< Isaiah 15 >

1 [I received] this message [from Yahweh] about the Moab [people-group]: In one night [two of your important cities], Ar and Kir, will be destroyed.
Profecía que vino como una carga contra Moab: Ciertamente en una noche Ar y Quir de Moab serán destruidas y silenciadas.
2 The people of Dibon, [your capital city, ] will go to their temple to mourn/weep; they will go to [their shrines] on the hilltops to weep. They will wail because of [what happened to] Nebo and Medeba [towns in the south]; they will all shave the hair of their heads, and the men will cut off their beards [to show that they are grieving].
Subirán a los lugares altos y a Dibón para llorar. Moab gime sobre Nebo y Medeba. La cabeza de todos será rapada, y toda barba será rasurada.
3 In the streets people will wear rough sackcloth, and on their [flat] rooftops and in the [city] plazas everyone will wail, with tears streaming down their faces.
Se cubrirán de tela áspera en sus plazas. Todos lanzan alaridos sobre sus azoteas y en sus calles. Se deshacen en llanto.
4 [The people of] Heshbon [city] and Elealeh [towns in the north of Moab] will cry out; people as far away as Jahaz [town in the south] will hear them wailing. Therefore the soldiers of Moab will tremble and cry out and they will be very afraid [IDM].
Hesbón y Eleale gimen y su clamor llega hasta Jahaza. Gimen los guerreros de Moab, y el alma de cada uno desfallece.
5 I feel very sorry for [the people of] Moab; they will flee to Zoar and Eglath-Shelishiyah [towns in the far south]. They will cry as they walk up to Luhith [town]. All along the road to Horonaim [town] people will mourn because their country has been destroyed.
Mi corazón lamenta por Moab. Sus fugitivos huyen hasta Zoar como una novilla de tres años. Porque por la cuesta de Luhit subirán llorando. Levantarán gritos de quebrantamiento en el camino a Horonaim
6 The water in Nimrim [Valley] will have dried up. The grass there will be withered; the green plants will [all] be gone, and there will be nothing left that is green.
porque el agua de Nimrim se secó. La hierba está seca y no hay verdor.
7 The people will pick up their possessions and carry them across Willows Brook.
Por tanto, las riquezas que adquirieron y acumularon las llevan al otro lado del arroyo de los Sauces.
8 Throughout the country of Moab, [people] will be crying; people as far away as Eglaim [in the south] and Beer-Elim [in the north] will hear them wailing.
El clamor se extendió a las fronteras de Moab. Hasta Eglaim se oye su lamento y hasta Beer-elim su clamor.
9 The stream near Dimon will become red from the blood [of people who have been killed], but I will cause the people of Moab to experience even more [trouble]: Lions will attack those who [are trying to] escape from Moab and will [also] attack the people who remain in that country.
Las aguas de Dimón se ensangrentaron. Reservo para Dimón males mayores: Un león contra los fugitivos de Moab y contra los que queden en la tierra.

< Isaiah 15 >