< Hebrews 11 >
1 It is because people trust [God] that they are sure that they will receive the things that they confidently expect [God to give them]. They are also certain [that they will see those things], though no one sees them yet.
Het geloof is een vaste grond voor wat men hoopt; een overtuiging over dingen, die men niet ziet.
2 It was because our ancestors trusted in God that they pleased him.
Om het geloof zijn de Ouden met ere vermeld;
3 It is because we trust in God that we understand that he formed the universe by commanding [it to exist]. The result is that the things that we see were not made from things that already existed. (aiōn )
hierdoor ook erkennen we, dat de wereld door Gods Woord is geschapen, dat het zichtbare uit het Onzichtbare is ontstaan. (aiōn )
4 It was because [Adam’s son] Abel trusted God that he sacrificed something better to God than what [his older brother] Cain offered to God. Because Abel did that, when God spoke well about what Abel sacrificed, God declared that Abel was righteous. And although Abel is dead, we still learn from him [about trusting God].
Door het geloof heeft Abel meer dan Kaïn aan God een voortreffelijk offer gebracht. Daardoor werd van hem getuigd, dat hij rechtvaardig was; want om zijn gave heeft God zelf dit betuigd. Door het geloof spreekt hij ook nog na zijn dood.
5 It was because Enoch believed [God that God] took him [up to heaven]. The result was that he did not die. No one found him, because he was taken up {[God] had removed him} from the earth [to heaven]. Before [God] took him away, [he] testified that Enoch pleased him well.
Door het geloof werd Henok opgenomen, zodat hij de dood niet heeft gezien; hij werd niet meer gevonden, omdat God hem opgenomen had. Want voordat hij opgenomen werd, is van hem getuigd, dat hij welgevallig was aan God.
6 It is possible for people to please God only if they trust God, because anyone who wants to come to God must first believe that God exists and that he rewards those who seek [to know] him.
Welnu, zonder geloof is het onmogelijk, welgevallig te zijn; want wie tot God wil naderen, moet geloven, dat Hij bestaat, en Beloner is voor hen, die Hem zoeken.
7 It was because Noah trusted [God] that after he was warned by God {after [God] warned him} about [a flood that] had not yet happened, Noah [showed that he] revered God by building a huge ship to save his family. By doing that, he [showed all the people who did not believe him] [MTY] [that they deserved to be condemned] {[that God would] condemn them}. He was someone whom God declared to be righteous because of his trusting in God.
Door het geloof heeft Noë, toen hem geopenbaard werd, wat nog niet was te zien, dit ter harte genomen, en tot redding van zijn huis de ark gebouwd; waardoor hij de wereld veroordeelde, en deelachtig werd aan de gerechtigheid door het geloof.
8 It was because Abraham trusted God that when he was told to go {when [God] told him to go}, he obeyed [God], he left [his own country], and went to a place that God would give him. Abraham left his own country, even though he did not know where he would be going.
Door het geloof ging Abraham, toen hij geroepen werd, gehoorzaam uit naar de plaats, die hij tot erfdeel zou ontvangen; hij vertrok. zonder te weten, waarheen hij ging.
9 It was because Abraham trusted God that he lived as though he was a foreigner in the land that [God] had promised to him. Abraham lived in tents, and his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob did also. God promised to give to Isaac and Jacob the same things that he promised to give Abraham.
Door het geloof vestigde hij zich in het land der beloften als in den vreemde, en woonde daar in tenten tezamen met Isaäk en Jakob, de medeërfgenamen derzelfde belofte;
10 Abraham was waiting to live in a city [in heaven] that would exist forever [MET]. It was a city that God is building [DOU].
want hij wachtte op de stad met grondslagen, wier kunstenaar en bouwheer God is.
11 It was because Abraham trusted God that God gave Abraham strength so that he [was] able to produce a son. Even though his wife Sarah was past the age [when women bear children], [God] promised [that he would give her a son], and Abraham considered that God would do what he promised to do.
Door het geloof heeft zelfs Sara, en nog wel boven de bepaalde leeftijd, de kracht tot zwangerschap ontvangen, omdat ze Hem, die het beloofd had, voor getrouw heeft gehouden.
12 So, although Abraham was also too old to have children, so many people descended from that one man that they were as numerous as the stars in the sky and are as countless as the grains of sand along the seashore, [just like God promised him].
Daarom ook is uit één man, en nog wel uit een, die afgeleefd was, een geslacht ontsproten, talrijk als de sterren aan de hemel en als het ontelbare zand aan het strand van de zee.
13 It was while they still trusted in God that all those people died. Even though they had not yet received the things that God had promised to give them, [it was as though] they saw those things in a distance. They were glad [to know] about what God promised. It was as though they admitted that they were not from this earth, but that they were only here temporarily.
