< Genesis 49 >

1 Jacob summoned all his sons, and said to them,
야곱이 그 아들들을 불러 이르되 너희는 모이라 너희의 후일에 당할 일을 내가 너희에게 이르리라
2 “Gather around me in order that I can tell you what will happen in the future. My sons, come and listen to me. I am your father, [Jacob, whom God named] Israel.
너희는 모여 들으라 야곱의 아들들아 너희 아비 이스라엘에게 들을지어다
3 Reuben, you are my oldest son. You were born when I was young and energetic/strong. You are prouder and stronger than all the rest of my sons.
르우벤아 너는 내 장자요 나의 능력이요 나의 기력의 시작이라 위광이 초등하고 권능이 탁월하도다마는
4 But you were as uncontrollable as a flood [SIM]. So now you will not be my most important son, because you climbed up onto my bed, and had sex with [MTY] my (concubine/slave who had become one of my wives). Your doing that caused me, your father, to have great shame.
물의 끓음 같았은즉 너는 탁월치 못하리니 네가 아비의 침상에 올라 더럽혔음이로다 그가 내 침상에 올랐었도다
5 Simeon and Levi, you have both acted like criminals. You use your swords to act violently.
시므온과 레위는 형제요 그들의 칼은 잔해하는 기계로다
6 I do not want to be with you when you make evil plans [DOU]. I do not want to join you in your meetings, because you killed people when you became very angry, and you (hamstrung/cut the tendons in the legs of) oxen just to (have fun/see them suffer).
내 혼아 그들의 모의에 상관하지 말지어다 내 영광아 그들의 집회에 참여하지 말지어다 그들이 그 분노대로 사람을 죽이고 그 혈기대로 소의 발목 힘줄을 끊었음이로다
7 God says, ‘I will (curse/cause bad things to happen to) them for being very angry, for acting very cruelly when they were very furious. I will scatter their descendants [MTY] throughout Israel land.’
그 노염이 혹독하니 저주를 받을 것이요 분기가 맹렬하니 저주를 받을 것이라 내가 그들을 야곱 중에서 나누며 이스라엘 중에서 흩으리로다
8 Judah, your [older and younger] brothers will praise you. They will bow down before you, because you will thoroughly defeat [MTY] your enemies.
유다야 너는 네 형제의 찬송이 될지라 네 손이 네 원수의 목을 잡을 것이요 네 아비의 아들들이 네 앞에 절하리로다
9 Judah is like a young lion [SIM] that has returned to its den satisfied after eating the animals that it has killed. He is like a lion that lies down and stretches out after eating; no one would dare to disturb it [RHQ].
유다는 사자 새끼로다 내 아들아 너는 움킨 것을 찢고 올라 갔도다 그의 엎드리고 웅크림이 수사자 같고 암사자 같으니 누가 그를 범할 수 있으랴
10 There will always be a ruler [MTY] from the descendants of Judah [MTY]. Each one will hold a scepter/staff to show that he has authority as a king. He will do that until the one to whom the scepter belongs comes, the one to whom the nations will bring tribute and show that they will obey him.
홀이 유다를 떠나지 아니하며 치리자의 지팡이가 그 발 사이에서 떠나지 아니하시기를 실로가 오시기까지 미치리니 그에게 모든 백성이 복종하리로다
11 The grapevines of Judah’s descendants will produce grapes very abundantly. As a result, they will not object to tying their young donkeys to the grapevines in order that the donkeys can eat the leaves of the grapevines. [Wine will be very plentiful, with the result that] they could wash their cloaks in wine that is as red as blood [MET].
그의 나귀를 포도나무에 매며 그 암나귀 새끼를 아름다운 포도나무에 맬 것이며 또 그 옷을 포도주에 빨며 그 복장을 포도즙에 빨리로다
12 Their eyes will be red because of [drinking too much] wine, but their teeth will be very white because of drinking much milk [from the cows].
그 눈은 포도주로 인하여 붉겠고 그 이는 우유로 인하여 희리로다
13 Zebulun, your descendants will live by the seashore where there will be a safe harbor for ships. Their land will extend north as far as Sidon [city].
스불론은 해변에 거하리니 그곳은 배 매는 해변이라 그 지경이 시돈까지리로다
14 Issachar, your descendants will be like strong donkeys that are lying down on the ground between their loads, [so tired that they cannot get up]!
잇사갈은 양의 우리 사이에 꿇어 앉은 건장한 나귀로다
15 They will see that their resting place is good, and that the land pleases them very much. But they will bend their backs to carry heavy loads and be forced to work for others.
그는 쉴 곳을 보고 좋게 여기며 토지를 보고 아름답게 여기고 어깨를 내려 짐을 메고 압제 아래서 섬기리로다
16 Dan, although your tribe will be small, their leaders will rule their people just like the leaders of other tribes of Israel will rule their people.
단은 이스라엘의 한 지파 같이 그 백성을 심판하리로다
17 Your descendants will be like snakes at the side of a road, like poisonous snakes lying beside a path. They will strike the heels of horses that pass by, causing the riders to fall backwards [as the horses rear up on their hind legs].”
