs [for people to sit on]; everyone was eating and drinking. [But] they should get up and prepare their shields, [because they are about to be attacked]!
Постави сто, стражар нека стражи; једи, пиј; устајте кнезови, мажите штитове.
6 Then Yahweh said to me, “Put a watchman [on the wall of Jerusalem], and tell him to shout/proclaim what he sees.
Јер овако ми рече Господ: Иди, постави стражара да ти јави шта види.
7 Tell him to watch for chariots pulled by pairs of horses, and [men riding] camels and donkeys, [coming from Babylon]. Tell the watchman to watch and listen carefully!”
И виде кола, и два реда коњика; кола с магарцима и кола с камилама; и пажаше добро великом пажњом.
8 [So I did that], and one day the watchman called out, “Day after day I have stood on this watchtower, and I have continued to watch during the day and during the night.
И повика као лав: Господару, ја стојим једнако на стражи дању, и стојим на стражи по сву ноћ.
9 Now, I saw a man riding in a chariot pulled by two horses. [I called out to him], and he answered/shouted, ‘Babylon has been destroyed! All the idols in Babylon lie in pieces on the ground!’”
И ево дођоше на колима људи, у два реда коњици. Тада повика и рече: Паде, паде Вавилон, и сви резани ликови богова његових разбише се о земљу.
10 My people [in Judah], [the army of Babylon has caused] you to suffer greatly [as though] [MET] you were grain that was threshed and (winnowed/thrown up into the air for the wind to blow away the chaff). [But now] I have told you what the Commander of the armies of angels the God whom we Israelis [worship], told me [about Babylon].
Вршају мој, и пшенице гумна мог! Шта чух од Господа над војскама, Бога Израиљевог, јавих вам.
11 [I received] this message [from Yahweh] about Edom: Someone from Edom has been calling/shouting to me saying, “Watchman, how long will it be before the night is ended? [DOU]”
Бреме Думи. Виче к мени неко са Сира: Стражару! Шта би ноћас? Стражару! Шта би ноћас?
12 [I], the watchman, replied, “It will [soon] be morning, but after that, it will [soon] be night again. If you want to inquire [again about what will happen in our country], come back and inquire again.”
Стражар рече: Доћи ће јутро, али и ноћ; ако ћете тражити, тражите, вратите се, дођите.
13 [I received] this message about Arabia: Give this message to people traveling in caravans from Dedan [town in northwest Arabia], who camp in the scrub there. Tell them to bring water for those who are thirsty.
Бреме арапској. По шумама у арапској ноћиваћете, путници дедански!
14 And you people who live in Tema [city in northwest Arabia], must bring food for the (refugees/people who are fleeing from their enemies).
Изнесите воде пред жедне, који живите у земљи Теми, сретните с хлебом бегунца.
15 They are fleeing in order not to be killed by [their enemies’] swords and not to be shot in battles by arrows.
Јер ће бежати од мача, од мача голог, од лука запетог и од жестоког боја.
16 Yahweh said to me, “Exactly one year from now, all the greatness of the Kedar [area in Arabia] will end.
Јер овако ми рече Господ: За годину, као што је година најамничка, нестаће све славе кидарске.
17 Only a few of their soldiers who know well how to shoot arrows will remain alive. [That will surely happen] because [I], Yahweh, have said it.”
И што остане храбрих стрелаца синова кидарских, биће мало; јер Господ Бог Израиљев рече.

< Isaiah 21 >