< Hebrews 8 >

1 The main point of [all] that [I] have written is that we have a Supreme Priest like that. He has sat down to rule [MTY] with God [EUP] at the place of greatest honor in heaven.
Men Hovedpunktet ved det, hvorom her tales, er dette: Vi have en saadan Ypperstepræst, der har taget Sæde paa højre Side af Majestætens Trone i Himlene
2 He ministers in the Most Holy Place, that is, in the true place [of worship in heaven]. That is a place that [Moses’] tent [represented]. The Lord set up the true place of worship. No human [set it up].
som Tjener ved Helligdommen og det sande Tabernakel, hvilket Herren har oprejst, og ikke et Menneske.
3 Every Supreme Priest was appointed {[God] appointed every Supreme Priest} to offer [to God] gifts and sacrifices [for people who sinned]. So, since [Christ became a Supreme Priest], he also had to offer something.
Thi hver Ypperstepræst indsættes til at frembære Gaver og Slagtofre; derfor er det nødvendigt, at ogsaa denne maa have noget at frembære.
4 Since there are already [Jewish] priests who offer gifts as God’s laws [require], if Christ were [now living] on the earth, he would not be a Supreme Priest.
Dersom han nu var paa Jorden, da var han ikke engang Præst, efterdi der her er dem, som frembære Gaverne efter Loven;
5 The [Jewish] priests perform rituals which are only a model [DOU] of [what Christ would do in heaven] [MTY]. What [God] told Moses when Moses was about to set up the tent [for worshipping him supports the idea that those rituals were only a model. God said], “Be sure that you [(sg)] make everything according to the model that I showed you on [Sinai] Mountain!”
hvilke jo tjene ved en Afbildning og Skygge af det himmelske, saaledes som det blev Moses betydet af Gud, da han skulde indrette Tabernakelet: „Se til, sagde han, at du gør alting efter det Forbillede, der blev vist dig paa Bjerget.”
6 But now as it is, [Christ] ministers in a more excellent way [than the Jewish priests do]. Likewise, the [new] covenant that he established [between God and people] is better [than the old one. When the new covenant was established] {[God established the new covenant]}, he promised us better things [than the laws that God gave Moses did].
Men nu har han faaet en saa meget ypperligere Tjeneste, som han ogsaa er Mellemmand for en bedre Pagt, der jo er grundet paa bedre Forjættelser.
7 If that first covenant had been perfectly adequate [LIT], God would not have thought that he needed another [covenant/agreement to replace it]. But [it was not adequate, so he needed a new one].
Thi dersom hin første var udadlelig, da vilde der ikke blive søgt Sted for en anden.
8 Because God declared [that the Israelites] were guilty [of not obeying the first covenant, he wanted a new covenant. This is what] ([a prophet/Jeremiah]) [wrote about that]: The Lord says, “Listen! There will soon be a time when I will make a new covenant with the people [MTY] of Israel and the people [MTY] of Judah.
Thi dadlende siger han til dem: „Se, der kommer Dage, siger Herren, da jeg vil slutte en ny Pagt med Israels Hus og med Judas Hus;
9 That covenant will not be like the covenant that I made with their ancestors when I led them out of Egypt [MET] [like a father leads a child] by the hand. They did not continue to [obey] my covenant, so I rejected them,” says the Lord.
ikke som den Pagt, jeg gjorde med deres Fædre paa den Dag, da jeg tog dem ved Haanden for at føre dem ud af Ægyptens Land; thi de bleve ikke i min Pagt, og jeg brød”mig ikke om dem, siger Herren.
10 “This is the covenant that I will make with the Israelites [MTY], after [the first covenant has ended] [MTY],” says the Lord: “I will enable them to understand my laws [MTY], and I will enable them to obey them (OR, truly know them) [MTY] sincerely. I will be their God, and they will be my people [DOU].
Thi dette er den Pagt, som jeg vil oprette med Israels Hus efter de Dage, siger Herren: Jeg vil give mine Love i deres Sind, og jeg vil indskrive dem i deres Hjerte, og jeg vil være deres Gud, og de skulle være mit Folk.
11 [As a result], no one will [need to] teach a fellow citizen or tell his fellow kinsmen, ‘[You need to] know the Lord,’ because all [my people] will know me: [My people] of every status [will know me].
Og de skulle ikke lære hver sin Medborger og hver sin Broder og sige: Kend Herren; thi de skulle alle kende mig, fra den mindste indtil den største iblandt dem.
12 I will mercifully [forgive them for] the wicked things they have done. I will no longer [consider] that [they are guilty for] [DOU] [their] sins.”
Thi jeg vil være naadig imod deres Uretfærdigheder og ikke mere ihukomme deres Synder.”
13 Since God spoke about a new [covenant], he considered that the first [covenant] was no longer in use, and that it would soon disappear, just like [anything that] gets old [will disappear] [MET, DOU].
Naar han siger: „En ny”, har han erklæret den første for gammel; men det, som bliver gammelt og ældes, er nær ved at forsvinde.

< Hebrews 8 >