< Genesis 6 >

1 When people began to become very numerous all over the earth, and many daughters were born to them,
Mgbe ndị mmadụ bidoro mụbaa nʼụwa, mgbe a mụtakwaara ha ọtụtụ ụmụ ndị inyom,
2 some of the men who (belonged to/believed in) God saw that some of the women who did not (belong to/believe in) God were very beautiful. So they took whichever ones they chose to become their wives.
ka ụmụ ndị ikom Chineke bidoro ilekwasị ụmụ ndị inyom ndị mmadụ anya, hụ na ha mara mma. Ha duuru ndị inyom ọbụla masịrị ha ka ha bụrụ nwunye ha.
3 Then Yahweh said, “[I will] not [allow] my Spirit to keep people alive forever (OR, the breath of life will not remain in people forever). They will die eventually. They will live not more than 120 years before they die (OR, there will be only 120 more years before they die).”
Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị sịrị, “Mmụọ m na mmadụ agaghị anọgide nʼịgba mgba nʼime mmadụ ruo ebighị ebi, nʼihi na mmadụ efu ka ọ bụ. Ọnụọgụgụ ndụ ya ga-abụ narị afọ na iri afọ abụọ.”
4 There were [giants called] Nephils who lived on the earth at that time and later. During that time [some of the Nephil] men who (belonged to/believed in) God had sex [EUP] with women who did not (belong to/believe in) God, and they gave birth to children. The Nephils were considered to be heroic fighters, and they became famous.
Ndị Nefilim nọ nʼụwa nʼoge ahụ, ma nʼoge sotere ya mgbe ahụ, ụmụ ndị ikom Chineke na-abakwuru ndị inyom ụmụ mmadụ, site na mmekọrịta dị otu a mụọ ụmụ. Ndị a bụ ndị dike mgbe ochie ahụ, ndị a ma ama.
5 Yahweh saw that people on the earth had become very wicked, and that everything they thought about evil things continually.
Onyenwe anyị hụrụ otu ịba ụba nke ajọ omume mmadụ si dị ukwuu, hụkwa na echiche uche nke obi ya niile dị naanị nʼime ihe ọjọọ, mgbe niile.
6 Yahweh was sorry that he had made people.
O wutere Onyenwe anyị nke ukwuu na o kere mmadụ, mkpụrụobi ya jupụtakwara nʼihe mgbu.
7 So he said, “I will completely destroy the people I made. I will also destroy all the animals and the creatures that scurry across the ground and the birds. None of them will remain on the earth, because I regret that I made them.”
Nʼihi ya, Onyenwe anyị sịrị, “Aga m esi nʼụwa kpochapụ mmadụ niile m kere eke. E e, mmadụ na anụmanụ niile, na ihe e kere eke na-akpụgharị nʼelu ala, na anụ ufe niile. Nʼihi na o wutere m na m kere ha.”
8 But Yahweh was pleased with Noah.
Ma Noa nwetara ihuọma nʼanya Onyenwe anyị.
9 This is why: Noah was a man who always acted in a righteous way. No one who lived at that time could criticize him about anything. Noah lived in close fellowship with God.
Nke a bụ akụkọ banyere usoro ndụ Noa na ezinaụlọ ya. Noa bụ onye ezi omume. Onye na-enweghị ịta ụta ọbụla nʼetiti ndị bi nʼoge ya. O mere ihe nʼụzọ Chineke chọrọ ya.
10 Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Noa mụtara ụmụ ndị ikom atọ aha ha bụ, Shem, Ham, na Jafet.
11 At that time God considered that everyone else on earth was very wicked, and everywhere on the earth, people [MTY] were acting cruelly and violently toward each other.
Ma nʼanya Chineke, ụwa bụ ihe rụrụ arụ, jupụtakwa nʼihe ike.
12 God was dismayed when he saw how evil people [MTY] were, because everyone (OR, all living creatures) had begun to behave in an evil way.
