< Hebrews 4 >
1 [The Israelites did not enter the place where they would rest]. But [God] has still promised us that we can enter the place of resting [in heaven eternally]. So we must beware [of the possibility] that [God] may consider that some of you have failed to enter the [place of] resting [eternally as the Israelites did not enter the place where they would rest].
Timeamus ergo ne forte relicta pollicitatione introeundi in requiem eius, existimetur aliquis ex nobis deesse.
2 We have heard the message [about Christ], just like [the Israelites] heard [what God promised]. But [just like] the message did not benefit [most of] those who heard it because they did not believe it as [Joshua and Caleb did, it] will not [benefit us eternally if we do not keep believing it].
Etenim et nobis nunciatum est, quemadmodum et illis. sed non profuit illis sermo auditus, non admistus fidei ex iis, quae audierunt.
3 We who have believed [in Christ] are able to enter the place of resting [eternally. We know there is a place where we will rest eternally] because God said, Because I was angry with them, I solemnly declared, “They will not enter [the land where] I would let them rest.” [God said that] even though he ceased his work [of creating things] after he created the world.
Ingrediemur enim in requiem, qui credidimus: quemadmodum dixit: Quibus iuravi in ira mea: Si introibunt in requiem meam: et quidem operibus ab institutione mundi perfectis.
4 What someone wrote somewhere [in the Scriptures] about the seventh day [after he had spent six days creating the world], supports that: Then, on the seventh day, God rested from his work [of creating everything].
Dixit enim in quodam loco de die septima sic: Et requievit Deus die septima ab omnibus operibus suis.
5 But note again what God said about the Israelites [in the] passage that I quoted previously: They will not enter [the land where] I would let them rest.
Et in isto rursum: Si introibunt in requiem meam.
6 Some people experience entering that [place of resting eternally. But] those [Israelites] who first had the good message preached to them {first heard the good message} [about what God promised them] did not enter [that place of resting], because they refused to believe [God].
Quoniam ergo superest introire quosdam in illam, et ii, quibus prioribus annunciatum est, non introierunt propter incredulitatem:
7 [But God] appointed another time [when we may enter that place of resting]. That time is now! [We know that is true because] much later than when [the Israelites rebelled against God in the desert], he caused [King] David to write what I have already quoted, Now, when you understand what God is saying [to you], do not stubbornly disobey him.
iterum terminat diem quendam, Hodie, in David dicendo, post tantum temporis, sicut supra dictum est: Hodie si vocem eius audieritis, nolite obdurare corda vestra.
8 If Joshua had led the Israelites to enter the place of resting, God would not have spoken later about another [time when we could rest] [MET]. [So we know God was speaking about another time when some people would enter that place of resting eternally].
Nam si eis Iesus requiem praestitisset, numquam de alia loqueretur, posthac, die.
9 So, just like [God rested on] the seventh day [after he finished making everything], there remains a time when God’s people will rest eternally.
Itaque relinquitur sabbatismus populo Dei.
10 Specifically, whoever enters God’s place of resting has ceased doing things [to gain God’s favor], just like God ceased doing his work [of creating everything].
Qui enim ingressus est in requiem eius: etiam ipse requievit ab operibus suis, sicut a suis Deus.
11 God severely punished the [Israelites because they disbelieved his message]. So we must strive to experience entering that [place of] resting [eternally], in order that he will not severely punish any of us for not believing [his message].
Festinemus ergo ingredi in illam requiem: ut ne in idipsum quis incidat incredulitatis exemplum.
12 [Beware of being insincere about doing this], because the message God [has given us] very powerfully penetrates our thinking more than a two-edged sword [penetrates flesh] [MET]. It penetrates [deeply] into our souls and spirits, as [a sharp sword can penetrate] into our joints and marrow. That [is, by his message God] [PRS] discerns all that we think about, and he discerns all that we desire [to do] [MTY] (OR, [His message] exposes [to us] all our thoughts and all our desires).
Vivus est enim sermo Dei, et efficax, et penetrabilior omni gladio ancipiti: et pertingens usque ad divisionem animae ac spiritus, compagum quoque ac medullarum, et discretor cogitationum et intentionum cordis.
13 God knows everything about everyone. Everything is completely exposed [DOU] to him, [and he is] the one [SYN] who will say whether he approves of what we have done.
Et non est ulla creatura invisibilis in conspectu eius: omnia enim nuda et aperta sunt oculis eius, ad quem nobis sermo.
14 We have a great Supreme Priest who ascended through the heavens [when he returned to God’s presence]. He is Jesus, (God’s Son/the man who is also God). So let us firmly profess [what we believe about him].
Habentes ergo pontificem magnum, qui penetravit caelos, Iesum Filium Dei: teneamus spei nostrae confessionem.
15 Our Supreme Priest can indeed [LIT] compassionately deal with us who tend to sin easily, because he also was tempted [to sin] in every way that we are [tempted to sin], and yet he did not sin.
Non enim habemus pontificem, qui non possit compati infirmitatibus nostris: tentatum autem per omnia pro similitudine absque peccato.
16 So, let us come boldly to [Christ] [MTY], who rules [MET] [from heaven] and does for us what we do not deserve, in order that we might experience [his acting] mercifully [toward us], and in order that we might experience his helping us in a kind way whenever we need [help].
Adeamus ergo cum fiducia ad thronum gratiae eius: ut misericordiam consequamur, et gratiam inveniamus in auxilio opportuno.