< Hebrews 5 >

1 Every [Jewish] Supreme Priest was chosen by [God] {[God] chose every [Jewish] Supreme Priest} from among [ordinary] men. They were appointed {[He] appointed them} in order that they would come before him on behalf of the people. [Specifically, God appointed them] in order that they would bring gifts [to him on behalf of the people], and in order to sacrifice [animals to him] for people who sinned.
Velekněz je člověk, který jménem ostatních předstupuje před Boha a přináší mu dary a oběti s prosbou o smíření.
2 The Supreme Priests could deal gently with those who ignorantly sinned, since the Supreme Priests themselves tended to sin easily.
Protože i on podléhá slabostem, musí přinášet oběti nejen za lid, ale i za sebe a je schopen chápat nevědomé a pobloudilé.
3 As a result, they had to offer something to God for their own sins, just like [they had to offer something to God] for [other] people who sinned.
4 Furthermore, [it is an honor to be a Supreme Priest] so no one honors himself [by appointing himself to become a Supreme Priest]. Instead, God chose each man [to become a Supreme Priest], as he chose Aaron [to be the first Supreme Priest].
Toto postavení si nikdo nemůže svévolně přivlastnit, ale musí k němu být Bohem povolán.
5 Similarly, Christ also did not honor himself by appointing himself to become a Supreme Priest. Instead, God [appointed him by] saying to [him what he never said to any other priest, what the] Psalmist wrote in the Scriptures, You [(sg)] are my Son! Today I have declared that I am your Father!
Ani Kristus se k němu sám nepovznesl. Ustanovil ho Bůh, když mu řekl: „Ty jsi můj syn, já jsem tě dnes zplodil.“
6 And he also said [to Christ what the Psalmist wrote] in another Scripture passage, You are a priest eternally just like Melchizedek was a priest. (aiōn g165)
A jindy prohlásil: „Jsi na věky knězem podle řádu Malkísedekova.“ (aiōn g165)
7 When Christ lived on the earth [MTY], he prayed [DOU] to God and tearfully cried out loudly to him. [Specifically], he asked [God], who was able to help him, that he would not [fear the sufferings just before] he died. As a result, God listened to him, because Christ reverently submitted [to what God wanted him to do].
Když byl Kristus na zemi, přednášel hlasitě, úpěnlivě a s pláčem prosby Bohu, který ho jediný mohl zachránit před smrtí. Bůh ho v jeho úzkosti vyslyšel.
8 Although Christ is [God’s own Son], he learned to obey [God] by suffering [before he died].
Ačkoliv byl Boží Syn, měl se ve škole utrpení naučit, co znamená bezvýhradná poslušnost.
9 By becoming (all [that] God intended him to be/perfect), [he has now] become fully qualified [to be our Supreme Priest. As a result, he is the one who saves] eternally all who obey him. (aiōnios g166)
Když v té zkoušce obstál, stal se všem, kdo se mu podrobují, zdrojem trvalé ochrany. (aiōnios g166)
10 Furthermore, God has designated him to be [our] Supreme Priest in the way that Melchizedek was a Supreme Priest.
A Bůh ho nazval veleknězem podle řádu Malkísedekova.
11 Although there is much to say [to you(pl)] about [how Christ resembles Melchizedek], this is hard [for me] to explain [to you] because you now understand things so slowly.
Rád bych vám o těchto věcech řekl mnohem víc, bylo by to pro vás nesnadno pochopitelné, protože je vaše vnímavost otupena.
12 [You became Christians long ago. So] by now you should be teaching [spiritual truths to others]. But you still need someone to teach you again the truths that God has revealed. [I am talking about] the truths that we teach people [when they] first [believe in Christ]. You need [those elementary truths] like babies need milk [MET]. You are not [ready for advanced teaching, which is like] the solid food [which mature people need] [MET].
Už jste měli být dávno učiteli druhých, ale zůstali jste žáky. Opět potřebujete, aby vás někdo učil abecedě Boží řeči.
13 Remember that those [who are still learning these elementary truths] [MET] have not become familiar with [what God] says concerning becoming/being righteous. They are [just like] [MET] babies [who need] milk!
Potřebujete mléko, ne hutný pokrm. Kdo se živí jenom mlékem Božího slova, dokazuje, že neproniká do hloubek Božího myšlení.
14 But [the more advanced spiritual truth] is for people who are [spiritually] mature, just like [MET] solid food is for [people who are physically] mature. They can tell the difference between what is good and what is evil, because they have trained themselves [to keep doing that].
Ti, kdo na základě zkušenosti dovedou smysly rozeznat dobré od zlého, jsou dospělí a pronikají k jádru věci.

< Hebrews 5 >