In het geloof zijn ze allen gestorven, zonder het beloofde te hebben ontvangen; maar ze hebben het slechts gezien en begroet uit de verte, en beleden, dat ze vreemdelingen zijn en zwervelingen op aarde.
14 As for those people who talk like that, they clearly show that they long for [a place that will become] their true native land.
Waarlijk, die zó iets zeggen, tonen wel degelijk, op zoek te zijn naar een vaderland.
15 If they had been thinking about [that place being] the place from which they had come, they would have taken the opportunity to return there.
En zo ze daarbij gedacht hadden aan het land, dat ze waren uitgetrokken, dan hadden ze tijd genoeg gehad, om daarheen terug te keren;
16 But, instead, they desired a better [place in which to live]; that is, they desired [a home] in heaven. So God has prepared a city for them to live [with him], and he is pleased [LIT] for them to say that he is their God.
maar feitelijk hebben ze naar een beter gesmacht, naar het hemelse. Daarom schaamt God Zich niet, hun God te worden genoemd; want Hij heeft voor hen een stad bereid.
17 It was because Abraham trusted [God] that he [was ready to] kill his son Isaac as a sacrifice when [God] tested him. This same man to whom [God] promised [to give] ([a son/many descendants]) was going to sacrifice [that same son], the only son [whom his own wife had borne]!
Door het geloof heeft Abraham, toen hij op de proef werd gesteld, Isaäk opgeofferd en zijn ééngeborene opgedragen,
18 It was to Abraham that God said, “It is [only] from Isaac that I will consider your family to descend.”
ofschoon hij de belofte had ontvangen, en tot hem was gezegd: "In Isaäk zal uw naam worden voortgeplant."
19 Abraham considered that [to fulfill that promise], God could make [Isaac] live again [even if] he had died [after Abraham sacrificed him]! The result was that when Abraham did receive Isaac back [after God told him not to harm Isaac], it was as though he received him back even after he died.
Want hij was overtuigd, dat God machtig was, hem op te wekken zelfs uit de doden; vanwaar hij hem dan ook, om zo te zeggen, terug heeft ontvangen.
20 It was because Isaac trusted God that he [prayed that after he died, God would] bless [his] sons Jacob and Esau.
Door het geloof heeft Isaäk een zegening uitgesproken over Jakob en Esau, zelfs met betrekking tot de toekomstige dingen.
21 It was because Jacob trusted God that, as he was dying, he [prayed that God would] bless each of the sons of [his own son Joseph]. He worshipped God as he leaned upon his walking stick [before he died].
Door het geloof heeft de stervende Jakob beide zonen van Josef gezegend, en bad hij, steunend op de knop van zijn staf.
22 It was because Joseph trusted God that, when he was about to die [in Egypt], he anticipated the time when the Israelis would leave Egypt; and he instructed [that] his people [should carry] his bones [with them when they] ([left Egypt/returned to Canaan]).
Door het geloof heeft Josef bij zijn sterven nog aan de uittocht der zonen Israëls gedacht, en bevelen gegeven met betrekking tot zijn gebeente.
23 It was because Moses’ father and mother trusted God that they hid [their son] for three months shortly after he was born, because they saw that he was so beautiful. They were not afraid of [disobeying] what the king of Egypt had commanded, [namely, that all the Jewish male babies must be killed].
Door het geloof werd Moses na zijn geboorte drie maanden lang door zijn ouders verborgen, daar ze zagen, "dat het knaapje schoon was;" en ze hebben het bevel van den koning niet gevreesd.
24 The daughter of the [king, whom they called] Pharaoh, [raised] Moses, but when he had grown up, it was because he trusted God that he refused to [accept the privileges that would have been his if people] considered that he was (the son of the king’s daughter/the king’s own grandson).
Door het geloof heeft Moses, toen hij groot was geworden, geweigerd, den zoon van Fárao’s dochter te heten,
25 He decided that it was better for others to mistreat him for a time along with the Israeli people, than to temporarily enjoy living sinfully [in the King’s palace].
en wilde hij liever smaad lijden met Gods volk dan een vergankelijk voordeel trekken uit de zonde;
26 This is because he decided that if he suffered for the Messiah, it would be worth far more [in God’s sight] than his owning all the treasures of Egypt [that he would receive as Pharaoh’s heir. He decided that] because he looked forward to the time when [God would give him] an [eternal] reward.
hij stelde de smaad van Christus boven de schatten van Egypte, want hij hield het oog op de beloning gevestigd.
27 It was because he trusted God that he left Egypt. He was not afraid that the king would be angry [because of his doing that]. He (kept going/did not turn back) because [it was as though] he kept seeing [God], whom no one can see.
Door het geloof verliet hij Egypte zonder de toorn van den koning te vrezen; want hij stond pal, daar hij als het ware den Onzichtbare had gezien.