Chineke hụrụ otu ụwa si jọgbuo onwe ya na njọ, hụkwa na ụmụ mmadụ bụ ndị ihe ọjọọ riri ahụ.
13 So God said to Noah, “I have decided to destroy everyone, because all over the earth people are acting violently toward each other. So I am about to get rid of them as well as everything else on the earth.
Chineke sịrị Noa, “Aga m ebibi ihe niile bụ mmadụ, nʼihi na ụwa jupụtara nʼihe ike nʼihi omume mmadụ. E e, aga m ebibi ụwa na ndị niile nọ nʼime ya.
14 [I want you to] make for yourself a large boat from cypress wood. Make rooms inside it. Cover the outside and the inside with tar [to make it (waterproof/so that water cannot get in and sink the boat]).
Ya mere, jiri osisi gofa wuore onwe gị ụgbọ mmiri. Rụnye ọtụtụ ọnụụlọ nʼime ya. Jiri korota techie elu ya na ime ya.
15 This is the size you must make it: It shall be (150 yards/135 meters) long, (25 yards/22.5 meters) wide, and (15 yards/13.5 meters) high.
Otu a ka i ga-esi wuo ya: mee ka ogologo ụgbọ mmiri ahụ dịrị narị mita na iri mita anọ, obosara ya dịrị iri mita abụọ na atọ, ịdị elu ya dịrị mita iri na atọ na ọkara.
16 Make a roof for the boat. Leave a space of about (18 in./.5 meter) between the sides and the roof to let air and light enter (OR, the middle of the roof should be 18 inches higher than the sides). Build the boat with three decks inside, and put a door in one side.
Meere ụgbọ mmiri ahụ ihe e ji ekpuchi elu ya. Mekwa oghere ga-adị ọkara mita site nʼebe ihe mkpuchi elu ụgbọ mmiri ahụ gbadata. Tinye ọnụ ụzọ nʼakụkụ ụgbọ mmiri ahụ, ma rụọkwa okpukpu nkwasa atọ, nke ala ala, nke etiti na nke elu elu.
17 Listen carefully! I am about to cause a flood to occur that will destroy every creature that lives beneath the sky. Everything on the earth will die.
Nʼihi na aga m eweta uju mmiri nʼụwa, ibibi ihe niile nwere ndụ dị nʼokpuru eluigwe. Ihe niile e kere eke na-eku ume ndụ ga-anwụ. Ihe niile nọ nʼụwa ga-ala nʼiyi.
18 But I will make an agreement with you(sg): You and your wife, your sons and their wives will enter the boat.
Ma aga m eme ka ọgbụgba ndụ m dịrị gị. Ị ga-abanye nʼụgbọ mmiri ahụ, gị na ụmụ gị ndị ikom, na nwunye gị, na ndị nwunye ụmụ gị ndị ikom.
19 And I want to save some of all kinds of creatures. So you must also bring two of all living creatures, a male and a female, into the boat with you, so that their species also may remain alive.
Ị ga-ewebata ihe niile e kere eke dị ndụ, abụọ abụọ, oke na nwunye, ichebe ha ndụ.
20 Two of every kind of creature will come to [in order that by your putting them in the boat] you will keep them alive. They will include two of each kind of bird and each kind of animal and each kind of creature that scurries across the ground.
Ụdị nnụnụ dị iche iche, abụọ abụọ, na ụdị anụmanụ ọbụla dị iche iche, na ụdị anụ na-akpụ akpụ dị iche iche, ga-abịakwute gị ka i debe ha ndụ.
21 You must also take some of every kind of food that you and all these animals will need, and store it in the boat.”
Ị ga-ewebata ụdị nri dị iche iche a na-eri eri, chịkọtaa ha ka ọ bụrụ nri nke gị na nke ha.”
22 So Noah did everything that God told him to do.
Noa mere ihe niile dịka Chineke nyere ya iwu ime.

< Genesis 6 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water