< Genesis 8 >

1 But God (did not forget/thought) about Noah and all the wild animals and all the kinds of livestock that were with him in the boat. So one day God sent a wind to blow across the earth, and the wind caused the water [to begin] to recede.
Asi Mwari akarangarira Noa nemhuka dzose dzesango nezvipfuwo zvakanga zvinaye muareka, uye akatuma mhepo pamusoro penyika, uye mvura zhinji ikaserera.
2 God caused the water that was under the earth to stop bursting forth, and he caused the floodgates of water from the sky to close so that it stopped raining.
Zvino zvitubu zvepakadzika uye masuo amafashamu okudenga zvakanga zvazarirwa, uye mvura yakanga yaguma kunaya kubva kudenga.
3 The water on the earth gradually receded. 150 days after the flood began,
Mvura yakaserera zvishoma nezvishoma kubva panyika. Pakupera kwamazuva zana namakumi mashanu mvura yakanga yadzika,
4 (on the 17th day of the seventh month [of that year/late in March]), the boat came to rest on one of the mountains in the Ararat region.
uye pazuva regumi namanomwe romwedzi wechinomwe, areka yakagara pamakomo eArarati.
5 The water continued to recede until, on the first day of the tenth month [of that year], the tops of other mountains became visible.
Mvura yakaramba ichiserera kusvikira pamwedzi wegumi, uye pazuva rokutanga romwedzi wegumi misoro yamakomo yakatanga kuonekwa.
6 40 days later, Noah opened the window that he had made in the side of the boat, and sent out a raven.
Shure kwamazuva makumi mana, Noa akazarura windo raakanga aita muareka,
7 The raven flew back and forth [to and from the boat] until the water was completely gone.
uye akatuma gunguo, uye rakaramba richibhururuka kuno nokoko kusvikira mvura yapwa panyika.
8 Then Noah sent out a dove to find out if the water had all receded on the ground.
Ipapo akatuma njiva kuti aone kana mvura yakanga yaserera kubva pamusoro penyika.
9 But the dove did not find any place to perch, so it flew back to Noah in the boat, because there was still water all over the surface of the earth. So Noah reached out his hand and took the dove back inside the boat.
Asi njiva haina kuwana nzvimbo yokumhara nokuti mvura yakanga iri pose pose; saka yakadzokera kuna Noa muareka. Akatambanudza ruoko rwake akadzorera njiva muareka maaiva.
10 Noah waited seven more days. Then he sent the dove out of the boat again.
Akarindira kwamamwezve mazuva manomwe uye akabudisazve njiva muareka.
11 This time the dove returned to him in the evening and, [surprisingly], in its beak there was a leaf from an olive tree that the dove had just plucked. Then Noah knew that the water had truly receded from the surface of the ground.
Njiva yakati yadzokera kwaari panguva yamanheru, onei heyo mumuromo mayo yakaruma shizha nyoro rakatanhwa pamuorivhi! Ipapo Noa akaziva kuti mvura yakanga yaserera panyika.
12 Noah waited seven more days. Then he sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return to him.
Akamirirazve kwamamwe mazuva manomwe uye akabudisazve njiva, asi panguva iyi haina kuzodzoka kwaari.
13 Noah was now 601 years old. By the first day of the first month [of the Jewish year], the water had completely drained away from the ground. Noah removed the covering on top of the ark, and he was surprised to see that the surface of the ground was drying.
Pazuva rokutanga romwedzi wokutanga wegore ramazana matanhatu nerimwe aNoa, mvura yakanga yapwa panyika. Ipapo Noa akabvisa chifukidziro cheareka akaona kuti pamusoro penyika pakanga paoma.
14 By the 27th day of the next month, the ground was completely dry.
Pazuva ramakumi maviri namanomwe romwedzi wechipiri nyika yakanga yaoma kwazvo.
15 Then God said to Noah,
Ipapo Mwari akati kuna Noa,
16 “Leave the boat, along with your wife and your sons and their wives.
“Budai muareka, iwe nomukadzi wako navanakomana vako navakadzi vavo.
17 Bring out with you all the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that scurry across the ground, in order that they can spread all over the earth and become very numerous.”
Budisa mhando dzose dzezvisikwa zvipenyu zvaunazvo, shiri, mhuka nezvisikwa zvose zvinokambaira panyika, kuitira kuti zvibereke uye zvive zvizhinji pamusoro payo.”
18 So Noah left the boat, along with his wife and his sons and their wives.
Saka Noa akabuda, pamwe chete navanakomana vake nomukadzi wake uye navakadzi vavanakomana vake.
19 And every kind of creature, including all those that scurry across the ground, all the birds, every creature that moves on the earth, left the boat. They left the boat in groups of their own species.
Mhuka dzose nezvisikwa zvose zvinokambaira panyika neshiri dzose, zvinhu zvose zvinofamba panyika, zvakabuda muareka, rudzi ruchitevera rumwe.
20 Then Noah built a (stone altar/place for offering sacrifices) to Yahweh. Then he took some of the animals that Yahweh had said were acceptable as sacrifices and killed them. Then he burned them whole on the altar.
Ipapo Noa akavakira Jehovha aritari, uye akatora dzimwe dzemhuka dzose dzakanaka neshiri dzakanaka, akabayira zvipiriso zvinopiswa pamusoro payo.
21 When Yahweh smelled the pleasant odor, he was pleased with the sacrifice. Then he said to himself, “I will never again devastate everything on the earth because of the sinful things people do. Even though everything that people think is evil from the time they are young, I will not destroy all the living creatures again, as I did this time.
Jehovha akanzwa kunhuhwira kwakanaka akati mumwoyo make, “Handichazotukazve nyika nokuda kwomunhu, kunyange hazvo kufunga kwomwoyo wake kwakaipa kubva pakuberekwa kwake. Uye handichazoparadzazve zvisikwa zvipenyu zvose, sezvandakaita.
22 As long as the earth exists, each year there will be seasons for planting seeds and seasons for harvesting crops. Each year there will be times when it is cold and times when it is hot, summer and winter (OR, rainy season and dry season). Each day there will be daytime and nighttime.”
“Kana nyika ichingovapo, nguva dzokudyara nedzokukohwa, kutonhora nokupisa, zhizha nechando, masikati nousiku hazvingatongogumi.”

< Genesis 8 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark