< Hosea 2 >

1 [At that time, ] you will say to your fellow-Israeli men, “[You are] God’s people,” and [you will say] to your fellow-Israeli women, “You are ones whom God loves.”
“Gwa ụmụnne gị ndị nwoke Ami, ‘nke pụtara ndị m,’ gwakwa ụmụnne gị nwanyị Ruhama, nke pụtara, ‘Unu ndị m hụrụ nʼanya.’
2 [Yahweh also said to me], “I want you to accuse the Israeli people. [It is as though] [MET] this nation is your mother, but this nation is [no longer as though it is] [MET] my wife, and it is [no longer as though] [MET] I am its husband. Tell the Israeli people that they must stop [acting like] a prostitute [by worshiping other gods]; they must stop showing by their behavior that they (are unfaithful to/have abandoned) [me] [MET].
“Unu guzogidenụ nne unu, rịọọnụ ya, nʼihi na ọ bụghị nwunye m, mụ onwe m abụkwaghị di ya. Gwanụ ya ka o wezuga ịkwa iko site nʼihu ya, ya wezugakwa ịgba akwụna nke dị nʼetiti ara ya abụọ.
3 If they do not do that, I will not give them [food and] clothes [as a husband should give to his wife]; I will take away those things, and I will cause their nation to become [as deserted] as it was on the day that I [brought their ancestors out of Egypt and caused them to become a nation] [MET]. I will cause their country to be like [SIM] a desert; there will be no rain to water the ground [MET].
Ma ọ bụghị otu a, aga m eyipụ ya uwe ya mee ka ọ gbara ọtọ, aga m eme ka o gbara ọtọ dị ka nʼụbọchị ahụ a mụrụ ya. Aga m eme ya ka ọ dị ka ọzara, ka ọ ghọọ nʼala kpọrọ nkụ, were akpịrị ịkpọ nkụ mee ka ọ nwụọ.
4 I will not pity the people, because they have [abandoned me] as [MET] prostitutes abandon their husbands.
Agaghị m egosi ụmụ ya ebere m, nʼihi na ha bụ ụmụ a kwatara nʼiko.
5 Their parents are like prostitutes [MET]: they have been unfaithful [to me], and they have done [very] disgraceful things. They said, ‘We will run to [our idols/gods] who love us; [they are the ones] who give us food and water and wool and linen and [olive] oil, and [wine to] drink.’
Nʼihi na nne ha bụ onye na-akwa iko, ọ tụrụ ime ha nʼọnọdụ ihere. Site nʼikwu sị, ‘Aghaghị m ịgbakwuru ndị enyi nwoke hụrụ m nʼanya, ndị na-enye m nri na mmiri, ajị anụ m na akwa ọcha m, mmanụ oliv m na ihe ọṅụṅụ m.’
6 So [it will be as though] [MET] I am blocking their road with thornbushes, and putting put a wall around them so that they do not know which way to go.
Nʼihi nke a, aga m eji ogwu na uke gbachie ya gburugburu; aga m agbachi ụzọ ya, mee ya ka ọ ghara ịma ebe ọ na-eje.
7 They will run to their idols/gods that [they think] love them, but they will not find them. They will search for their false gods, but they will not find them. Then they will say, ‘[Perhaps] we should return to [Yahweh], whom we worshiped previously [MET], because things were better for us then than they are now.’
Ọ ga-agbaso ndị ahụ hụrụ ya nʼanya ma ọ gaghị achụkwute ha. Ọ ga-achọ ha ma ọ gaghị ahụ ha. Mgbe ahụ, ọ ga-asị, ‘Ka m gaa laghachikwuru di mbụ m, nʼihi na ọ dịrị m mma mgbe ahụ karịa ugbu a.’
8 But they do not realize that I, [Yahweh], am the one who gave them grain and wine and [olive] oil; I am the one who gave them silver and gold which they used to worship Baal.
Ma ọ kwetaghị na ihe ndị a si nʼaka m, na ọ bụ mụ nyere ya ọka, na mmanya ọhụrụ, na mmanụ oliv, na ọlaọcha, na ọlaedo ndị ahụ niile nke o ji na-efe Baal.
9 Therefore I will return and take my grain and grapes from them when they are ripe. I will take from them the wool and linen that I gave to them [to make their clothes] [MTY].
“Ya mere, aga m ewerekwa ọka m mgbe ọ chara, na mmanya ọhụrụ m mgbe oge ya ruru. Aga m anapụkwa ya akwa ajị anụ m na akwa ọcha m, nke ekwesiri iji kpuchie ọtọ ya.
10 I will show those false gods/idols that what my people are doing is disgusting [MET], and no one will be able to hinder me from [punishing them].
Ugbu a, aga m ekpughe ọtọ ya nʼihu ndị ahụ na-ahụ ya nʼanya, ọ dịkwaghị onye nwere ike ịnapụta ya site nʼaka m.
11 I will cause their religious celebrations to cease, the festivals that they celebrate every year and at every new moon and on their (Sabbath days/weekly days of rest). I will cause all their religious celebrations to cease.
Aga m eme ka obi ụtọ ya kwụsị; ọ bụladị mmemme nke afọ niile, mmemme ọnwa ọhụrụ, nke ụbọchị izuike na mmemme ndị ọzọ ahụ niile a kara aka.
