< Hebrews 6 >
1 So, we [(inc)] must not keep [discussing] the elementary principles about Christ. Instead, we must proceed [to the teaching that will make us spiritually] mature [MTY]. We must not [be people who always need someone to teach them] the elementary truths [about Christ that are like] [MET] a foundation. [I am referring to the teaching that people who do sinful] things must turn away from their sinful behavior, things that [those who are spiritually] [MET] dead do. [I am referring to the teaching] that people must believe in God.
Bunun üçün Məsih barəsindəki ibtidai təlimi geridə buraxıb kamilliyə doğru irəliləyək. Ölüm gətirən əməllərdən tövbə edib Allaha iman etmənin təməlini,
2 [I am referring to the teaching about what] various [Jewish and Christian] rituals for purifying people [signify. I am referring to the teaching about how elders enable people to receive spiritual gifts by] laying hands [on them] [MTY]. [I am referring to the teaching that God will] ([cause] those who have died to live again/raise people from the dead). And [I am referring to the teaching that God] will judge [some people and punish them] eternally. (aiōnios )
vəftizlər, əl qoyub təqdis etmə, ölülərin dirilməsi və əbədi məhkəmə haqqındakı təlimin əsasını yenidən qurmayaq. (aiōnios )
3 [Instead of continuing to discuss these elementary truths], we [(inc)] (OR, I) will [go on to give people mature teaching], if God allows it.
Allah izin verərsə, bunlara da əməl edəcəyik.
4 [I will explain why it is important to do that. Some] people have at one time fully understood [the message about Christ] [MET]. They have experienced [a relationship with Jesus Christ] that God [EUP/MTY] gave [to them]. They have received the Holy Spirit the same as [others have].
Bir dəfə nurlanmış, səmavi ənamdan dadmış və Müqəddəs Ruha şərik olmuş,
5 They have experienced that God’s message is good. And by what they have experienced [now], they know how [God will work] powerfully in the future. If those people reject [the message about Christ], it will not be possible for anyone to persuade them to turn away from their sinful behavior again! (aiōn )
Allahın xoş kəlamını və gələcək dövrün qüvvələrini dadmış olduqları halda (aiōn )
6 What those [believers who later renounce the message about Christ do is as though] [MET] they themselves are nailing the Son of God to a cross again! They are causing others to publicly despise Christ.
imandan dönənləri yenidən tövbə edəcək vəziyyətinə gətirmək mümkün deyil. Çünki özləri Allahın Oğlunu yenidən çarmıxa çəkib rüsvay edirlər.
7 Think about this: It is land on which rain has frequently fallen [PRS] and on which plants grow [PRS] that is useful for the people who prepare the land that God has blessed. [Similarly, it is those believers who have received many good things from God and who do good deeds/things that please God, whom God will bless] [MET].
Dəfələrlə üstünə yağan yağışı içən və kimlər üçün işlənirsə, onlara faydalı bitkilər yetişdirən torpaq Allahdan xeyir-bərəkət alır.
8 But [what will happen to believers who do deeds/things that do not please God will be like what happens to land] on which [only] thorns and thistles grow [MET]. [Such land] is worthless. It has almost become land that God will curse, and eventually he will burn [its vegetation] [MTY].
Tikan və qanqal yetişdirən torpaq isə yararsız və lənətə yaxındır, onun sonu yanmaqdır.
9 Although I am writing [to you] like this as a [warning], I am certain concerning you whom I love that [you are doing] better than that. Specifically, I am sure that [you are doing] the things that are appropriate [for those whom God] has saved.
Lakin, ey sevimlilər, biz bu cür danışsaq belə, əminik ki, vəziyyətiniz daha yaxşıdır və xilasa malik olursunuz.
10 Since God always acts justly [LIT], he will not overlook all you have done [for him. He will also not overlook] [MTY] [your showing that you love] him by the way you helped your fellow believers and [by the way you still] help them. [Instead, God will reward you for doing good deeds].
Axı Allah ədalətsiz deyil ki, əməlinizi və Onun adı ilə müqəddəslərə əvvəldən və indi də xidmət etməklə göstərdiyiniz məhəbbəti unutsun.
11 I very much want each of you to diligently continue to fully expect to receive [what God has provided for you], until you finally [receive everything that you have confidently expected to receive].
Ümidin verdiyi tam etimada nail olmaq üçün axıra qədər hər birinizin eyni səyi göstərməyinizi arzulayırıq ki,
12 I do not want you to be lazy. [Instead, I want] you to imitate those who, because they patiently continued to trust in [God], are receiving what he promised them.
siz tənbəl olmayasınız, amma vəd olunan şeyləri iman və səbirlə irs alanlardan nümunə götürəsiniz.
13 When God promised to [do things for] Abraham, he said that he would punish himself [if he did not do that], because there was no one of greater importance to ask to punish him [if he did not do it].
Allah İbrahimə vəd verdiyi vaxt adına and içmək üçün Özündən üstün birinin olmadığına görə Öz varlığına and içərək dedi:
14 He said [to Abraham], “I will certainly bless you [(sg)], and I will certainly increase [the number of] your [descendants] [SYN].”
«Sənə mütləq xeyir-dua verəcəyəm və nəslini çoxaldacağam».
15 As a result, after Abraham patiently waited [for God to do what he promised], he received what [God] promised him.
Beləliklə, İbrahim səbirlə gözləyərək vədə nail oldu.
16 [Keep in mind that when people promise something], they ask a more important person to punish them if they do not do what they promise. Furthermore, when people ask God to punish them [if they do not tell the truth], that causes people who are disputing to stop disputing.
İnsanlar özlərindən daha üstün olanın adına and içirlər və sözlərini təsdiq edən and hər iddiaya son qoyur.
17 So, when God wanted to demonstrate very clearly (to us/to those people) who would receive what he had promised that he would not change what he had purposed [to do], he solemnly guaranteed that he would declare himself guilty if he did not do what he promised.
Eləcə də Allah vədin varislərinə iradəsinin dəyişməzliyini daha açıq-aşkar etmək istəyərək Öz vədini andla təsdiqlədi.
18 He did that to strongly encourage us as a result of our [knowing] that [God has done] two things that cannot change. [Namely, he promised to bless us, and he solemnly declared that he would declare himself guilty if he did not bless us]. We [know] that God, who did those things, cannot lie. We have fled [to him] in order that we might continue confidently to expect to receive what he promised us.
Belə ki qarşımıza qoyulan ümidə bağlanmaq üçün Allaha sığınan bizlər Allahın bunlarda yalan danışması qeyri-mümkün olduğuna görə iki dəyişilməz şeydə – Onun vəd və andında böyük təsəlliyə malik olaq.
19 [Our confidently expecting] [SYN] [to receive what he has promised is like] an anchor [MET] that very firmly [DOU] [holds us fast. The one we confidently expect to help us] [SYN] [is Jesus, who] goes into [God’s very presence, just like the Supreme Priests went] behind the curtain into the innermost [part of the tent in the barren area] [MET].
Can lövbərimiz kimi möhkəm və sarsılmaz olan bu ümid məbədin pərdəsinin arxasındakı iç otağa daxil olur.
20 Jesus went [into God’s presence] ahead of us [(inc)] to [help] us when he became a Supreme Priest eternally in the way that Melchizedek was a Supreme Priest. (aiōn )
İsa ilk olaraq bizim uğrumuzda oraya daxil oldu; O, Melkisedeq vəzifəli əbədi Baş Kahin olmuşdu. (aiōn )