< Isaiah 11 >

1 [Like] [MET] a [new] shoot [often] grows from the stump [of a tree], there will be a descendant of King David who will be a new king.
이새의 줄기에서 한 싹이 나며 그 뿌리에서 한 가지가 나서 결실할 것이요
2 The Spirit of Yahweh will always be with him. The Spirit will enable him to be wise and to understand [much about many things]. The Spirit will enable him to decide what is good to do, and will enable him to be very powerful. The Spirit will enable him to know Yahweh and to revere him.
여호와의 신 곧 지혜와 총명의 신이요 모략과 재능의 신이요 지식과 여호와를 경외하는 신이 그 위에 강림하시리니
3 He will be glad to obey Yahweh. He will not decide [whether someone is righteous or not only] by seeing what that person looks like, or by listening to [what others say about that person].
그가 여호와를 경외함으로 즐거움을 삼을 것이며 그 눈에 보이는 대로 심판치 아니하며 귀에 들리는 대로 판단치 아니하며
4 He will judge [the cases of] needy people fairly; and he will act justly toward poor people. He will punish evil people as a result of what he decides [MTY]; he will get rid of wicked people because of [MTY] [their behavior].
공의로 빈핍한 자를 심판하며 정직으로 세상의 겸손한 자를 판단할 것이며 그 입의 막대기로 세상을 치며 입술의 기운으로 악인을 죽일 것이며
5 He will always act righteously; his doing that will [accompany him like] [MET] a belt [around his waist]. He will always speak what is true; his doing that will [accompany him like] [MET] a sash [around his waist].
공의로 그 허리띠를 삼으며 성실로 몸의 띠를 삼으리라
6 [When he becomes king], wolves and lambs will live together [peacefully]; leopards, [instead of killing] baby goats, will lie down with them. [Similarly], calves and lions will eat food together; and a young child will take care of them.
그 때에 이리가 어린 양과 함께 거하며 표범이 어린 염소와 함께 누우며 송아지와 어린 사자와 살찐 짐승이 함께 있어 어린 아이에게 끌리며
7 Cows and bears will eat [together]; bear cubs and calves will lie down together. Lions will [not eat other animals]; [instead], they will eat hay like cows do.
암소와 곰이 함께 먹으며 그것들의 새끼가 함께 엎드리며 사자가 소처럼 풀을 먹을 것이며
8 Babies will play [safely] near the holes where cobra snakes [live]; small children will [even] put their hands into nests of poisonous snakes, [and the snakes will not harm them].
젖먹는 아이가 독사의 구멍에서 장난하며 젖뗀 어린 아이가 독사의 굴에 손을 넣을 것이라
9 No creatures will harm or kill other creatures on [Zion Hill], my holy hill; and the earth will [be filled with people who] know Yahweh like [SIM] the seas are full of water.
나의 거룩한 산 모든 곳에서 해됨도 없고 상함도 없을 것이니 이는 물이 바다를 덮음 같이 여호와를 아는 지식이 세상에 충만할 것임이니라
10 At that time, a descendant of King David will [hold up] a flag to signal to the people of all people-groups [that they should gather around him]; they will come to him to get his advice, and the place where he lives will be glorious.
그 날에 이새의 뿌리에서 한 싹이 나서 만민의 기호로 설 것이요 열방이 그에게로 돌아오리니 그 거한 곳이 영화로우리라
11 At that time, Yahweh will (reach out his hand/use his power) as he did long ago; he will enable those who had been (exiled from/forced to leave) Israel to return home, from Assyria, from northern Egypt, from southern Egypt, from Ethiopia, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath, and from all the distant countries near the sea.
그 날에 주께서 다시 손을 펴사 그 남은 백성을 앗수르와 애굽과 바드로스와 구스와 엘람과 시날과 하맛과 바다 섬들에서 돌아오게 하실 것이라
12 Yahweh will raise his flag among [all] the people-groups, and he will gather together the people of Israel who had been exiled [long ago]. He will gather from very distant places [IDM] on the earth the people of Judah who [(had been scattered to/are living in) those places].
여호와께서 열방을 향하여 기호를 세우시고 이스라엘의 쫓긴 자를 모으시며 땅 사방에서 유다의 이산한 자를 모으시리니
13 [Then], the people of Israel and the people of Judah will not be jealous of each other [any longer], and they will no [longer] be enemies of each other.
에브라임의 투기는 없어지고 유다를 괴롭게 하던 자는 끊어지며 에브라임은 유다를 투기하지 아니하며 유다는 에브라임을 괴롭게 하지 아니할 것이요
14 Their [armies] will [join together to] attack the people of Philistia to the west. And together they will attack nations to the east; they will [defeat those nations and] take away all their valuable possessions. They will capture [the areas of] Edom and Moab, and the people of the Ammon people-group will be controlled/ruled by the people of Israel and Judah.
그들이 서으로 블레셋 사람의 어깨에 날아 앉고 함께 동방 백성을 노략하며 에돔과 모압에 손을 대며 암몬 자손을 자기에게 복종시키리라
15 Yahweh will make a dry road through the sea near Egypt. And [it will be as though] he will wave his hand over the [Euphrates] River and send a strong wind to cause it to divide into seven streams, with the result that people will be able to walk across [those streams].
여호와께서 애굽 해고를 말리우시고 손을 유브라데 하수 위에 흔들어 뜨거운 바람을 일으켜서 그 하수를 쳐서 일곱 갈래로 나눠 신 신고 건너가게 하실 것이라
16 And because he will make a highway for his people who are living in Assyria, they will be able to return [to their own land], just like [long ago] he made a path for [the people of] Israel [so that they could go through the water] when they left Egypt.
그의 남아 있는 백성을 위하여 앗수르에서부터 돌아오는 대로가 있게 하시되 이스라엘이 애굽 땅에서 나오던 날과 같게 하시리라

< Isaiah 11 >