< Genesis 50 >

1 Joseph leaned close to his father’s face and cried over him and kissed him.
Dengan sangat sedih, Yusuf memeluk ayahnya dan mencium wajahnya sambil menangis.
2 Joseph commanded his servants who were morticians to (embalm his father’s body/put spices on his father’s body) to (preserve it/keep it from decaying), and then wrap it with strips of cloth.
Lalu Yusuf memberi perintah agar jenazah ayahnya diawetkan dengan wangi-wangian dari getah pohon. Perintah itu dikerjakan oleh orang-orang Mesir yang ahli dalam pengawetan jenazah.
3 So the morticians did that. It took 40 days to embalm Jacob’s body, because that is the amount of time that was always required for them to embalm a body. And the people of Egypt mourned for 70 days because of Jacob’s death.
Waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengerjakannya adalah empat puluh hari. Orang-orang Mesir berkabung untuk Yakub selama tujuh puluh hari.
4 When the time of mourning was finished, Joseph said to the king’s officials, “If you are pleased with me, please take this message to the king:
Setelah masa berkabung selesai, Yusuf berkata kepada para pegawai istana, “Kalau kalian bersedia membantu saya, tolong sampaikan pesan ini kepada raja,
5 ‘When my father was about to die, he told me to solemnly promise that I would bury his body in Canaan, in the tomb that he himself had prepared. So please let me go up to Canaan and bury my father’s body. Then I will return.’”
‘Sebelum ayah meninggal, dia meminta saya bersumpah untuk menguburkannya di makam yang sudah dia siapkan di negeri Kanaan. Mohon izinkan saya pergi ke sana untuk menguburnya. Setelah itu saya akan kembali.’”
6 After they gave the king the message, he replied, “Tell Joseph, ‘Go up and bury your father’s body, as you (swore/solemnly promised) that you would do.’”
Jawab raja, “Ya, tepatilah janjimu kepadanya. Pergilah menguburkan ayahmu.”
7 So Joseph went [up to Canaan] to bury his father’s body. All of the king’s officials, all the king’s advisors, and all the elders in Egypt went with him.
Maka Yusuf pergi menguburkan ayahnya. Semua pejabat kerajaan, tua-tua istana, dan para pejabat senior negeri Mesir juga ikut bersama dia.
8 His own family’s small children and their sheep and goats and their cattle stayed in the Goshen region. But all the rest of Joseph’s family and his [older] brothers [and younger brother] and his father’s family went with him.
Seluruh anggota keluarga Yusuf, saudara-saudaranya, dan segenap keluarga besar Yakub pergi bersamanya. Hanya anak-anak kecil dan kawanan ternak mereka yang tetap di Gosyen.
9 Men riding in chariots [MTY] and on horses also went along. It was a huge group.
Selain itu, ada juga pasukan berkereta dan berkuda yang ikut, sehingga rombongan itu menjadi sangat besar.
10 They went to the east side of the Jordan [River] and arrived at Atad. There was a place there where people (threshed/beat the grain to separate the wheat from the chaff.) There they mourned loudly for Jacob for a long time. Joseph performed mourning ceremonies for his father for seven days.
Sesudah mereka tiba di tempat pengirikan milik Atad yang terletak di seberang sungai Yordan, acara perkabungan selama tujuh hari dimulai. Acara itu diiringi dengan tangisan dan ratapan.
11 When the Canaan people-group who lived there saw them mourning like that, they said, “This is a sad mourning place for the people of Egypt!” So they named the place Abel-Mizraim, [which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean ‘mourning of the Egyptians].’
Ketika orang-orang Kanaan melihat acara perkabungan dan penguburan itu, mereka berkata, “Betapa dalamnya dukacita orang-orang Mesir itu!” Maka sejak saat itu, tempat tersebut dinamai Tempat Orang Mesir Berkabung.
12 Then Jacob’s sons did for him what their father had commanded.
Anak-anak Yakub pun melaksanakan pesan terakhir ayah mereka.
13 They [crossed the Jordan River and] carried Jacob’s body to Canaan. They buried it in the cave in the field at Machpelah, east of Mamre [town]. That was the field that Abraham had bought from Ephron, who was one of the Heth people-group, to use as a burial place.
Jenazah Yakub dibawa dan dikuburkan di gua yang ada di Makpela, dekat Hebron di Kanaan. Gua itu berada di ladang yang sudah dibeli Abraham dari Efron, orang Het. Abraham membelinya untuk dijadikan tempat peristirahatan terakhir keluarga mereka.
