< Isaiah 20 >

1 One year King Sargon of Assyria sent the chief commander of his army [to take his soldiers] to capture Ashdod [city in Philistia].
Године које дође Тартан на Азот, кад га посла Саргон цар асирски, те би Азот и узе га,
2 At that time, Yahweh told me, “Take off the rough sackcloth that you have been wearing and take off your sandals.” [So] I did what he told me to do, and [then] I walked around naked and barefoot [for three years].
У то време рече Господ преко Исаије сина Амосовог говорећи: Иди, скини кострет са себе, и изуј обућу с ногу својих. И учини тако и иђаше го и бос.
3 [Then] Yahweh said this [to the people of Judah]: “My servant Isaiah has been walking around naked and barefoot for the past three years. That is to show the terrible disasters that [I will cause the people of] Egypt and Ethiopia to experience.
Тада рече Господ: Како иде слуга мој Исаија го и бос за знак и чудо шта ће бити до три године Мисиру и етиопској,
4 What will happen is that the [army of the] King of Assyria will [invade those countries and capture many of the people and] take them away as their prisoners. They will force all them, including both the young ones and the old ones, to walk naked and barefoot. They will [also] force them to have no clothes around their buttocks, which will cause [the people of] Egypt to be ashamed.
Тако ће одвести цар асирски у ропство Мисирце, и Етиопљане у сужањство, децу и старце, голе и босе и голих задњица, на срамоту Мисирцима.
5 Then the people of other countries who trusted that the armies of Egypt and Ethiopia would be able to help them will be very dismayed/confused and afraid/disappointed.
И препашће се и посрамиће се од етиопске, узданице своје, и од Мисира, поноса свог.
6 They will say, ‘We trusted that the armies of Egypt and Ethiopia [would help us and defend us, but they have been destroyed], so there is no way [RHQ] that we can escape from [being destroyed by the army of] the King of Assyria!’”
И рећи ће тада који живе на овом острву: Гле, то је узданица наша, ка којој притецасмо за помоћ да се сачувамо од цара асирског; како ћемо се избавити?

< Isaiah 20 >