< Hosea 7 >

1 “and when I wanted to heal them [again], [I did not do it, ] [because] I saw the wicked things that [the people of] Samaria [city] and [other places in] Israel [DOU] have done. They constantly deceive others; bandits rob people in the streets.
Naar jeg læger Israel, da blottes Efraims Misgerning og Samarias Ondskab, thi de have lagt sig efter Løgn; Tyve bryde ind, en Skare røver udenfor.
2 But they do not realize that I do not forget all the evil things that they do. [It is as though] they are surrounded by [all] the sins that they commit; and [it is though] those sins are [always right] in front of me [MTY].
Og de sige ikke i deres Hjerte, at jeg ihukommer al deres Ondskab; nu have deres Idrætter omringet dem, de ere komne for mit Ansigt.
3 Their king is delighted with the wicked things that the people do; his officials are happy about the people’s lies.
Ved deres Ondskab glæde de en Konge og Fyrster ved deres Løgn.
4 [The king and his officials] are all treacherous. [They are always eager to do wicked things; ] they are like [SIM] an oven that is [very] hot: a baker mixes the dough and waits for it to expand, and he does not [need to] cause the oven to become hotter.
Alle ere de Horkarle, de ere som en Ovn, der hedes af en Bager, som holder op med at ilde fra den Tid, han har æltet Dejgen, indtil den bliver syret.
5 The king and his officials get very drunk during their festivals, carousing with others who also do foolish things.
Paa vor Konges Dag blive Fyrsterne syge ved Hede af Vinen, han rækker Spottere sin Haand.
6 The officials angrily plan to murder the king; it is like [SIM] they have an oven in their inner beings. All during the night their [eagerness/wanting to murder the king] is like a fire that is smouldering, but in the morning it becomes like [MET] a roaring fire.
Thi de bringe deres Hjerte nær til deres List som til Ovnen; den hele Nat sover deres Bager; om Morgenen brænder den som luende Ild.
7 All those officials are like [MET] hot flames that completely burn up their rulers, so all their kings are murdered, and no one pleads with me [to help them].”
Alle gløde de som Ovnen, og de have fortæret deres Dommere; alle deres Konger ere faldne, der er ingen iblandt dem, som paakalder mig.
8 “[The leaders of] Israel join with leaders of [godless] nations; so [the leaders of] Israel are [as worthless as] a pancake that is cooked on only one side.
Efraim, han blander sig med Folkene, Efraim er som en Kage, der ikke er vendt.
9 Joining with the rulers of foreign nations has caused Israel to be a weak [nation], but the Israelis do not realize that. Israel has become [like] [MET] a gray-haired old man, but the people of Israel do not realize it.
Fremmede have fortæret hans Kraft, men han mærker det ikke; der kommer ogsaa graa Haar frem hist og her paa ham, men han mærker det ikke.
10 Their being proud [PRS] testifies against them, but in spite of that, they do not return to [me], Yahweh, their God, or [even] try to know me.
Og Israels Stolthed vidner imod ham, men de vende ikke om til Herren deres Gud og søge ham ikke, uagtet alt dette.
11 [The people of] Israel have become foolish and stupid like [SIM] doves. [First] they called out to Egypt [to help them], [and then] they sought help from Assyria.
Men Efraim er bleven ligesom en enfoldig Due, uden Forstand; de raabe paa Ægypten, de gaa til Assyrien.
12 But wherever they go [to get help], [I will not allow them to succeed]; [it will be as though] [MET] I will throw a net over them like [SIM] [a hunter uses a net to capture] birds; I will punish them for the evil things that they do.
Saa snart de gaa bort, vil jeg udbrede mit Garn over dem, jeg vil drage dem ned som Fugle under Himmelen; jeg vil tugte dem, efter hvad der er forkyndt deres Forsamling.
13 Terrible things will happen to them because they abandoned/deserted me! They will be destroyed because they rebelled against me. I wanted to rescue them, but they tell lies about me.
Ve dem! thi de ere flygtede bort fra mig; Ødelæggelse over dem! thi de have begaaet Overtrædelse imod mig; og jeg vilde frelse dem, men de talte Løgn imod mig.
14 They do not cry out to me sincerely [IDM]; they [only] lie on their beds and wail. They gather together and ask [me to give them] grain and wine, but they turn away from me.
Og de raabe ikke til mig i deres Hjerte, men de hyle paa deres Leje; for Korn og Most forsamle de sig, de vige bort fra mig.
15 I trained/taught them and enabled them to become strong, but now they plan [to do] evil things to me.
Og jeg oplærte, jeg styrkede deres Arme; men imod mig optænke de ondt.
16 They have rejected me, their Great God, and turned to their god Baal; they are [as useless] as [SIM] a crooked bow. Their leaders boast [that they are very strong], but they will be killed by [their enemies’] swords. As a result, [the people of] Egypt will laugh at them.”
De vende sig, men ikke opad, de ere blevne som en falsk Bue, deres Fyrster skulle falde ved Sværdet for deres Tunges Frækhed; dette bliver dem til Spot i Ægyptens Land.

< Hosea 7 >