단은 길의 뱀이요 첩경의 독사리로다 말굽을 물어서 그 탄 자로 뒤로 떨어지게 하리로다
18 Then Jacob prayed, “Yahweh, I am waiting for you to rescue me [from my enemies].”
여호와여 나는 주의 구원을 기다리나이다
19 [Then Jacob continued telling his sons what would happen in the future. He said], “Gad, your tribe/descendants will be attacked by a group of bandits, but your tribe/descendants will pursue and attack them [MTY].
갓은 군대의 박격을 받으나 도리어 그 뒤를 추격하리로다
20 Asher, your descendants will eat good-tasting food; they will produce food that is delicious enough for kings to eat.
아셀에게서 나는 식물은 기름진 것이라 그가 왕의 진수를 공궤하리로다
21 Naphtali, your descendants will be like deer [MET] that are (free to/not tied down and can) run wherever they wish. They will give birth to children who are good-looking like (fawns/baby deer) [MET].
납달리는 놓인 암사슴이라 아름다운 소리를 발하는도다
22 Joseph, you will have many descendants [MET]. Their children will be as many as the fruit on a vine near a spring of water, whose branches extend over a wall.
요셉은 무성한 가지 곧 샘 곁의 무성한 가지라 그 가지가 담을 넘었도다
23 Their enemies will attack them fiercely, and shoot at them with bows and arrows and pursue them.
활쏘는 자가 그를 학대하며 그를 쏘며 그를 군박하였으나
24 But they will hold their bows steady and their arms will remain strong, because of the power [MTY] of my mighty God, because of Yahweh who guides and provides for me [MET] like a shepherd guides and provides for his sheep. The people of Israel will [ask Yahweh to protect them], [like people hide under] a huge [overhanging] to be protected.
요셉의 활이 도리어 견강하며 그의 팔이 힘이 있으니 야곱의 전능자의 손을 힘입음이라 그로부터 이스라엘의 반석인 목자가 나도다
25 God, the one whom I worship, will help your descendants. God Almighty will bless them by sending them rain from the sky and by giving them water from deep/far below the ground. He will give them many cattle and children [MET] (OR, and their cattle will have many offspring).
네 아비의 하나님께로 말미암나니 그가 너를 도우실 것이요 전능자로 말미암나니 그가 네게 복을 주실 것이라 위로 하늘의 복과 아래로 원천의 복과 젖먹이는 복과 태의 복이리로다
26 The blessings that I want God to give you are great ones. They are greater than the blessings that come from the eternal mountains, greater than the ones that come from the everlasting hills. Joseph, I pray that these blessings will (be given to you/come upon your head), because you are the leader of your [older] brothers [and younger brother].
네 아비의 축복이 내 부여조의 축복보다 나아서 영원한 산이 한 없음 같이 이 축복이 요셉의 머리로 돌아오며 그 형제 중 뛰어난 자의 정수리로 돌아오리로다
27 Benjamin, your descendants will be like [MET] vicious/fierce wolves: In the morning they will kill their enemies like a wolf devours (its prey/the animals that it has killed), and in the evening they will divide among their warriors the spoils that they seized from their enemies.”
베냐민은 물어 뜯는 이리라 아침에는 빼앗은 것을 먹고 저녁에는 움킨 것을 나누리로다
28 Those twelve sons are the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel. That is what their father said to them as he blessed them, telling to each one words that were appropriate for him.
이들은 이스라엘의 십이 지파라 이와 같이 그 아비가 그들에게 말하고 그들에게 축복하였으되 곧 그들 각인의 분량대로 축복하였더라
29 Then Jacob said to his sons, “I will soon die. Bury my body where some of my ancestors are buried, in the cave that is in the field that was bought from Ephron, who belonged to the Heth people-group.
그가 그들에게 명하여 가로되 내가 내 열조에게로 돌아가리니 나를 헷 사람 에브론의 밭에 있는 굴에 우리 부여조와 함께 장사하라
30 That field is in the Machpelah area, east of Mamre [town], in Canaan. My grandfather Abraham bought it from Ephron to use as a burial place.
이 굴은 가나안 땅 마므레 앞 막벨라 밭에 있는 것이라 아브라함이 헷 사람 에브론에게서 밭과 함께 사서 그 소유 매장지를 삼았으므로
31 That is where they buried him and his wife Sarah. That is where they buried my father Isaac and his wife Rebekah. And that is where I buried my wife Leah.
아브라함과 그 아내 사라가 거기 장사되었고 이삭과 그 아내 리브가도 거기 장사되었으며 나도 레아를 그곳에 장사하였노라
32 That field and the cave in it were bought from the Heth people-group; so that is where I want you to bury me.”
이 밭과 거기 있는 굴은 헷 사람에게서 산 것이니라
33 When Jacob finished giving those instructions to his sons, he lay down on his bed again. Then he died [IDM].
야곱이 아들에게 명하기를 마치고 그 발을 침상에 거두고 기운이 진하여 그 열조에게로 돌아갔더라

< Genesis 49 >