12 I will destroy [all] their grapevines and fig trees, which they said were what their [idols/gods] who loved them paid them for worshiping those idols. I will cause those places to become a desert, and wild animals will eat the fruit [that remains].
Aga m ala ubi vaịnị ya na osisi fiig ya niile nʼiyi, nke ọ sịrị bụ ụgwọ ọrụ ya site nʼaka ndị hụrụ ya nʼanya; aga m emekwa ka ha ghọọ oke ọhịa, anụ ọhịa ga-eripịa ha.
13 I will punish my people for [all] the times that they burned incense to [honor] the idols of Baal. They decorated themselves with rings and jewelry, and they went to worship those [false gods/idols] that [they thought] [IRO] loved them, but they abandoned/forgot me! [That is what I], Yahweh, say.
Aga m enye ya ahụhụ maka ụbọchị niile bụ nke o surere ihe na-esi isi ụtọ nye chi Baal niile, ọ chịrị mgbaaka mkpịsịaka na ihe ịchọ mma niile, jikere onwe ya, pụọ chụso ndị ahụ hụrụ ya nʼanya, ma chezọọ m,” Otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri ya.
14 But listen! [Some day] I will persuade my people [to worship me again]; I will lead them [out] into the desert and speak kindly to them [there].
“Nʼihi nke a, aga m arara ya, duba ya nʼime ọzara, jiri olu dị nro gwa ya okwu nʼebe ahụ.
15 I will give their vineyards [back] to them, and I will cause Achor Valley, [which means ‘valley of trouble'], to become a valley where they will confidently expect [me to do good things for them]. They will (respond to/want to please) me there like they did long ago, when I freed them from [being slaves in] Egypt.
Ebe ahụ ka m ga-enyeghachi ya ubi vaịnị ya, gbanweekwa Ndagwurugwu Akọ, mee ka ọ ghọọ ọnụ ụzọ olileanya. Mgbe ahụ, ọ ga-azakwa m dịka o mere mgbe ọ bụ agbọghọbịa, nʼoge ahụ o si nʼala Ijipt pụta.
16 At that time, they will say to me, ‘[It is as though] [MET] you are our husband.’ They will not say that I am their [master, like they considered that] Baal [was].
“Nʼụbọchị ahụ,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri, “Ị ga-akpọ m ‘Di m,’ ị gaghị akpọkwa m ‘nna m ukwu,’ ọzọ.
17 I will not allow them to speak [MTY] the names of Baal; they will never use those names again.
Nʼihi na aga m ewepụkwa aha niile nke arụsị Baal nʼegbugbere ọnụ ya, ha gaghị akpọkwa ha aha ọzọ.
18 At that time [it will be as though] I will make an agreement with [all] the wild animals and birds, and [even with] the little animals that scurry across the ground, so that they will never harm my people [again]. And I will remove from their nation all the weapons [for fighting] battles, [like] swords and bows [and arrows]. The result will be that my people will live peacefully and safely, and will not be afraid.
Nʼụbọchị ahụ, aga m eme ka gị na ụmụ anụ ọhịa gbaa ndụ, meekwa ka gị na ụmụ nnụnụ, na ihe niile e kere eke nʼakpụgharị nʼala gbaa ndụ. Aga m emebi ngwa agha niile, agha niile ga-akwụsịkwa. Mgbe ahụ, a ga-eme ka ị dịnaa ala nʼudo na-enweghị nsogbu, na ụjọ.
19 I will cause them to be [as though they are] [MET] my bride forever. I will be righteous and fair/just; I will faithfully love them and be kind to them.
Aga m ekwerekwa ịlụ gị dịka nwunye ruo ebighị ebi; aga m ekwerekwa ịlụ gị nʼezi omume na ikpe ziri ezi, nʼịhụnanya nke na-adịgide, nakwa obi ebere.
20 I will not abandon them, and they will realize [that I] Yahweh, [have the power to do what I say that I will do.]
Aga m eji ikwesi ntụkwasị obi kwere ịlụ gị. Ị ga-amatakwa Onyenwe anyị.
21 At that time, [when they request me to do things for them], [I will do those things]. When they request clouds and rain to fall on their land, I will speak to the clouds, and rain will fall on the earth,
“Nʼụbọchị ahụ m ga-azaghachi,” otu a ka Onyenwe anyị kwubiri ya. “M ga-azaghachi eluigwe, ha ga-azaghachi ala.
22 and grain will grow, and the vineyards and the olive trees will grow in Jezreel [Valley].
Ala ga-azaghachi ọka na mmanya ọhụrụ na mmanụ oliv, mgbe ahụ ha ga-azaghachi Jezril.
23 [At that time], I will take care of the Israeli people [like a farmer plants and takes care of his crops] [MET]. I will love those people that I previously said were ones I did not love, and I previously said, ‘You are not my people,’ and [then] they will say to me, ‘You are our God.’”
Aga m akụkwa ya nye onwe m nʼala ahụ dịka mkpụrụ. Aga m egosi ịhụnanya m nʼahụ onye ahụ m kpọrọ, ‘Onye m na-ahụghị nʼanya.’ M ga-asịkwa ndị ahụ a kpọrọ, ‘Ndị na-abụghị ndị m,’ ‘Unu bụ ndị nke m,’ Ha ga-azakwa, ‘Chineke m ka ị bụ.’”

< Hosea 2 >