< Isaiah 11 >

1 [Like] [MET] a [new] shoot [often] grows from the stump [of a tree], there will be a descendant of King David who will be a new king.
Och ett Ris skall uppgå, utaf Isai slägte, och en Telning utaf hans rot frukt bära;
2 The Spirit of Yahweh will always be with him. The Spirit will enable him to be wise and to understand [much about many things]. The Spirit will enable him to decide what is good to do, and will enable him to be very powerful. The Spirit will enable him to know Yahweh and to revere him.
På hvilkom skall hvilas Herrans Ande, vishets och förstånds ande, råds och starkhets ande, kunskaps och Herrans fruktans ande.
3 He will be glad to obey Yahweh. He will not decide [whether someone is righteous or not only] by seeing what that person looks like, or by listening to [what others say about that person].
Han skall inblåsa honom Herrans fruktan, att han icke skall döma efter som ögonen se, eller straffa efter som öronen höra;
4 He will judge [the cases of] needy people fairly; and he will act justly toward poor people. He will punish evil people as a result of what he decides [MTY]; he will get rid of wicked people because of [MTY] [their behavior].
Utan skall med rättviso döma de fattiga, och med dom straffa de elända på jordene, och skall slå jordena med sins muns staf, och med sina läppars anda dräpa de ogudaktiga.
5 He will always act righteously; his doing that will [accompany him like] [MET] a belt [around his waist]. He will always speak what is true; his doing that will [accompany him like] [MET] a sash [around his waist].
Rättvisa skall vara hans länders bälte, och trohet hans njurars bälte.
6 [When he becomes king], wolves and lambs will live together [peacefully]; leopards, [instead of killing] baby goats, will lie down with them. [Similarly], calves and lions will eat food together; and a young child will take care of them.
Ulfvar skola bo tillsammans med lamb, och parder ligga ibland kid; en liten dräng skall tillhopa drifva kalfvar, och ung lejon, och gödeboskap.
7 Cows and bears will eat [together]; bear cubs and calves will lie down together. Lions will [not eat other animals]; [instead], they will eat hay like cows do.
Kor och björnar skola gå i bet, och deras ungar tillhopa ligga, och lejonen skola äta halm, såsom oxar;
8 Babies will play [safely] near the holes where cobra snakes [live]; small children will [even] put their hands into nests of poisonous snakes, [and the snakes will not harm them].
Och ett spenabarn skall lust hafva vid en huggorms hål, och ett afvandt barn skall stinga sina hand uti ena basiliskes kulo.
9 No creatures will harm or kill other creatures on [Zion Hill], my holy hill; and the earth will [be filled with people who] know Yahweh like [SIM] the seas are full of water.
Man skall ingen sarga eller förderfva på mitt helga berg; ty landet är fullt af Herrans kunskap, lika som med hafsens vatten betäckt.
10 At that time, a descendant of King David will [hold up] a flag to signal to the people of all people-groups [that they should gather around him]; they will come to him to get his advice, and the place where he lives will be glorious.
Och det skall ske på den tiden, att Isai rot, som står till folks baner, der skola Hedningarna fråga efter, och hans hvila skall vara ära.
11 At that time, Yahweh will (reach out his hand/use his power) as he did long ago; he will enable those who had been (exiled from/forced to leave) Israel to return home, from Assyria, from northern Egypt, from southern Egypt, from Ethiopia, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath, and from all the distant countries near the sea.
Och Herren skall på den tiden än en gång uträcka sina hand, att han skall få det återlefda af sitt folk, det qvart blifvet är för de Assyrier, Egyptier, Pathros, Ethioper, Elamiter, Sinear, Hamath, och för hafsens öar;
12 Yahweh will raise his flag among [all] the people-groups, and he will gather together the people of Israel who had been exiled [long ago]. He will gather from very distant places [IDM] on the earth the people of Judah who [(had been scattered to/are living in) those places].
Och skall uppresa ett baner ibland Hedningarna, och sammanhemta de fördrefna af Israel, och församla de förskingrada af Juda, af fyra jordenes ändar.
13 [Then], the people of Israel and the people of Judah will not be jealous of each other [any longer], and they will no [longer] be enemies of each other.
Och det nit emot Ephraim skall återvända, och Juda fiender skola utrotade varda, så att Ephraim icke hatar Juda, och Juda icke skall vara emot Ephraim.
14 Their [armies] will [join together to] attack the people of Philistia to the west. And together they will attack nations to the east; they will [defeat those nations and] take away all their valuable possessions. They will capture [the areas of] Edom and Moab, and the people of the Ammon people-group will be controlled/ruled by the people of Israel and Judah.
Men de skola vara de Philisteer på halsen vesterut, och beröfva alla de som österut bo; Edom och Moab skola gå dem tillhanda; Ammons barn skola hörsam vara.
15 Yahweh will make a dry road through the sea near Egypt. And [it will be as though] he will wave his hand over the [Euphrates] River and send a strong wind to cause it to divide into seven streams, with the result that people will be able to walk across [those streams].
Och Herren skall tillspillogifva hafsens ström uti Egypten, och skall låta gå sina hand öfver älfvena med starkt väder, och slå de sju strömmar, så att man må gå torrskodd deröfver;
16 And because he will make a highway for his people who are living in Assyria, they will be able to return [to their own land], just like [long ago] he made a path for [the people of] Israel [so that they could go through the water] when they left Egypt.
Och skall vara dem qvarlefdom af sitt folk, som igenblifvet är för de Assyrier, en väg; såsom Israel skedde på den tiden, de utur Egypti land drogo.

< Isaiah 11 >