< Hosea 11 >

1 “Before the Israeli [people] became a nation [MET], I loved them [like a man loves] his son, and I called them out of Egypt.
Quando Israele era giovinetto, io l'ho amato e dall'Egitto ho chiamato mio figlio.
2 But while I continued to call them, they [continued to] turn away from me more and more. They offered sacrifices to their statues of Baal, and they burned incense to [honor] them.
Ma più li chiamavo, più si allontanavano da me; immolavano vittime ai Baal, agli idoli bruciavano incensi.
3 [The people of] Israel were [like a little boy] [MET], and [it was as though] it was I who taught them to walk, holding them by their hands. But they did not realize that it was I who was taking care of them.
Ad Efraim io insegnavo a camminare tenendolo per mano, ma essi non compresero che avevo cura di loro.
4 [It was as though I fastened] ropes [around them] to lead them, while I loved them and was kind to them. [It was as though they were young oxen] [MET], and I lifted the yoke from their necks and bent down to feed them.
Io li traevo con legami di bontà, con vincoli d'amore; ero per loro come chi solleva un bimbo alla sua guancia; mi chinavo su di lui per dargli da mangiare.
5 But the people of Israel will become [slaves] again, like they were in Egypt, and [the people of] Assyria will [RHQ] rule over them, because the people of Israel refused to repent.
Ritornerà al paese d'Egitto, Assur sarà il suo re, perchè non hanno voluto convertirsi.
6 [Their enemies] will use their swords [to attack] the cities in Israel and will destroy the bars in the gates [of the city walls]. [As a result], the people of Israeli will not be able to accomplish the things that they planned to do.
La spada farà strage nelle loro città, sterminerà i loro figli, demolirà le loro fortezze.
7 My people are determined to (turn away from/abandon) me. They say that I am the great all-powerful God, but they do not honor me at all.
Il mio popolo è duro a convertirsi: chiamato a guardare in alto nessuno sa sollevare lo sguardo.
8 [You people of] Israel, I certainly do not want to [RHQ] abandon you and allow [your enemies] to capture you. I do not [RHQ] want to act toward you like I acted toward Admah and Zeboiim, [cities that I completely destroyed when I destroyed Sodom]. I [SYN] have changed my mind [about punishing you]; my desire to pity you has increased.
Come potrei abbandonarti, Efraim, come consegnarti ad altri, Israele? Come potrei trattarti al pari di Admà, ridurti allo stato di Zeboìm? Il mio cuore si commuove dentro di me, il mio intimo freme di compassione.
9 Although I am extremely angry, I do not want to punish you severely; I do not want to (devastate/completely ruin) Israel. [Humans would easily decide to do that], but I am God, not a human. I, the Holy One, am with you; although I am very angry [with you], I will not [destroy you].
Non darò sfogo all'ardore della mia ira, non tornerò a distruggere Efraim, perchè sono Dio e non uomo; sono il Santo in mezzo a te e non verrò nella mia ira.
10 You will follow me when I roar like [SIM] a lion; when I roar, [some of you] my children will tremble as you return [to Israel] from [the islands and seacoasts toward] the west.
Seguiranno il Signore ed egli ruggirà come un leone: quando ruggirà, accorreranno i suoi figli dall'occidente,
11 [Some of] you will come swiftly from Egypt like [a flock of] birds; [others] will return from Assyria, like doves. I will enable you to live in your homes [in Israel] again. [That will surely happen, because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
accorreranno come uccelli dall'Egitto, come colombe dall'Assiria e li farò abitare nelle loro case. Oracolo del Signore.
12 [Yahweh says, “The people of] Israel have (surrounded me with lies/constantly told lies to me). And the people of Judah have [also] turned/rebelled against me, their God, the Holy One who always does what I promise to do, and the people of Judah worship other gods.”
Efraim mi raggira con menzogne e la casa d'Israele con frode. Giuda è ribelle a Dio al Santo fedele.

< Hosea 11 >