< Isaiah 19 >
1 [I received] this message [from Yahweh] about Egypt: “Listen to this! I, Yahweh, am coming to Egypt, riding on a fast-moving cloud. The idols in Egypt will tremble when [I appear], and the people of Egypt will be extremely afraid [IDM].
La carga de Egipto. “He aquí que el Señor cabalga sobre una nube veloz y llega a Egipto. Los ídolos de Egipto temblarán ante su presencia, y el corazón de Egipto se derretirá en su interior.
2 I will cause the people of Egypt to fight against each other: men will fight against their brothers, neighbors will fight against each other, people of one city will fight against the people of another city, people of one province will fight against the people of another province.
Yo incitaré a los egipcios contra los egipcios, y lucharán cada uno contra su hermano, y cada uno contra su vecino; ciudad contra ciudad, y reino contra reino.
3 The people of Egypt will become very discouraged, and I will cause their plans not to be successful. They will plead with idols and sorcerers and those who talk with spirits of dead people to tell them what they should do.
El espíritu de los egipcios fracasará dentro de ellos. Destruiré su consejo. Buscarán a los ídolos, a los encantadores, a los que tienen espíritus familiares y a los magos.
4 Then I will enable someone who will treat them very cruelly to become their king [DOU].” That is what I, the Commander of the armies of angels, say.
Entregaré a los egipcios en manos de un señor cruel. Un rey feroz los gobernará”, dice el Señor, Yahvé de los Ejércitos.
5 [Some day] the water in the [Nile] River will dry up, and the riverbed will become very dry [DOU].
Las aguas del mar faltarán, y el río se perderá y se secará.
6 The branches of the river will all dry up [DOU] The canals along the river will stink because of the rotting reeds and (bulrushes/tall grass).
Los ríos se ensuciarán. Los arroyos de Egipto disminuirán y se secarán. Los juncos y las banderas se marchitarán.
7 All the plants along the river and all the crops will dry up; then they will blow away and disappear.
Las praderas junto al Nilo, junto al borde del Nilo, y todos los campos sembrados del Nilo, se secarán, serán expulsados y ya no existirán.
8 The fishermen will throw into the river lines with hooks on them and nets, and then they will groan and be very discouraged; they will be sad [because there will be no fish in the river].
Los pescadores se lamentarán, y todos los que pescan en el Nilo se lamentarán, y los que tienden redes en las aguas languidecerán.
9 Those who weave cloth from flax will not know what to do, because there will be no thread for them to weave.
Además, los que trabajan el lino peinado y los que tejen telas blancas se confundirán.
10 They will all despair and be very discouraged.
Las columnas se romperán en pedazos. Todos los que trabajan por cuenta ajena tendrán el alma afligida.
11 The officials in Zoan [city in northern Egypt] are foolish. The advice that they gave to the king was worthless. Why do they continue to tell the king that they are wise, that they are descendants of wise kings who lived long ago [RHQ]?
Los príncipes de Zoán son completamente necios. El consejo de los más sabios consejeros del Faraón se ha vuelto estúpido. ¿Cómo dices al Faraón: “Yo soy hijo de sabios, hijo de reyes antiguos”?
12 King, (where are your wise counselors now?/You have no wise counselors now!) [RHQ] If you had any wise counselors, they could tell you what the Commander of the armies of angels has planned to do to Egypt [SAR]!
¿Dónde están, pues, tus sabios? Deja que ellos te lo digan ahora; y que sepan lo que el Señor de los Ejércitos ha dispuesto respecto a Egipto.
13 [Yes], the officials of Zoan have become foolish, and the leaders in Memphis [city in northern Egypt] have deceived themselves. [All] leaders of the people have (caused their people to do wrong things/led their people astray).
Los príncipes de Zoán se han vuelto necios. Los príncipes de Menfis están engañados. Ellos han hecho que Egipto se extravíe, los que son la piedra angular de sus tribus.
14 Yahweh has caused them to be very foolish, with the result that in everything that they do, [it is as though the people of] Egypt stagger like [SIM] a drunken person staggers [and slips] in his own vomit.
