< Hosea 9 >

1 [You people of] Israel, do not shout joyfully [during your festivals] like [people of other] nations do! [I say that] because you have (not been faithful to/abandoned) me, your God. At every place where the people thresh grain you have [presented gifts to your idols like men] pay money to prostitutes.
Hai bangsa Israel, janganlah merayakan lagi hari-hari rayamu seperti bangsa-bangsa lain. Kamu telah meninggalkan Allahmu dan tidak setia kepada-Nya. Di tiap pengirikan gandum, kamu menjual diri sebagai pelacur kepada Dewa Baal, dan senang menerima gandum yang kamu anggap sebagai upah dewa itu kepadamu!
2 [But soon] there will not be enough grain [MTY, PRS] and wine [MTY, PRS] for you.
Tapi tak lama lagi kamu akan kekurangan gandum serta minyak zaitun, dan anggur pun akan habis.
3 And you people will not remain in the land that I, Yahweh, [gave to your ancestors]. You will be [captured and] taken to [Assyria], [where you will become slaves like your ancestors were] in Egypt; and in Assyria you will be forced to eat food that Yahweh has forbidden you to eat.
Kamu, hai bangsa Israel, tidak akan tetap tinggal di tanah yang diberikan TUHAN kepadamu. Kamu harus kembali ke Mesir, dan harus makan makanan haram di Asyur.
4 You Israelis will not [be able to] give wine offerings to him, or bring sacrifices to him. None of your other sacrifices will please him; they will be unacceptable to him, like [SIM] food that is touched by people at funerals, and everyone who eats that food will become unacceptable to him. They will be permitted to eat that food themselves, but they will not [be permitted to] bring it into the temple.
Di negeri-negeri itu kamu tidak akan dapat mempersembahkan anggur dan kurban binatang untuk menyenangkan hati TUHAN. Makananmu akan membuat setiap orang yang memakannya menjadi najis, seperti makanan yang dimakan pada upacara penguburan. Makanan itu hanya berguna untuk mengenyangkan perutmu; sedikit pun tidak akan dibawa ke Rumah TUHAN untuk dipersembahkan di sana.
5 At that time you will not [RHQ] be able to celebrate the feasts and sacred festivals.
Pada hari-hari raya agama untuk menghormati TUHAN, kamu tak akan dapat melakukan apa-apa untuk merayakannya.
6 And even if you escape and are not killed [by the Assyrians], you will be captured by [the army of] Egypt, and you will [die and] be buried in Memphis, [the capital of Egypt]. Briers will [grow up and] cover your treasures of silver, and thorns will grow in your [ruined] tents/houses.
Apabila bencana tiba, dan kamu dibawa ke negeri lain, maka yang tertinggal di antara kamu akan dikumpulkan oleh orang-orang Mesir untuk dibunuh dan dikubur di Memfis! Rumput dan duri akan tumbuh menutupi tempat-tempat bekas rumahmu dan barang-barang perakmu yang berharga.
7 It is now the time for Yahweh to punish you, to pay you back for all the sins that you have committed. You people will [soon] know that. You have [committed] very many sins, and you very much hate Yahweh. You consider that the prophets are foolish, and you think that those who proclaim messages from him are crazy.
Sudah tiba waktu penghukuman, waktu untuk menerima pembalasan atas segala perbuatan. Israel akan merasakannya! Kamu berkata, "Nabi yang dikuasai roh ini tolol! Gila dia!" Kamu berkata begitu karena kamu benci sekali kepadaku dan dosamu sangat besar.
8 My God appointed [me and the other] prophets to be [like] [MET] watchmen [to warn] you people of Israel, but everywhere that we go, [it is as though] people set traps for us and people are hostile [to us, even] in the temple of our God.
Allah mengutus aku sebagai nabi untuk memperingatkan kamu umat-Nya, tapi ke mana pun aku pergi, kamu berusaha menjerat aku seperti burung. Di negeri milik Allah sendiri, kami nabi-nabi dimusuhi rakyat.
