< Genesis 6 >
1 When people began to become very numerous all over the earth, and many daughters were born to them,
사람이 땅 위에 번성하기 시작할 때에 그들에게서 딸들이 나니
2 some of the men who (belonged to/believed in) God saw that some of the women who did not (belong to/believe in) God were very beautiful. So they took whichever ones they chose to become their wives.
하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들의 아름다움을 보고 자기들의 좋아하는 모든 자로 아내를 삼는지라
3 Then Yahweh said, “[I will] not [allow] my Spirit to keep people alive forever (OR, the breath of life will not remain in people forever). They will die eventually. They will live not more than 120 years before they die (OR, there will be only 120 more years before they die).”
여호와께서 가라사대 나의 신(神)이 영원히 사람과 함께하지 아니하리니 이는 그들이 육체가 됨이라 그러나 그들의 날은 일백 이십년이 되리라 하시니라
4 There were [giants called] Nephils who lived on the earth at that time and later. During that time [some of the Nephil] men who (belonged to/believed in) God had sex [EUP] with women who did not (belong to/believe in) God, and they gave birth to children. The Nephils were considered to be heroic fighters, and they became famous.
당시에 땅에 네피림이 있었고 그 후에도 하나님의 아들들이 사람의 딸들을 취하여 자식을 낳았으니 그들이 용사라 고대에 유명한 사람이었더라
5 Yahweh saw that people on the earth had become very wicked, and that everything they thought about evil things continually.
여호와께서 사람의 죄악이 세상에 관영함과 그 마음의 생각의 모든 계획이 항상 악할 뿐임을 보시고
6 Yahweh was sorry that he had made people.
땅위에 사람 지으셨음을 한탄하사 마음에 근심하시고
7 So he said, “I will completely destroy the people I made. I will also destroy all the animals and the creatures that scurry across the ground and the birds. None of them will remain on the earth, because I regret that I made them.”
가라사대 나의 창조한 사람을 내가 지면에서 쓸어 버리되 사람으로부터 육축과 기는 것과 공중의 새까지 그리하리니 이는 내가 그것을 지었음을 한탄함이니라 하시니라
8 But Yahweh was pleased with Noah.
그러나 노아는 여호와께 은혜를 입었더라
9 This is why: Noah was a man who always acted in a righteous way. No one who lived at that time could criticize him about anything. Noah lived in close fellowship with God.
노아의 사적은 이러하니라 노아는 의인이요 당세에 완전한 자라 그가 하나님과 동행하였으며
10 Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
그가 세 아들을 낳았으니 셈과, 함과, 야벳이라
11 At that time God considered that everyone else on earth was very wicked, and everywhere on the earth, people [MTY] were acting cruelly and violently toward each other.
때에 온 땅이 하나님 앞에 패괴하여 강포가 땅에 충만한지라
12 God was dismayed when he saw how evil people [MTY] were, because everyone (OR, all living creatures) had begun to behave in an evil way.
하나님이 보신즉 땅이 패괴하였으니 이는 땅에서 모든 혈육 있는 자의 행위가 패괴함이었더라
13 So God said to Noah, “I have decided to destroy everyone, because all over the earth people are acting violently toward each other. So I am about to get rid of them as well as everything else on the earth.
하나님이 노아에게 이르시되 모든 혈육있는 자의 강포가 땅에 가득하므로 그 끝날이 내 앞에 이르렀으니 내가 그들을 땅과 함께 멸하리라
14 [I want you to] make for yourself a large boat from cypress wood. Make rooms inside it. Cover the outside and the inside with tar [to make it (waterproof/so that water cannot get in and sink the boat]).
너는 잣나무로 너를 위하여 방주를 짓되 그 안에 간들을 막고 역청으로 그 안팎에 칠하라
15 This is the size you must make it: It shall be (150 yards/135 meters) long, (25 yards/22.5 meters) wide, and (15 yards/13.5 meters) high.
그 방주의 제도는 이러하니 장이 삼백 규빗, 광이 오십 규빗, 고가 삼십 규빗이며
16 Make a roof for the boat. Leave a space of about (18 in./.5 meter) between the sides and the roof to let air and light enter (OR, the middle of the roof should be 18 inches higher than the sides). Build the boat with three decks inside, and put a door in one side.
거기 창을 내되 위에서부터 한 규빗에 내고 그 문은 옆으로 내고 상 중 하 삼층으로 할지니라
17 Listen carefully! I am about to cause a flood to occur that will destroy every creature that lives beneath the sky. Everything on the earth will die.
내가 홍수를 땅에 일으켜 무릇 생명의 기식 있는 육체를 천하에서 멸절하리니 땅에 있는 자가 다 죽으리라
18 But I will make an agreement with you(sg): You and your wife, your sons and their wives will enter the boat.
그러나 너와는 내가 내 언약을 세우리니 너는 네 아들들과 네 아내와 네 자부들과 함께 그 방주로 들어가고
19 And I want to save some of all kinds of creatures. So you must also bring two of all living creatures, a male and a female, into the boat with you, so that their species also may remain alive.
혈육 있는 모든 생물을 너는 각기 암, 수 한쌍씩 방주로 이끌어 들여 너와 함께 생명을 보존케 하되
20 Two of every kind of creature will come to [in order that by your putting them in the boat] you will keep them alive. They will include two of each kind of bird and each kind of animal and each kind of creature that scurries across the ground.
새가 그 종류대로, 육축이 그 종류대로, 땅에 기는 모든 것이 그 종류대로, 각기 둘씩 네게로 나아오리니 그 생명을 보존케하라
21 You must also take some of every kind of food that you and all these animals will need, and store it in the boat.”
너는 먹을 모든 식물을 네게로 가져다가 저축하라 이것이 너와 그들의 식물이 되리라
22 So Noah did everything that God told him to do.
노아가 그와 같이 하되 하나님이 자기에게 명하신 대로 다 준행하였더라!