< Isaiah 16 >

1 [The rulers of Moab will say to each other, ] “We must send some [lambs] from Sela [city] as a gift to the ruler of Judah [to persuade him to not allow his army to attack us any more]. We should send them through the desert to the king.
Envíen corderos al Soberano de la tierra desde Petra por el desierto a la Montaña de la hija de Sion.
2 The women of Moab will be left alone at the (fords of/places where people can walk across) the Arnon [River]; they will be like [SIM] birds that have been pushed out of their nests.
Como ave espantada que huye de su nido serán las hijas de Moab en los vados del Arnón.
3 They will cry out, ‘Help us! Tell us what we should do! Protect us completely [MET], we who are running away [from our enemies], and do not (betray us/tell our enemies where we are).
¡Den consejo, hagan lo justo! Haz que tu sombra sea grata como la noche en el ardor del mediodía. ¡Esconde a los desterrados, y no descubras al fugitivo!
4 Allow [those of us] who are fleeing from Moab to stay with you; hide/protect us from [our enemies who want to] destroy us!’ [Some day] there will be no one to oppress us, and our enemies will stop destroying [our land].
Moren contigo mis fugitivos de Moab. Sé para ellos refugio ante el destructor hasta que cese el opresor, hasta que acabe el devastador y el agresor desaparezca de la tierra.
5 Then [Yahweh] will appoint someone to be king who will be [a descendant of King] David. As he rules [MTY], he will be merciful and truthful. He will always do what is fair/just and quickly do what is righteous.”
Será establecido un trono en el Tabernáculo de David fundado en la misericordia y la verdad. En él se sentará un Juez celoso del justo juicio, solícito de la justicia.
6 We [people of Judah] have heard about [the people of] Moab; we have heard that they are very proud and conceited [DOU]; they are insolent, but what they proudly say about themselves is not true.
Hemos oído del orgullo de Moab, su gran orgullo, su soberbia, su arrogancia y su insolencia. Pero su jactancia es vana,
7 [Some day all the people in] Moab will weep. They will all mourn, because [there will be no more] raisin cakes in Kir-Hareseth [city].
porque Moab gemirá. Toda ella se lamentará por las tortas de pasas de Kir-hareset. Sí, gemirán completamente desconsolados.
8 The [crops in] the fields at Heshbon [city] will wither, and the vineyards at Sibmah [town] will wither also. The armies of [other] nations will destroy Moab, which is [like] [MET] a beautiful grapevine whose branches spread [north] to Jazer [town] and [east] to the desert. Its branches spread very far [west], to the west side of the [Dead] Sea.
Los campos de Hesbón se marchitarán como las vides de Sibma. Los jefes de las naciones pisotearán sus mejores vides. Las ramas llegaban hasta Jazer y se desviaban al desierto. Se extendían y cruzaban el agua.
9 So I will weep for Jazer and for the grapevines of Sibmah. I will shed tears for all of you. I will cry because people will no longer shout joyfully, like they usually do when they gather the fruit that ripens in the (summer/hot season) and the other crops that they harvest.
Por eso lloro con el llanto de Jazer por la viña de Sibma. Te regaré con mis lágrimas, Hesbón, y también a ti, Eleale, porque sobre tus frutos de verano y sobre tu cosecha caerán clamores de guerra.
10 People will no longer be glad at harvest time. No one will sing in the vineyards, no one will shout joyfully. No one will tread on grapes [to get grape juice for wine]; there will be nothing to shout about [joyfully].
Retirarán el gozo y la alegría del campo. No cantarán jubilosos en las viñas, ni pisarán el vino en el lagar, porque cesarán los cánticos.
11 I cry inwardly for Moab; my groaning is like [SIM] [a sad song played on] a harp. I am sad about Kir-Hareseth.
Por eso mis órganos internos vibran como un arpa por Moab, y mi pecho, por Kir-hareset.
12 [The people of] Moab will go and pray at their sacred shrines, but that will not help them. They will cry out to their gods in their temples, [but] none of them will be able to rescue the people.
Cuando Moab se muestre cansado sobre los lugares altos, cuando entre a orar en su santuario, de nada le servirá.
13 Yahweh has already spoken those things about Moab.
Ésta es la Palabra que Yavé predijo con respecto a Moab.
14 But now he says that exactly three years from now, he will destroy all the things that [the people of] Moab have been proud of. Even though they have a huge number of people in Moab now, only a few people will remain alive, and they will be weak/helpless.
Pero ahora Yavé habla: Dentro de tres años de jornalero el esplendor de Moab será abatida con toda su gran multitud. Los que queden serán pocos, escasos y sin algún valor.

< Isaiah 16 >