< Isaiah 17 >
1 [I received] this message [from Yahweh] about Damascus [the capital of Syria]: “Listen carefully! Damascus will no longer be a city; it will be [only] a heap of ruins!
论大马士革的默示: 看哪,大马士革已被废弃,不再为城, 必变作乱堆。
2 The towns near Aroer [city] will be abandoned. Flocks [of sheep] will [eat grass in the streets and] lie down there, and there will be no one to chase them away.
亚罗珥的城邑已被撇弃, 必成为牧羊之处; 羊在那里躺卧,无人惊吓。
3 The cities in Israel will not have walls around them [to protect them]. The power of the kingdom of Damascus will be ended, and the few people who will remain in Damascus will be disgraced like the people in Israel were disgraced.” [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says.
以法莲不再有保障; 大马士革不再有国权; 亚兰所剩下的 必像以色列人的荣耀消灭一样。 这是万军之耶和华说的。
4 “At that time, Israel will become insignificant. It will be [like] [MET] a fat person who has become very thin.
到那日,雅各的荣耀必至枵薄; 他肥胖的身体必渐瘦弱。
5 The entire land will be like [SIM] a field where the harvesters have cut all the grain; there will be nothing left, like [SIM] the fields in the Rephaim Valley after all the crops have been harvested.
就必像收割的人收敛禾稼, 用手割取穗子, 又像人在利乏音谷拾取遗落的穗子。
6 Only a few of the Israeli people will remain [MET], like [SIM] the few olives that remain on the top of a tree after the workers have caused all the other olives to fall [to the ground]. [There will be only] two or three olives in the top branches, [or] four or five olives on the other branches.” [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says.
其间所剩下的不多,好像人打橄榄树— 在尽上的枝梢上只剩两三个果子; 在多果树的旁枝上只剩四五个果子。 这是耶和华—以色列的 神说的。
7 [Then], at that time, [you] people [of Israel] will (turn for help to/look up to) God, your creator, the Holy One of Israel.
8 You will no [longer] seek to get help from your idols or worship the idols that you have made with your own hands [DOU]. You will never again bow down in front of the poles [where you worship the goddess] Asherah. You will never again worship at the shrines [that you have built for burning incense].
9 The largest cities in Israel will be abandoned, like the land that the Hiv and Amor people-groups abandoned (OR, like the forests that the [Canaan people-group] abandoned) when the Israelis [attacked them long ago]. No one will live there.
10 [That will happen] because you have stopped worshiping God who is [like] [MET] a huge rock under which you can be safe. You have forgotten that he is the one who can hide/protect you. So, [now] you plant very nice grapevines and [even] plant very expensive ones that come from other countries.
因你忘记救你的 神, 不记念你能力的磐石; 所以,你栽上佳美的树秧子, 插上异样的栽子。
11 [But] even if they sprout leaves on the day that you plant them, and even if they produce blossoms on that same morning, at harvest time, there will not be any grapes for you to pick. All that you will get is a lot of agony/misery.
栽种的日子,你周围圈上篱笆, 又到早晨使你所种的开花; 但在愁苦极其伤痛的日子, 所收割的都飞去了。
12 Listen! [The armies of] many nations will roar like the sea roars. It will sound like the noise of crashing waves.
唉!多民哄嚷,好像海浪匉訇; 列邦奔腾,好像猛水滔滔;
13 But even though their loud roaring will be like the sound of crashing waves, when Yahweh rebukes them, they will run far away. They will flee like [SIM] chaff on the hills scatters when the wind [blows], like tumbleweeds scatter when a windstorm blows.
列邦奔腾,好像多水滔滔; 但 神斥责他们,他们就远远逃避, 又被追赶,如同山上的风前糠, 又如暴风前的旋风土。
14 And, even though you people of Israel will be terrified, in the morning [your enemies] will all be gone/dead. That is what will happen to those who invade our land and [then] steal our possessions.