14 After he had buried his father, Joseph and his [older] brothers [and younger brother] and all the others who had gone up to Canaan with him for the funeral returned to Egypt.
Sesudah menguburkan Yakub, kembalilah Yusuf beserta saudara-saudaranya dan seluruh rombongan itu ke Mesir.
15 After Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers became worried. They realized what might happen. They said, “Suppose Joseph hates us and tries to get revenge for all the evil things that we did to him many years ago?”
Kini, setelah ayah mereka tiada, kakak-kakak Yusuf merasa takut terhadapnya. Kata mereka, “Bagaimana kalau Yusuf masih menyimpan dendam atas semua perbuatan jahat yang dulu kita lakukan kepadanya?”
16 So they sent someone to tell this to Joseph for them: “Before our father died, he told us this:
Maka mereka sepakat untuk mengirim permohonan kepada Yusuf, yang isinya, “Sebelum ayah meninggal,
17 ‘Say to Joseph, “Please forgive your [older] brothers for the evil thing that they did to you, for their terrible sin against you, because what they did to you was very wrong.”’ So now we, who are servants of your father’s God, ask you, please forgive us for what we did to you.” But Joseph just cried when he received their message.
dia memberi pesan untuk disampaikan kepadamu, katanya, ‘Maafkanlah semua perbuatan jahat yang pernah dilakukan saudara-saudaramu terhadapmu.’ Jadi kami, kakakmu— yang sama seperti engkau juga menyembah Allah yang disembah ayah kita— memohon agar engkau bersedia memaafkan kami.” Maka menangislah Yusuf ketika menerima pesan itu.
18 Then his [older] brothers themselves came and threw themselves on the ground in front of Joseph, and one of them said, “Please listen. We will just be your servants.”
Saudara-saudaranya datang dan bersujud di hadapan Yusuf untuk memohon belas kasihan sambil berkata, “Kami ini adalah hambamu.”
19 But Joseph replied to them, “Do not be afraid! [God is the one who punishes people]; (am I God?/I am not God!) [RHQ]
Jawab Yusuf kepada mereka, “Jangan takut! Aku tidak berhak untuk menghakimi kalian karena aku bukan Allah.
20 As for you, yes, you wanted to do something very evil to me. But God caused something good to come from it! He wanted to save many people from dying of hunger, and that is what happened! Today they are alive!
Dulu, kalian memang merencanakan hal yang jahat terhadapku. Tetapi sesungguhnya Allah memiliki rencana yang baik dalam kejadian itu, supaya banyak orang dapat diselamatkan, seperti yang sudah terjadi.
21 So I say [again], do not be afraid! I will make sure that you and your children have enough to eat.” In that way he reassured them and made made them feel much better.
Tidak ada yang perlu kalian takuti. Aku akan mencukupi kebutuhan kalian dan anak-anak kalian.” Demikianlah Yusuf menenangkan hati mereka.
22 Joseph lived with his father’s family in Egypt until he was 110 years old.
Yusuf dan saudara-saudaranya bersama keluarga mereka tetap tinggal di Mesir. Yusuf meninggal pada usia 110 tahun.
23 He lived long enough to see Ephraim’s children and grandchildren. The children of Joseph’s grandson Machir, who was Manasseh’s son, were born before Joseph died, and were adopted by Joseph to be his own children [IDM].
Sebelum meninggal, Yusuf sempat melihat anak dan cucu Efraim, juga cicitnya dari Makir, anak Manasye. Mereka diangkat oleh Yusuf sebagai anak dan menerima warisan darinya.
24 One day Joseph said to his [older] brothers, “I am about to die. But God will certainly (help/take care of) you. And [some day] he will lead your [descendants] up out of this land and take them to Canaan, the land that he solemnly promised to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”
Yusuf berkata kepada saudara-saudaranya, “Kematianku sudah dekat, tetapi Allah akan menyertai kalian dan memimpin kalian keluar dari Mesir untuk kembali ke tanah yang sudah dijanjikan-Nya kepada Abraham, Isak, dan Yakub.
25 Then Joseph said, “When God enables you to do that, you must take my body back to Canaan.” He made his older brothers solemnly promise to do that.
“Jadi, aku mohon agar kalian bersumpah bahwa ketika Allah membawa kalian keluar dari Mesir untuk kembali ke Kanaan, kalian harus membawa tulang-tulangku untuk dikuburkan di sana.”
26 So Joseph died in Egypt when he was 110 years old. His body was embalmed and put in a coffin there.
Yusuf meninggal pada usia 110 tahun. Lalu jenazahnya diawetkan dan disimpan di Mesir dalam peti.

< Genesis 50 >