< Isaiah 19 >

1 [I received] this message [from Yahweh] about Egypt: “Listen to this! I, Yahweh, am coming to Egypt, riding on a fast-moving cloud. The idols in Egypt will tremble when [I appear], and the people of Egypt will be extremely afraid [IDM].
Ma e wach mane okor kuom Misri: To neuru, Jehova Nyasaye biro piyo piyo koa e boche polo kochomo Misri. Nyiseche mopa mag Misri kirni e nyime kendo jo-Misri dhi ka rumo.
2 I will cause the people of Egypt to fight against each other: men will fight against their brothers, neighbors will fight against each other, people of one city will fight against the people of another city, people of one province will fight against the people of another province.
“Abiro thuwo jo-Misri kendgi, ngʼato noked mana gowadgi, joma odak mokiewo noked kendgi, mier madongo noked kendgi, kendo pinjeruodhi bende noked kendgi.
3 The people of Egypt will become very discouraged, and I will cause their plans not to be successful. They will plead with idols and sorcerers and those who talk with spirits of dead people to tell them what they should do.
Chuny jo-Misri nonyosre kendo anaketh gik moko duto ma gichano timo; ginidwar wach kuom nyiseche mopa kod lang chunje mane osetho, ajuoke kod nyakalondo.
4 Then I will enable someone who will treat them very cruelly to become their king [DOU].” That is what I, the Commander of the armies of angels, say.
Abiro chiwo jo-Misri e lwet jatelo mager, kendo ruoth makwiny ema nobed gi loch kuomgi.” Ruoth Nyasaye ma en Jehova Nyasaye Maratego ema owacho.
5 [Some day] the water in the [Nile] River will dry up, and the riverbed will become very dry [DOU].
Pige mag aora biro dwono, kendo kuonde ma pi luwo biro two ma bar okak.
6 The branches of the river will all dry up [DOU] The canals along the river will stink because of the rotting reeds and (bulrushes/tall grass).
Kuonde ma pi luwo nodungʼ marach; bede aore mag Misri nodwon mi two. Odundu kod se biro ner,
7 All the plants along the river and all the crops will dry up; then they will blow away and disappear.
kaachiel gi gik moti mopidhie cham e bath aora Nael notwo ma bar okak kendo cham bende noner molal nono.
8 The fishermen will throw into the river lines with hooks on them and nets, and then they will groan and be very discouraged; they will be sad [because there will be no fish in the river].
Jolupo nobed gi lit mi ywagi, to jogo duto matego golowu e aora Nael; kod joma chiko gokgi e pi nosienyre.
9 Those who weave cloth from flax will not know what to do, because there will be no thread for them to weave.
Jogo machweyo lewni mag tworo nobed mool kendo joma chweyo gik mabeyo chunygi nonyosre.
10 They will all despair and be very discouraged.
Jogo maloso lewni nobed gi parruok, kendo jogo mayudo misara nobed gi chuny mool.
11 The officials in Zoan [city in northern Egypt] are foolish. The advice that they gave to the king was worthless. Why do they continue to tell the king that they are wise, that they are descendants of wise kings who lived long ago [RHQ]?
Jotelo mag Zoan gin ji mofuwo, kendo jongʼad rieko mag Farao chiwo paro manono. Ere kaka iwacho ne Farao niya, “An achiel kuom jorieko, ma nopuonjore kuom ruodhi machon?”
12 King, (where are your wise counselors now?/You have no wise counselors now!) [RHQ] If you had any wise counselors, they could tell you what the Commander of the armies of angels has planned to do to Egypt [SAR]!
Koro ere jogi mariekgo? Koro ginyisiane mondo ingʼe gima Jehova Nyasaye Maratego chano timo ne Misri.
13 [Yes], the officials of Zoan have become foolish, and the leaders in Memphis [city in northern Egypt] have deceived themselves. [All] leaders of the people have (caused their people to do wrong things/led their people astray).
Jotend Zoan osebedo joma ofuwo, jodong Memfis osewuondi; kendo jotelogi osewito jo-Misri.
14 Yahweh has caused them to be very foolish, with the result that in everything that they do, [it is as though the people of] Egypt stagger like [SIM] a drunken person staggers [and slips] in his own vomit.
Jehova Nyasaye osejwangʼogi ma chunygi ool; gimiyo jo-Misri tangni e gik moko duto ma otimo, machal mana ka jakongʼo madwanyore kama ongʼokie.