28 It was because Moses believed [that God would save his own people] that he instituted the [festival called] Passover. He did that [by commanding that the people should kill lambs and] sprinkle their blood [on their] doorposts. They did that in order that [the angel who] causes people to die would not kill [EUP] the oldest male Israelites [when he killed the oldest sons in each Egyptian family].
Door het geloof heeft hij het Pascha verordend en het bestrijken met bloed, opdat de verderver hun eerstgeborenen niet zou treffen.
29 It was because they trusted God that [when] the [Israelite] people walked through [where] the Red Sea [had been, it was] as [though they walked] on dry land! But, when the [army of] Egypt also attempted to [cross that same water], they drowned, because [the sea came back and flooded them]!
Door het geloof zijn ze de Rode Zee doorgetrokken als door het droge; toen de Egyptenaren het beproefden, verdronken ze.
30 It was because the [Israeli] people trusted God that the walls around Jericho [city] collapsed, after the Israelis marched around the walls for seven days.
Door het geloof vielen de muren van Jéricho om na een rondgang van zeven dagen.
31 Rahab [had been] a prostitute, but because she trusted God, she did not perish with those [inside Jericho] who disobeyed [God. Joshua sent some spies] into the city [in order] to find ways to destroy it, but God saved her because she welcomed those spies [peaceably].
Door het geloof kwam de ontuchtige Rachab niet met de ongehoorzamen om, daar ze de verspieders in vrede ontving.
32 I do not know what more I should say [RHQ] [about others who trusted in God]. It would take too much time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the [other] prophets.
En wat zal ik nog zeggen? De tijd zou me ontbreken, zo ik verhalen ging van Gédeon, Barak, Samson, Jefte, David, Samuël en de Profeten.
33 It was because they trusted God that some of them [did great things for him]. Some conquered lands ruled by powerful men. Some ruled [Israel] and justly [punished those men and nations who rebelled against God]. Some obtained [from God] the things that he promised to give them [MTY].
Door het geloof hebben ze koninkrijken overweldigd, gerechtigheid uitgeoefend, beloften zien vervullen, leeuwenmuilen gestopt;
34 Some forced lions to keep their mouths shut. Some escaped from being destroyed by fire. Some of those people escaped from [being killed with] a sword [MTY]. Some of those [people who trusted God] were made strong {became mighty} again after they had once been weak. Some became powerful when they fought wars. Some caused armies [that came from foreign lands] to run away from them.
hebben ze het geweld van het vuur geblust, de scherpte van het zwaard kunnen ontgaan, nieuwe krachten na zwakheid bekomen, sterkte ontvangen in de strijd, heirscharen van vreemden doen wijken.
35 Some women [who trusted God] received [their relatives] back again when [God] ([made them live again after they had died/raised them from the dead]). But [others who trusted God] were tortured until they died. They were tortured because they refused to agree when [their captors said, “We will] release you [if you deny that you believe in God.” They refused to do that], because they wanted to live with God forever, which is better than [continuing to live on earth] after having almost died.
Vrouwen ontvingen haar doden door opstanding terug. Anderen lieten zich folteren en namen de vrijspraak niet aan, om een betere opstanding te bekomen.
36 Other [people who trusted God] were mocked; [some had their backs] cut [open by being struck] with leaded whips. Some were chained and put in prison.
Anderen weer leden bespotting en geseling, boeien zelfs en gevangenis;
37 [Some of] those believers were stoned to death {People [killed some of those believers by] throwing stones at them}. Others were cut completely in two. Others were killed with swords. Others of these people who trusted God wandered around the land [wearing garments made only of] skins from sheep and goats. They did not have any money. They were continually oppressed and tormented {People continuously oppressed them and tormented them}.
ze werden gestenigd, door midden gezaagd, op de pijnbank beproefd, door het moordend zwaard gedood. Ze zwierven rond in schapenvachten en geitenvellen, verlaten, verdrukt en mishandeld:
38 [The people on earth who caused those who trusted in God to suffer were so bad that] they did not deserve [to live with people who trusted God. Some who trusted God] wandered in deserts and on mountains. Some lived in caves and in other [large] holes in the ground.
de wereld was hunner niet waardig; dus doolden ze rond in woestijnen en bergen, spelonken en holen.
39 Although all these people were commended [by God] {[God] commended all these people} because they trusted him, God did not give them all that he promised them [while they were alive].
En toch heeft geen van hen de belofte in vervulling zien gaan. ofschoon ze om hun geloof met ere worden vermeld.
40 God knew ahead of time that what he would give us and them [later] would be better than giving [them immediately what he promised]. What God intends is that only when they and we are together will we have all that God intends us to have.
Want daar God voor ons iets beters beschikt had, mochten zij niet zonder ons tot verheerlijking komen.