< Habakkuk 3 >

1 Yahweh, I have heard about you; I revere you because of [all the amazing] things that you have done. In our time, do again [some of] those things that you did long ago! Even when you are angry [with us], be merciful [to us]!
Íma Chabakkúk prófétától, sigjónót szerint.
Örökkévaló, hallottam híredet, megfélemlettem; Örökkévaló, művedet éveken belül szólítsd életre, éveken belül ismertesd meg; haragban irgalomra gondolj.
3 [In the vision, I saw] God, the Holy One, coming from the Teman [district in Edom]; [and I also saw] him coming from the Paran Hills [in the Sinai area]. His glory filled the sky, and the earth was full of [people who were] praising him.
Isten Témánból jön és a Szent Párán hegyéről. Széla. Beborította az eget a fensége és dicséretével megtelt a föld.
4 His glory was like [SIM] a sunrise; rays flashed from his hands where he hides his power.
Fény lészen mint a napvilág, sugarak az ő oldalán; és ott hatalmának rejteke.
5 He sent plagues in front of him, and [other] plagues came behind him.
Előtte jár dögvész, és forró láz indul ki nyomdokaiban.
6 When he stopped, the earth shook. When he looked at the nations, [all the people] trembled. The hills and mountains that have existed for a very long time [HYP] collapsed and crumbled. Yahweh is the one who exists eternally/forever!
Állt és meginogtatta a földet, nézett és felszöktette a nemzeteket; szétzúzódtak az örök hegyek, elsüllyedtek az őskorú halmok– ősrégi járatai vannak.
7 [In the vision] I saw the [people who live in] tents in the Cushan [region] being afflicted, and the people in the Midian [region] trembling.
Baj alatt láttam, Kúsán sátrait, reszketnek Midján országának kárpitjai.
8 Yahweh, was it because you were angry with the rivers and streams that you were angry with them? Did the seas cause you to be furious, with the result that you rode through them with horses that were pulling chariots that enabled you to defeat them?
Vajon folyamok ellen lobbant föl, oh Örökkévaló, avagy a folyamok ellen a haragod, avagy a tenger ellen a te haragvásod, midőn nyargalsz lovaidon, győzedelmes szekereiden?
9 [It was as though] you uncovered your bow, took arrows from your quiver, [and prepared to shoot them]. [Then with lightning] you split open the earth, and streams burst forth.
Meztelenre meztelenedik íjad, a megparancsolt hétszeres nyílvesszőkkel Széla – folyamokat hasít a föld.
10 [It is as though] the mountains saw you [doing that], and they trembled. Floods rushed by; [it was as though] the deep ocean roared and caused its waves to rise up high.
Megláttak téged, remegnek a hegyek, vizek zápora megáradt, a mélység hallatta hangját; magasba emelte kezeit.
11 The sun and moon stopped moving in the sky while your [lightning] flashed [past like] a swift arrow, and your glittering spear flashed.
Nap, hold megállt lakában, nyilaid világossága mellett járnak, villogó dárdád fénye mellett.
12 Being very angry [DOU], you walked across the earth and trampled the [armies of many] nations.
Fölindulással lépsz a földön, haragban taposod a nemzeteket.
13 But you [also] went to rescue us, your people, and to save the [king] (Or, [people]) whom you had chosen [MTY]. You struck down the leader [MTY] of those wicked people and stripped off his clothes, from his head to his feet.
Kivonultál segítségére népednek, segítségére fölkentednek. Lezúztad a csúcsot a gonosznak házáról, nyakig meztelenítve az alapot. Széla!
14 With his own spear you destroyed the leader of those soldiers who rushed like [SIM] a whirlwind to [attack and] scatter us, thinking that they could conquer us [Israelis] easily.
Átszúrtad nyílvesszőivel vezéreinek fejét: viharként jönnek szétszórni engem; ujjongásuk olyan, mint mikor megeszik a szegényt alattomban.
15 You walked through the sea with your horses [to destroy our enemies], and caused the waves to surge.
Lépdeltél a tengeren lovaiddal; nagy vizek tömegében.
16 When I saw that vision, my heart pounded and my lips quivered [because I became afraid]. My legs became weak and I shook, [because I was terrified]. But I will wait quietly for the people [of Babylonia], those who invaded our country, to experience disasters!
Hallottam, és reszketett a belsőm, a hírre megcsendültek ajkaim, rothadás jön csontjaimba; a helyemen reszketek, hogy nyugton várjak a szorongatás napjára, melynek jönnie kell a népre, mely ellen összecsődülnek.
17 [Therefore, ] even if there are no blossoms on the fig trees, and there are no grapes on the grapevines, and even if there are no olives growing on the olive trees, and there are no crops in the fields, and even if the flocks [of sheep and goats] die in the fields, and there are no cattle in the stalls/barns,
Mikor fügefa nem virágzik, és nincs termés a szőlőtőkön, cserben hagyott az olajfa gyümölcse, s a mezőség nem termett eleséget; elszakadt az akoltól a juh, és nincs marha az istállókban.
18 I will rejoice because [I know] Yahweh. I will be joyful because Yahweh my God is the one who saves me!
Én pedig az Örökkévalóban hadd ujjongok, hadd vigadok üdvöm Istenében.
19 Yahweh the Lord is the one who causes me to be strong; he enables me to climb [(safely/without falling)] in the [rocky] mountains, like [SIM] a deer does. (This message is for the choir director: [When this prayer is sung, it is to be accompanied by people playing] stringed instruments.)
Az Örökkévaló az Úr, én erőm, olyanná tette lábaimat, mint az őzek és magaslataimon lépdelnem enged. – A karmesternek hárfajátékomra.

< Habakkuk 3 >