< Isaiah 13 >

1 [I], Isaiah, the son of Amoz, received [from Yahweh] this message about Babylon [city]:
Detta är tungen öfver Babel, som Esaia, Amos son, såg:
2 Lift up a flag on the bare [top of a] hill, to signal [that an army should come to attack Babylon]. Shout to them and wave your hand [to signal to them] that they should march through the city gates into the palaces of the proud [rulers of Babylon]!
Reser upp baner på högo berge; ropar fast emot dem; slår upp handena; låter indraga genom förstarnas portar.
3 [Yahweh says], “I have commanded those soldiers to do that; I have summoned the warriors whom I have chosen to punish [the people of Babylon] because of my being very angry with them, and those soldiers will be very proud [when they do that].”
Jag hafver budit minom helgedom, och kallat mina starka till mina vrede, hvilke glade äro uti mine härlighet.
4 Listen to the noise on the mountains, which is the noise of a huge army marching! It is the noise made by people of many people-groups shouting. The Commander of the armies of angels has summoned this army to gather together.
Der är ett rop af en stor hop på bergomen, såsom af ett stort folk; ett rop lika som en gny af församladt Hedningars rike; Herren Zebaoth rustar en här till strids;
5 They come from countries that are far away, from the most remote places [IDM] on the earth. They are [like] [SIM] weapons that Yahweh will use [to punish the people with whom] he is very angry, and to destroy the entire country [of Babylonia].
Hvilke utaf fjerran land komma ifrå himmelens ända; ja, Herren sjelfver, samt med sins vredes här, till att förderfva hela landet.
6 [You people of Babylon] will scream because you will be terrified, because it will be the time that Yahweh [has determined/chosen], the time for the all-powerful [God] to destroy [your city].
Jämrar eder; ty Herrans dag är hardt när; han kommer såsom en förödelse af dem Allsmägtiga.
7 All of your people will be very afraid [DOU], with the result that they will be unable even to lift their arms.
Derföre skola alla händer nederfalla, och all menniskors hjerta gifva sig.
8 All of you will be terrified. You will have [PRS] severe pains like [SIM] a woman has when she is giving birth to a baby. You will look at each other helplessly, and it will show on your faces that you feel horror.
Förskräckelse, ångest och värk skall komma dem uppå; de skola hafva vedermödo, såsom en den der barn föder; den ena skall grufva sig vid den andra; röd som en eld skola deras ansigte vara.
9 Listen to this: The day that Yahweh has appointed/chosen is near, the day that he will furiously and fiercely [punish you] because he is very angry [with you]. He will cause your land [of Babylonia] to be desolate/barren, and he will destroy [all] the sinners in it.
Ty si, Herrans dag kommer grufvelig, vred, grym, till att förderfva landet, och till att förgöra syndarena deraf.
10 [When that happens], none of the stars will shine. When the sun rises, it will be dark, and there will be no light from the moon [at night].
Ty stjernorna på himmelen, och hans Orion skina icke klart; solen går mörk upp, och månen skin mörkt.
11 [Yahweh says], “I will punish [everyone in] the world for the evil things that they do; I will punish the wicked people for the sins that they have committed. I will stop arrogant/proud people from being proud, and I will stop ruthless people from acting cruelly.
Jag skall hemsöka jordenes krets, för hennes ondskas skull, och de ogudaktiga, för deras odygds skull; och skall göra en ända, uppå de stoltas högmod, och ödmjuka de väldigas högfärd;
12 [And because I will cause most people to die], people will be harder to find than gold, harder to find than fine gold from Ophir [in Arabia].
Så att en man skall dyrare varda än fint guld, och en menniska mer värd än ett stycke guld af Ophir.
13 I will shake the sky, and the earth will [also] move out of its place. That will happen when [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, punish [wicked people], when [I show them that] I am extremely angry [with them].
Derföre skall jag röra himmelen, så att jorden skall bäfva utaf sitt rum, igenom Herrans Zebaoths vrede, och igenom hans vredes dag.
14 And all [the foreigners in Babylon will run around] like [SIM] deer that are being hunted, like sheep that do not have a shepherd. They will try to find other people from their countries, and [then] they will escape [from Babylon] and return to their own countries.
Och han skall vara såsom en förjagad rå, och såsom en hjord utan herda; så att hvar och en skall vända till sitt folk igen, och hvar och en fly uti sitt land;
15 Anyone who is captured [in Babylon] will be killed by [their enemies’] swords [DOU].
Derföre att hvilken sig derinne finna låter, han skall igenomstungen varda, och den der när är, skall igenom svärd falla.
16 Their little children will be dashed to pieces on the rocks while [their parents] watch; [their enemies] will steal everything valuable from their houses and will rape their wives.
Skola ock deras barn för deras ögon dräpne varda, deras hus skinnad, och deras hustrur skämda.
17 Look! I am going to incite the people of Media to attack Babylon. The [army of Media] will attack Babylon, even if they are offered [DOU] silver or gold [if they promise to not attack it].
Ty si, jag skall uppväcka de Meder öfver dem, hvilke intet silfver söka, eller efter något guld fråga;
18 [With] their arrows, the [soldiers of Media] will shoot the young men [of Babylon]; they will not [even] act mercifully [DOU] toward infants or children!”
Utan att skjuta de unga män ihjäl med bågar, och icke förbarma sig öfver frukten i moderlifvet, eller barn skona.
19 Babylon has been a very beautiful [MTY] city; [all] the people of Babylonia have been very proud of Babylon, [their capital city]; [but] God will destroy Babylon, like [SIM] he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
Alltså skall Babel, det aldraskönesta ibland riken, de Chaldeers härliga prål, omstört varda af Gudi, lika som Sodom och Gomorra;
20 No one will ever live in Babylon again. It will be deserted forever. (Nomads/People who travel from place to place to live) will refuse to set up their tents there; shepherds will not bring their flocks of sheep to rest there.
Så att man sedan der intet bo skall, eller någor der blifva i evig tid; att ock de Araber der ingen hyddo göra skola, och de herdar der inga bodar uppsätta;
21 Instead, animals that live in the desert will be there; jackals/wolves will live in [the ruins of] the houses. Owls (OR, Ostriches) will live in [the ruins], and wild goats will romp/jump around [there].
Utan stygge foglar skola der lägga sig, och deras hus full med odjur vara, och strutser skola der bo, och gastar skola der springa;
22 Hyenas will howl in the [ruined] towers, and jackals/wolves will make their dens in [the ruins of] the palaces that [were previously] very beautiful. The time when [Babylon will be destroyed] is very near; Babylon will not exist much longer.
Och ugglor sjunga uti hans palats, och drakar uti de lustiga borger. Och hans tid varder snart kommandes, och hans dagar skola intet dröjas.

< Isaiah 13 >