El Señor ha mezclado un espíritu de perversidad en medio de ella, y han hecho que Egipto se extravíe en todas sus obras, como un borracho que se tambalea en su vómito.
15 There is no one in Egypt, rich or poor, important or unimportant, [who will be able to help them].
No habrá obra alguna para Egipto, que pueda hacer cabeza o cola, rama de palma o junco.
16 At that time, the people of Egypt will be [as helpless] as [SIM] women. They will tremble, being terrified [because they know that] the Commander of the armies of angels has raised his fist, [ready to strike/punish them].
En aquel día los egipcios serán como mujeres. Temerán y se estremecerán a causa del temblor de la mano de Yahvé de los Ejércitos, que sacude sobre ellos.
17 The people of Egypt will be afraid of the people of Judah, and anyone who mentions Judah to them will cause them to be terrified, because [that will remind them] of what Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels, is planning to do to them.
La tierra de Judá se convertirá en un terror para Egipto. Todo aquel a quien se le mencione tendrá miedo, a causa de los planes del Señor de los Ejércitos, que él determina contra ella.
18 At that time, [people in] five cities in Egypt will solemnly declare that they will serve Yahweh. They will [learn to] speak the Hebrew language. One of those cities will be called ‘City of the Sun’.
En ese día, habrá cinco ciudades en la tierra de Egipto que hablen la lengua de Canaán y juren a Yahvé de los Ejércitos. Una se llamará “La ciudad de la destrucción”.
19 At that time, there will be an altar for worshiping Yahweh in the center of Egypt, and there will be a (pillar/large rock) to honor Yahweh at the border [between Egypt and Israel].
En ese día, habrá un altar a Yahvé en medio de la tierra de Egipto, y una columna a Yahvé en su frontera.
20 That will be a sign to indicate that the Commander of the armies of angels is worshiped in the land of Egypt. And when the people cry out to Yahweh to help them because others are (oppressing them/causing them to suffer), he will send to them someone who will defend and rescue them.
Será para señal y para testimonio del Señor de los Ejércitos en la tierra de Egipto; porque clamarán al Señor a causa de los opresores, y él les enviará un salvador y un defensor, y los librará.
21 Yahweh will enable the people of Egypt to know who he is, and at that time they will have a close relationship with Yahweh and worship him and bring to him offerings of grain and other sacrifices. They will solemnly promise to do things for Yahweh, and they will do what they promise.
Yahvé será conocido en Egipto, y los egipcios conocerán a Yahvé en ese día. Sí, adorarán con sacrificios y ofrendas, y harán un voto a Yahvé, y lo cumplirán.
22 After Yahweh has punished Egypt, he will cause their troubles to end. The people of Egypt will turn to Yahweh, and he will listen when they plead to him [for help], and he will cause their troubles to cease.
Yahvé golpeará a Egipto, golpeando y sanando. Volverán a Yahvé, y él se dejará implorar por ellos, y los sanará.
23 At that time, there will be a highway between Egypt and Assyria. [As a result], the people of Egypt will [be able to] travel [easily] to Assyria, and the people of Assyria [will be able to travel easily] to Egypt. And the people of both countries will worship [Yahweh].
En aquel día habrá una carretera de Egipto a Asiria, y el asirio entrará en Egipto, y el egipcio en Asiria; y los egipcios adorarán con los asirios.
24 And Israel will be their ally. All three nations will be [friendly to] each other, and the people of Israel will be a blessing to the people of the entire world.
En ese día, Israel será el tercero con Egipto y con Asiria, una bendición dentro de la tierra;
25 The Commander of the armies of angels will bless them, saying, “[You people of] Egypt are now my people. You people of Assyria, I have established your country. You people of Israel are the people whom I have chosen to belong to me.”
porque el Señor de los Ejércitos los ha bendecido, diciendo: “Bendito sea Egipto, mi pueblo, Asiria, obra de mis manos, e Israel, mi herencia.”