< Habakkuk 1 >

1 [I am] Habakkuk, a prophet. This is the [message that Yahweh] gave to me in a vision.
La profecía que vio el profeta Habacuc. Diálogo de reclamo.
2 [I said, ] “Yahweh, how long must I continue to call [to you] for help before you respond? I cry out to you [for help], saying that [people are acting] violently [everywhere], but you do not rescue us!
¿Hasta cuándo, oh Yavé, clamaré y no escuchas? Grito a Ti: ¡Violencia! Pero no salvas.
3 (Must I/I do not want to) continue seeing people doing what is unjust [RHQ]. Why do you not punish people who are doing what is wrong [RHQ]? I see people destroying things and [acting] violently. There is fighting and quarreling [everywhere].
¿Por qué me muestras iniquidad y haces que mire la perversidad? Destrucción y violencia hay delante de mí, y surge lucha y contención.
4 No one obeys laws [PRS], and judges [PRS] never do what is fair/just. Wicked people always defeat righteous people [in the courts], with the result that matters are never decided fairly/justly.”
Por eso la Ley no tiene poder y la justicia no prevalece. El perverso encierra al justo, de modo que la justicia resulta pervertida.
5 [Yahweh replied to me, ] “[I know that what you say is true, but] look around at [what is happening in] the other nations; [if you look, ] you will be amazed, because I am doing something during this time that you would not believe [would happen], even if someone told you about it.
Miren las naciones y observen. Sean asombrados, porque Yo haré una obra en sus días que, aun cuando se la cuenten, no la creerían.
6 The soldiers of Babylonia are fierce/cruel and swift. And now I am causing them [to become very powerful]; they will march across the world and conquer [many] other countries.
Ciertamente levanto a los caldeos, pueblo cruel e impetuoso que marcha por la anchura de la tierra para poseer poblaciones ajenas.
7 They are people whom [others] fear very much [DOU], and they do whatever they want to, paying no attention to the laws of other countries.
Terribles y temibles, de ellos mismos procede su justicia y su dignidad.
8 The horses [that pull their chariots] go faster than leopards, and they are fiercer than wolves are in the evening. The horses on which the soldiers ride gallop swiftly; the soldiers riding them come from distant places. They are like [SIM] eagles that swoop down to [snatch and] kill small animals.
Sus caballos son más veloces que leopardos y más feroces que lobos nocturnos. Su caballería galopa y viene. Sus jinetes vienen de lejos. Vuelan como un águila cuando se precipita sobre la presa.
9 As they ride along, [they are] determined to act violently. They advance like [SIM] a wind from the desert, gathering prisoners that are as [numerous as grains of] sand.
Todos ellos vienen a hacer violencia. Sus caras están vueltas con afán hacia adelante. Recogen cautivos como arena.
10 They make fun of kings and princes [of other countries], and they ridicule all the cities that have high walls around them. They pile dirt [outside those walls] [in order to climb up] and capture those cities.
Se burlan de los reyes, se mofan de sus jefes y se ríen de toda fortaleza. Levantan terraplén y la conquistan.
11 They rush past like the wind, and then they go [to attack other cities]. But they are very guilty, because [they think that] their own power is their god.”
Luego ellos pasarán como huracán y ofenderán al atribuir su fuerza a su ʼeloha.
12 [Then I said, ] “Yahweh, you have certainly [RHQ] always/forever been God. You are my Holy One; you will not die. So [why] have you appointed those men [from Babylonia] to judge and get rid of [us]? You are like [MET] a huge rock [under which we are protected/safe], so why have you sent them to punish us?
¡Oh Yavé, ʼElohim mío y Santo mío! No moriremos. Tú, Oh Yavé, los escogiste para juzgar, y Tú, oh Roca, los estableciste para corregir.
13 You [SYN] are pure, and you cannot endure looking at what is evil, [so why] are you ignoring men who are treacherous? Why do you do nothing [to punish] those wicked men [from Babylonia] who destroy people who are more righteous than they [are]?
Tus ojos son demasiado puros para aprobar el mal y no puedes contemplar la perversidad. ¿Por qué guardas silencio cuando el perverso destruye al que es más justo que él?
14 [Do you consider that] we are like fish in the sea, or like other creatures in the sea, that have no ruler?
¿Por qué tratas a los hombres como a los peces del mar, como reptiles que no tienen amo?
15 [The soldiers of Babylonia think that we are fish] [RHQ] for them to pull out of the sea with hooks or to catch in their nets, while they rejoice and celebrate.
A todos ellos los sacan con anzuelo, los atrapan en su red y los juntan con su red barredera, por lo cual se alegran y se regocijan.
16 If they catch us, they will [worship] their weapons [MET] with which they captured us, and offer sacrifices to them and burn incense in front of them! [They will say] ‘Those weapons have enabled us to become rich and be able to eat expensive food.’
Por esto hacen sacrificio a su red y ofrendan a su red barredera, porque por ellas su porción es abundante y suculenta su comida.
17 [Will you allow] them to continue [to conquer people] [MET] forever? [Will you allow] them to destroy people of other nations without their being merciful [to anyone]?”
¿Por tanto, seguirá vaciando su red sin cesar? ¿Seguirá aniquilando a las naciones sin compasión?

< Habakkuk 1 >