< Genesis 9 >

1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “I want you to have many children who will live all over the earth.
Og Gud velsignede Noa og hans Sønner og sagde til dem: Vorder frugtbare og mangfoldige, og opfylder Jorden!
2 All the wild animals on the earth and all the birds, all the creatures that scurry across the ground, and all the fish, will be very afraid [DOU] of you. I have put them under your control.
Og Frygt for eder og Rædsel for eder skal være over alle vilde Dyr paa Jorden og over alle Fugle under Himmelen, over alt det, som kryber paa Jorden, og over alle Fiske i Havet, de skulle være givne i eders Hænder.
3 Just as I previously said you could eat green plants for food, now I am saying you can eat everything that lives and moves.
Alt det, som vrimler, som lever, skal være eder til Spise, ligesom grønne Urter har jeg givet eder alt dette.
4 [It is blood that causes creatures to be alive], therefore you must not eat meat that still has blood in it after the animal is killed. [After you have drained the blood out, you may cook it and eat it].
Dog Kød med Sjælen, med Blodet i, maa I ikke æde.
5 I insist that murderers must be executed. Animals that kill people must also be executed. The reason that everyone who murders someone else must be executed is that
Derimod eders Livs Blod vil jeg kræve, af alle Dyrs Haand vil jeg kræve det; og af Menneskenes Haand, af hvers Haand, endog af hans Broders, vil jeg kræve Menneskenes Sjæl.
6 I made people to be like myself [in many ways]. So someone who murders another human being must be executed by others, [because he killed someone who is like me].
Hvo som udøser Menneskenes Blod, ved Mennesket skal hans Blod udøses; thi i Guds Billede gjorde han Mennesket.
7 As for you, I want you to produce many children, in order that they and their descendants may live all over the earth.”
Og vorder frugtbare og mangfoldige, vrimler paa Jorden og vorder mangfoldige derpaa.
8 God also said to Noah and his sons,
Og Gud talede til Noa og til hans Sønner med ham og sagde:
9 “Listen carefully. I am now making a solemn promise to you and with your descendants,
Jeg, se, jeg opretter min Pagt med eder og med eders Afkom efter eder
10 and with all the living creatures that are with you—including the birds, the livestock, and the wild animals—every living creature on the earth that came out of the boat with you.
og med hver levende Sjæl, som er hos eder af Fugle, af Kvæg og af alle vilde Dyr paa Jorden hos eder, af alle dem, som gik ud ad Arken, af alle Dyr, som ere paa Jorden.
11 This is the promise that I am making to you: I will never again destroy all living creatures by a flood, or destroy everything else on the earth by a flood.”
Og jeg opretter min Pagt med eder, at herefter skal intet Kød ødelægges af Flodens Vande, og der skal ikke komme Vandflod herefter at fordærve Jorden.
12 Then God said to him, “This is the sign to guarantee that I will keep the promise that I am making to you and to all living creatures, a promise that I will keep forever:
Og Gud sagde: Dette er et Tegn paa den Pagt, som jeg gør imellem mig og imellem eder og imellem hver levende Sjæl, som er hos eder, til evig Tid.
13 [From time to time] I will put a rainbow in the sky. It will remind me of my promise that I have made to you and everything on the earth.
Jeg har sat min Bue i Skyen, og den skal være til en Pagtes Tegn imellem mig og imellem Jorden.
14 When I cause rain to fall from the clouds, and a rainbow appears in the sky,
Og det skal ske, naar jeg fører Skyen over Jorden, da skal Buen ses i Skyen.
15 it will remind me about the promise that I have made to you and all living creatures, my promise that there will never again be a flood that will destroy all living creatures.
Og jeg vil komme min Pagt i Hu, som er imellem mig og imellem eder og imellem alle levende Sjæle af alt Kød, at Vandene ikke mere skulle blive til en Flod, at fordærve alt Kød.
16 Whenever there is a rainbow in the sky, I will see it, and I will think about the promise that I have made to every living creature that is upon the earth, a promise that I will keep forever.”
Derfor skal Buen være i Skyen, og jeg vil se den for at ihukomme den evige Pagt imellem Gud og imellem alle levende Sjæle af alt Kød, som er paa Jorden.
17 Then God said to Noah, “The rainbow will be the sign of the promise that I have made to all the creatures that live on the earth.”
Og Gud sagde til Noa: Dette skal være et Tegn paa den Pagt, som jeg har oprettet imellem mig og imellem alt Kød, som er paa Jorden.
18 The sons of Noah who came out of the boat were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Ham later became the father of Canaan.
Og Noas Sønner, som gik ud ad Arken, vare Sem og Kam og Jafet; men Kam er Kanaans Fader.
19 All the people on the earth are descended from those three sons of Noah.
Disse tre ere Noas Sønner, og af disse blev hele Jorden befolket alle Vegne.
20 Noah was a farmer. He planted grapevines.
Men Noa begyndte at blive en Avlsmand og plantede en Vingaard.
21 [When they later produced grapes, he made wine from the grapes]. One day, when he drank too much of the wine, he became drunk, and he lay naked in his tent.
Og han drak af Vinen og blev drukken og blottede sig midt i sit Telt.
22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father lying naked in the tent. So he went outside and told his two older brothers what he had seen.
Der Kam, Kanaans Fader, saa sin Faders Blusel, forkyndte han begge sine Brødre det udenfor.
23 Then Shem and Japheth took a large cloth and placed it across their backs, and walked backwards into the tent. They covered their father’s naked body with the cloth. Their faces were turned away from their father, so they did not see him naked.
Da tog Sem og Jafet et Klæde og lagde det begge paa deres Skulder og gik baglæns og skjulte deres Faders Blusel; og deres Ansigter vare bortvendte, at de ikke saa deres Faders Blusel.
24 When Noah woke up [and was sober again], he found out how wrongfully Ham, his youngest son, had behaved toward him.
Og Noa vaagnede op af sin Vin og fik at vide, hvad hans yngste Søn havde gjort ham.
25 He said, “I am cursing Ham’s youngest son, Canaan, and his descendants. They will be like slaves to their uncles.
Da sagde han: Forbandet være Kanaan, han skal være Trælles Træl for sine Brødre!
26 I will ask God to enlarge the territory that belongs to Japheth, and allow his descendants to live peacefully among the descendants of Shem [MTY].
Og han sagde: Lovet være Herren, Sems Gud, og Kanaan skal være deres Træl!
27 And I desire that Canaan’s descendants will be like slaves of Japheth’s descendants.”
Gud udbrede Jafet, og han skal bo i Sems Pauluner, og Kanaan skal være deres Træl!
28 Noah lived 350 more years after the flood.
Og Noa levede efter Floden tre Hundrede Aar og halvtredsindstyve Aar.
29 He died when he was 950 years old.
Og alle Noas Dage vare ni Hundrede Aar og halvtredsindstyve Aar; og han døde.

< Genesis 9 >