< Hosea 7 >

1 “and when I wanted to heal them [again], [I did not do it, ] [because] I saw the wicked things that [the people of] Samaria [city] and [other places in] Israel [DOU] have done. They constantly deceive others; bandits rob people in the streets.
Když léčím Izraele, tedy zjevuje se nepravost Efraimova a zlosti Samařské; nebo provodí faleš. Vnitř zlodějství, a vně provozují loupežnictví.
2 But they do not realize that I do not forget all the evil things that they do. [It is as though] they are surrounded by [all] the sins that they commit; and [it is though] those sins are [always right] in front of me [MTY].
Aniž na to pomýšlejí v srdci svém, že na všecku nešlechetnost jejich pamatují; již je obkličují skutkové jejich, a před mým oblíčejem jsou.
3 Their king is delighted with the wicked things that the people do; his officials are happy about the people’s lies.
Nešlechetností svou obveselují krále, a klamy svými knížata.
4 [The king and his officials] are all treacherous. [They are always eager to do wicked things; ] they are like [SIM] an oven that is [very] hot: a baker mixes the dough and waits for it to expand, and he does not [need to] cause the oven to become hotter.
Všickni napořád cizoloží, podobni jsouce peci zanícené od pekaře, kterýž přestává bdíti, jen ažby zadělané těsto zkynulo.
5 The king and his officials get very drunk during their festivals, carousing with others who also do foolish things.
V den krále našeho k nemoci jej přivodí knížata láhvicí vína; vztahuje ruku svou s posměvači.
6 The officials angrily plan to murder the king; it is like [SIM] they have an oven in their inner beings. All during the night their [eagerness/wanting to murder the king] is like a fire that is smouldering, but in the morning it becomes like [MET] a roaring fire.
Nebo přiložili k úkladům svým srdce své podobné peci; celou noc spí pekař jejich, v jitře hoří jako plamen ohně.
7 All those officials are like [MET] hot flames that completely burn up their rulers, so all their kings are murdered, and no one pleads with me [to help them].”
Všickni napořád rozpáleni jsou jako pec, a zžírají soudce své; všickni králové jejich padají, aniž kdo z nich volá ke mně.
8 “[The leaders of] Israel join with leaders of [godless] nations; so [the leaders of] Israel are [as worthless as] a pancake that is cooked on only one side.
Efraim s národy smísil se, Efraim bude chléb podpopelný neobrácený.
9 Joining with the rulers of foreign nations has caused Israel to be a weak [nation], but the Israelis do not realize that. Israel has become [like] [MET] a gray-haired old man, but the people of Israel do not realize it.
Cizozemci zžírají sílu jeho, ačkoli on toho nezná; i šedinami prokvítaje, však vždy toho nezná.
10 Their being proud [PRS] testifies against them, but in spite of that, they do not return to [me], Yahweh, their God, or [even] try to know me.
A ačkoli pýcha Izraelova svědčí vůči proti němu, však se nenavracují k Hospodinu Bohu svému, aniž ho hledají s tím se vším.
11 [The people of] Israel have become foolish and stupid like [SIM] doves. [First] they called out to Egypt [to help them], [and then] they sought help from Assyria.
A Efraim jest jako holubice hloupá bez srdce; k Egyptskému králi volají, k Assyrskému se utíkají.
12 But wherever they go [to get help], [I will not allow them to succeed]; [it will be as though] [MET] I will throw a net over them like [SIM] [a hunter uses a net to capture] birds; I will punish them for the evil things that they do.
Když odejdou, roztáhnu na ně sítku svou, a jako ptactvo nebeské přitrhnu je; kárati je budu tak, jakž slýcháno bylo o tom v shromáždění jejich.
13 Terrible things will happen to them because they abandoned/deserted me! They will be destroyed because they rebelled against me. I wanted to rescue them, but they tell lies about me.
Běda jim, že jsou poběhli mne. Zpuštění na ně, proto že se mi zpronevěřili, ješto jsem já je vykoupil, ale oni mluvili proti mně lži.
14 They do not cry out to me sincerely [IDM]; they [only] lie on their beds and wail. They gather together and ask [me to give them] grain and wine, but they turn away from me.
Aniž volají ke mně z srdce svého, když kvílí na ložcích svých, a když pro obilé a mest shromažďujíce se, obracejí se ke mně,
15 I trained/taught them and enabled them to become strong, but now they plan [to do] evil things to me.
Ješto já potrestav, posiloval jsem ramen jejich, ale oni proti mně zlé vymýšlejí.
16 They have rejected me, their Great God, and turned to their god Baal; they are [as useless] as [SIM] a crooked bow. Their leaders boast [that they are very strong], but they will be killed by [their enemies’] swords. As a result, [the people of] Egypt will laugh at them.”
Navracujíť se, ale ne k Nejvyššímu, jsou jako lučiště omylné, padají od meče knížata jejich, od rozhněvání jazyka jejich, což jim ku posměchu jest v zemi Egyptské.

< Hosea 7 >