< Hebrews 1 >

1 Long ago God communicated frequently to our ancestors in various ways by what the prophets [said and wrote].
Bůh mluvil odedávna k otcům mnoha různými způsoby prostřednictvím proroků a odhaloval jim postupně své plány.
2 But now when this final age [is beginning], God has communicated to us [just once] by means of what (his Son/the man who was also God) [said and did. God] appointed him in order that he would possess everything [that truly belongs to God. God also appointed] him in order that he would create the universe. (aiōn g165)
V tomto posledním čase k nám promluvil ve svém Synu. Boží Syn je podivuhodná bytost. Bůh mu vše dal a skrze něho stvořil svět a vše, co je v něm. (aiōn g165)
3 He manifests God’s glory. He exactly represents [what God is like]. He (sustains everything by means of his powerful words. When he had [enabled people to be] freed from the [guilt of] their sins [MET], he sat down in heaven [EUP] [to rule] at the place of greatest honor [MTY] with God [MTY].
On vyzařuje Boží lásku. Každý jeho čin a každé jeho slovo dosvědčuje, že je Bůh. Řídí vesmír podmanivou silou svého rozkazu. Zemřel, aby očistil naše svědomí od všech hříchů, vstal z mrtvých a pak se posadil na čestné místo u Boha.
4 By doing that, he [showed that he] was very much greater than the angels, to the extent that his relationship [MTY] [to God, as his Son], is more excellent than the relationship the angels [have to God].
Boží Syn převyšuje i Boží posly – anděly. Jeho jméno to dokazuje.
5 [We know that] because [in the Scriptures] no one [RHQ] ever reported that God said to any angel [what he said to his Son], You [(sg)] are my Son! Today I have declared to all that I am your Father [DOU]! And he said in another Scripture passage, I will be his Father, and he will be my Son [DOU].
Vždyť Bůh nikdy neřekl andělu: „Ty jsi můj Syn, kterého jsem dnes zplodil.“Ani: „Budu mu otcem a on mi bude synem.“
6 And [we know his Son is greater than the angels because in] another [Scripture passage someone wrote this about God’s esteemed Son], when God was about to send him into the world: All God’s angels must worship him.
Ale když uvádí svého prvorozeného Syna na zem, říká: „Ať se mu klanějí všichni Boží andělé.“
7 [And in the Scriptures it is written that] someone said this about the angels: [God] makes the [angels] who serve him [to be changeable like] [MET] winds and flames of fire.
Bůh mluví o svých andělích jako o vanutí větru a plamenech ohně,
8 But on the other hand, [in the Scriptures it is written that God said] this to his Son: You [(sg)] who are [also] God will rule forever [MTY], and you will reign righteously over your kingdom [MTY]. (aiōn g165)
ale o svém Synu říká: „Ty budeš, Bože, vládnout navzdory všem změnám a tvoje vláda bude spravedlivá. (aiōn g165)
9 You have loved [people’s] righteous [deeds] and you have hated [people’s] lawless [deeds]. So I, your God, have caused you to be more joyful [MTY] than anyone else.
Miluješ spravedlnost a nenávidíš svévoli. Proto ti Bůh učinil radost a vyvýšil tě nad tvé druhy.“
10 And [we also know that his Son is superior to angels because in the Scriptures the Psalmist wrote that] someone said to God’s Son, Lord, it was you who created the earth in the beginning. You also made [the rest of] the universe (OR, the [things in] the sky) [MTY].
„Ty jsi, Pane, na počátku učinil zemi a nebesa jsou dílo tvých rukou.
11 Everything in the universe will disappear, but you will keep on living [forever]. They will wear out as clothing [wears out].
Nebesa se rozplynou, ale ty zůstaneš.
12 You will dispose of them as one rolls up an [old] coat [before getting rid of it]. [Then], you will exchange [everything that is in the universe for what is new], as someone puts on a new garment [in exchange for an old garment] [SIM]. But you [are not like what you created]; You stay the same, and you live forever [LIT]!
Obnosí se jako plášť a jednou je odložíš a vyměníš. Ty však nezestárneš a nezahyneš.“
13 [We also know that his Son is superior to angels because no one ever stated] [RHQ] [in the Scriptures] that God said to any angel [what he said to his Son], Sit [in the place of honor] next to me and rule with me [MTY] while I put all of your enemies completely under your control [MET]!
Bůh nikdy nevyzval žádného anděla, aby se posadil na čestné místo nedaleko něho, dokud mu nepodrobí všechny nepřátele.
14 The angels are [only] spirits who serve [God] [RHQ]. [God] sends them [to earth] in order to help those he has saved (OR, those whom he will save).
Andělé jsou jen duchovní poslové, kteří jsou vysíláni, aby pečovali o ty, kterým se má dostat spásy jako dědictví.

< Hebrews 1 >