15 There is no one in Egypt, rich or poor, important or unimportant, [who will be able to help them].
Onge gimoro amora ma Misri nyalo timo maber, bedni en jatelo kata ngʼama otelne, obed bad othith kata odundu.
16 At that time, the people of Egypt will be [as helpless] as [SIM] women. They will tremble, being terrified [because they know that] the Commander of the armies of angels has raised his fist, [ready to strike/punish them].
E kindeno jo-Misri nochal mana ka mon. Gibiro kirni ka luoro omakogi ka gineno kum maa e lwet Jehova Nyasaye Maratego.
17 The people of Egypt will be afraid of the people of Judah, and anyone who mentions Judah to them will cause them to be terrified, because [that will remind them] of what Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels, is planning to do to them.
Piny Juda nomi luoro maduongʼ omak jo-Misri. Ji duto ma nowinj nying Juda kihondko nogo, nikech gima Jehova Nyasaye Maratego osechano timonegi.
18 At that time, [people in] five cities in Egypt will solemnly declare that they will serve Yahweh. They will [learn to] speak the Hebrew language. One of those cities will be called ‘City of the Sun’.
E kindeno mier madongo abich mag Misri nowuo gi dho jo-Kanaan kendo ginikwongʼre ni ginitine Jehova Nyasaye Maratego. Achiel kuomgi noluongi ni Dala Maduongʼ mar Kethruok.
19 At that time, there will be an altar for worshiping Yahweh in the center of Egypt, and there will be a (pillar/large rock) to honor Yahweh at the border [between Egypt and Israel].
E kindeno kendo mar misango mar Jehova Nyasaye nobedi e dier piny Misri kendo kidi mar rapar mar Jehova Nyasaye noket e tongʼne.
20 That will be a sign to indicate that the Commander of the armies of angels is worshiped in the land of Egypt. And when the people cry out to Yahweh to help them because others are (oppressing them/causing them to suffer), he will send to them someone who will defend and rescue them.
Obiro bedo ranyisi kendo rapar ne Jehova Nyasaye Maratego e piny Misri. Ka giywagore ne Jehova Nyasaye nikech joma sandogi, to obiro oronegi jawar kendo jakony, mi enoresgi.
21 Yahweh will enable the people of Egypt to know who he is, and at that time they will have a close relationship with Yahweh and worship him and bring to him offerings of grain and other sacrifices. They will solemnly promise to do things for Yahweh, and they will do what they promise.
Kuom mano Jehova Nyasaye noyangre maler mi jo-Misri ngʼeye, kendo e kindeno giniyie kuom Jehova Nyasaye. Gibiro lame ka gitimone misengini kod chiwo mag cham; ka gisingore ne Jehova Nyasaye kendo gichopo singruokno.
22 After Yahweh has punished Egypt, he will cause their troubles to end. The people of Egypt will turn to Yahweh, and he will listen when they plead to him [for help], and he will cause their troubles to cease.
Jehova Nyasaye biro goyo Misri gi masiche, nogogi kendo bangʼe nochang-gi. Giniduogi ir Jehova Nyasaye, mi nowinj kwayogi kendo ochang-gi.
23 At that time, there will be a highway between Egypt and Assyria. [As a result], the people of Egypt will [be able to] travel [easily] to Assyria, and the people of Assyria [will be able to travel easily] to Egypt. And the people of both countries will worship [Yahweh].
E kindeno yo maduongʼ nobedi koa Misri nyaka Asuria. Jo-Asuria nodhi Misri kendo jo-Misri bende nodhi Asuria. Jo-Misri kod jo-Asuria nolam kaachiel.
24 And Israel will be their ally. All three nations will be [friendly to] each other, and the people of Israel will be a blessing to the people of the entire world.
E kindeno Israel nobed piny mar adek ka giriwore gi Misri kod Asuria mondo gibed gweth ne piny.
25 The Commander of the armies of angels will bless them, saying, “[You people of] Egypt are now my people. You people of Assyria, I have established your country. You people of Israel are the people whom I have chosen to belong to me.”
Jehova Nyasaye Maratego biro gwedhogi kawacho niya, “Agwedho jo-Misri ma gin joga, jo-Asuria ma gin chwechna kod jo-Israel ma gin girkeni mara.”

< Isaiah 19 >