< Genesis 7 >
1 Then Yahweh said to Noah, “I have seen that out of everyone who is now living, you alone always act righteously. So you and all your family go into the boat.
Kemudian TUHAN berkata kepada Nuh, “Aku melihat bahwa kamulah satu-satunya orang yang melakukan kehendak-Ku di zaman ini. Karena itu, masuklah ke kapal bersama seluruh keluargamu.
2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of animal that I have said I will accept for sacrifices. Take seven males and seven females. Also take a male and a female from every kind of animal that I have said that I will not accept for sacrifices.
Dari setiap jenis binatang yang layak dipersembahkan, bawalah tujuh pasang ke dalam kapal, yaitu tujuh jantan dan tujuh betina. Sedangkan dari setiap jenis binatang yang haram, bawalah satu pasang saja.
3 Also take seven pairs of every kind of bird from all over the earth to keep them alive.
Begitu juga dengan burung-burung, ambillah tujuh pasang dari setiap jenisnya. Dengan demikian, setiap jenis makhluk hidup tetap dapat berkembang biak sesudah banjir.
4 Do this because seven days from now I will cause rain to fall on the earth. It will rain constantly for 40 days and nights. By doing that, I will destroy everything that I have made that is on the earth.”
Tujuh hari lagi, Aku akan menurunkan hujan lebat di bumi selama empat puluh hari empat puluh malam. Aku akan memusnahkan segala makhluk hidup yang sudah Aku ciptakan di muka bumi.”
5 Noah did everything that Yahweh told him to do.
Lalu Nuh melakukan semua yang sudah diperintahkan TUHAN kepadanya.
6 Noah was 600 years old when the flood covered the earth.
Pada waktu banjir besar itu melanda bumi, Nuh berumur 600 tahun.
7 Before it started to rain, Noah and his wife and his sons went into the boat to escape from the flood water.
Untuk menyelamatkan diri dari banjir besar itu, Nuh masuk ke kapal bersama istrinya, ketiga putranya, dan ketiga menantunya.
8 Pairs of animals, those that God said that he would accept for sacrifices and those that he would not accept for sacrifices, and pairs of birds and pairs of all the kinds of creatures that move close to the ground,
Sesuai dengan yang sudah diperintahkan Allah kepada Nuh, segala jenis binatang yang halal dan yang haram, burung, serta binatang yang melata dan yang merayap datang kepada Nuh berpasang-pasangan untuk masuk ke kapal.
9 males and females, came to Noah and then went into the boat, just as God told Noah that they would do.
10 Seven days later, it started to rain and a flood began to cover the earth.
Tujuh hari kemudian, banjir besar pun datang ke atas bumi.
11 When Noah was 600 years old, (on the 17th day of the second month [of that year/late in October]), all the water that is under the surface of the earth burst forth, and it began to rain so hard that it was as though a dam [MET] in the sky burst open.
Sebulan setelah Nuh berumur 600 tahun, pada hari ketujuh belas bulan itu, semua mata air di bawah permukaan tanah tiba-tiba meluap, dan hujan turun begitu derasnya seakan semua pintu air yang ada di langit terbuka.
12 Rain fell on the earth constantly for 40 days and nights.
Hujan terus-menerus mengguyur bumi selama empat puluh hari dan empat puluh malam.
13 On the day that it started to rain, Noah went into the boat with his wife, and his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth and their wives.
Ketika hujan itu mulai turun, Nuh, istrinya, ketiga anaknya (Sem, Yafet, dan Ham), serta ketiga menantunya masuk ke dalam kapal.
14 They had already put in the boat some of every kind of wild animal and every kind of livestock and every kind of bird and every other creature that has wings.
Begitu juga segala jenis binatang liar, hewan ternak, burung-burung, hewan bersayap, binatang melata, dan binatang merayap,
15 Pairs of all animals came to Noah and entered the boat.
semuanya datang berpasang-pasangan dan masuk ke kapal itu bersama Nuh,
16 There was a male and a female of each animal that came to Noah, just as God had said they would do. After they were all in the boat, God shut the door.
yaitu seekor jantan dan seekor betina, seperti yang sudah Allah perintahkan kepada Nuh. Setelah semuanya masuk, TUHAN menutup pintu kapal itu.
17 It rained for 40 days and nights, and the flood increased. It flooded until the water lifted the boat above the ground.
Banjir yang merendam seluruh bumi terus bertambah tinggi selama empat puluh hari. Airnya semakin naik dan terus naik, sehingga kapal itu terangkat dan terapung-apung.
18 As he water rose higher and higher, the boat floated on the surface of the water.
19 The water rose all over the earth until it covered all the mountains.
Air itu kian bertambah tinggi hingga menutupi semua gunung, bahkan mencapai ketinggian sekitar tujuh meter di atas puncak gunung-gunung tertinggi di seluruh dunia.
20 Even the highest mountains were covered by more than (20 feet/6 meters) of water.
21 As a result, every living creature on the surface of the earth died. That included birds and livestock and wild animals and other creatures that scurry across the ground, and all the people.
Maka matilah semua makhluk hidup di permukaan bumi, termasuk burung, hewan ternak, binatang liar, binatang melata, binatang merayap, dan manusia.
22 On the land, (everything that breathed/every living thing) died.
23 God destroyed every living creature: People and animals and creatures that scurry across the ground and birds. Only Noah and those who were in the boat with him remained alive.
Demikianlah semua makhluk hidup dibinasakan, kecuali Nuh dan semua yang ikut bersamanya di dalam kapal.
24 The flood remained like that on the earth for 150 days.
Air itu menggenangi permukaan bumi selama 150 hari.