9 The sins that the Israeli people have committed are as awful as [what the men of] Gibeah did long ago; [so] God will not forget the wicked things that they have done; he will punish the Israelis for [all] those sins.
Sangat jahat perbuatanmu seperti yang pernah dilakukan orang di Gibea. Allah akan mengingat kesalahanmu, dan menghukum kamu karena dosamu.
10 [Yahweh says], “When I first started [to do things to help] Israel, it seemed to me as though [SIM] I had found grapes in the desert. Your ancestors were [delightful], like [SIM] the first figs that grow on fig trees [each year]. But when they came to Peor [Mountain], they worshiped that disgusting idol Baal, and they became as disgusting as the idol that they loved.
Tuhan berkata, "Ketika Aku mula-mula menemukan Israel, Aku gembira seperti orang menemukan buah anggur di padang gurun. Ketika Aku mula-mula melihat leluhurmu, Aku senang seperti orang melihat hasil pertama buah ara. Tapi, ketika mereka pergi ke Gunung Peor, mereka mulai menyembah Baal, sehingga mereka menjadi najis seperti dewa yang mereka cintai itu.
11 The things that cause Israel to be great will disappear like [SIM] a bird that flies away; [most of their women will] not become pregnant [DOU] or give birth to children.
Kebesaran Israel akan terbang menghilang seperti burung; tak akan ada yang mengandung, dan tak ada anak-anak yang dilahirkan.
12 Even if their children are born and start to grow up, I will cause all of them to die [while they are still young]. Terrible things will happen to them when I abandon them!
Tapi sekalipun ada anak-anak yang lahir dan dibesarkan, mereka akan Kuambil; tak seorang pun akan Kubiarkan hidup. Celakalah kamu, hai bangsa Israel, apabila Aku meninggalkan kamu!"
13 I have seen Israel become beautiful and prosperous like Tyre [city] was [before it was destroyed], but now the people of Israel will [be forced to] take their children to be slaughtered [by their enemies].”
TUHAN, aku melihat anak-anak mereka dikejar-kejar dan dibunuh.
14 Yahweh, [I do not know] [RHQ] what I should ask for my people. So I ask that you do this one thing: Cause the women who are pregnant to have miscarriages and unable [to nurse their babies].
Apakah yang harus kuminta kepada-Mu untuk orang-orang itu? Jadikanlah wanita-wanita mereka mandul! Buatlah mereka tak dapat menyusui bayi mereka!
15 [Yahweh says], “Because of all the wicked things that my people did at Gilgal, that is where I started to hate them. [And now], because of [all] the sinful things that they have done, I will expel them from my country. I will not love them any longer; all their leaders rebel [against me].
TUHAN berkata, "Semua kejahatan mereka mulai di Gilgal. Di situlah Aku mulai membenci mereka. Karena perbuatan mereka yang jahat, Aku akan mengusir mereka dari negeri-Ku ini. Aku tidak akan mengasihi mereka lagi; semua pemimpin mereka telah melawan Aku.
16 Israel is like [MET] a grapevine that is dried up; [like a vine] [MET] whose roots are withered and that produces no fruit. Even if the [women of Israel] give birth to [more] children, I will cause those children, whom they love, to die.
Orang Israel akan Kuhukum. Mereka akan menjadi seperti tanaman yang tidak berbuah, dan yang akar-akarnya sudah kering. Mereka tidak akan mempunyai anak; tapi sekalipun mereka mempunyai anak, akan Kubunuh anak-anak yang mereka kasihi itu."
17 The people of Israel have not obeyed me, their God, so I will reject them. [As a result], they will wander among the [other] nations, [searching for a place to live].”
Allah yang kulayani itu akan menolak umat-Nya, karena mereka tidak mau mendengarkan Dia. Mereka akan mengembara di antara bangsa-bangsa.

< Hosea 9 >